Baskalci 1
81 (a) izdàde se mlekòtu mlekòtu nә xòrәtә se izdàde pòsle si i rәzlàčvәt
The milk gets distributed to people, and then they separate out [the sheep].
82 (a) sèkoj si zìmә nèguvite kòj kàk si i i gledàl
Each takes his own, whoever had looked after which ones
83 (a) glèda si i cèlu lètu sobìrәt sènu [unclear]
They look after them all summer, gather hay [for them]
84 (a) às ə kәtu saà vèke cèlu lèto sobirà:me sèno
Like now, already we’ve gathered hay throughout the whole summer.
85 (a) sәbirà:me štà šùmә dàbuva dәbìci znàči ìmә kurìi
We’ve been gathering oak leaves, oak branches – there are groves, you know.
86 (a) sèkoj ke zәgràdi si prez zimàtә ufčàru si e ufčàr
Each one fences off [an area] in the winter. That’s what shepherds do,
87 (a) rәbutnìcite kòj e vәzmòžen dè kòj kòj mòže dә glèdә
workers, whoever is able, whoever can look after them.
Brŭšljan 1
17 (a) i gi pùštəhne nə pàš'e predìmnu tùkə se se dəržɤ̀t dərž'àə ž'ivòtnite
And [then] we let them out to graze. Here the animals were mostly kept
18 (a) nə nə pàš'e i bène trìmə dùš'i rəbòtnici edìnijət ustàvəš'e pri àgneətə
out in the pasture. There were three of us workers. One stayed with the lambs,
19 (a) drùgijət ustàvəš'e zəbìrəš'e ednɤ̀tə surìjə ufc'è nə dv'à surìi gi del'ɛ̀ne
another drove one herd of sheep – we separated the sheep into two herds –
20 (a) drùgijəd drùgətə surìjə ednò puč'ìstvəš'e kuš'àrətə tàm
and the other, the other herd. One was cleaning out the sheep pen there
Dolna Sekirna 2
114 (a) pàso im òvce kràve govèda i ə tàja čorbadžìjkata umèsi zèlnik
I pastured their sheep, cows, cattle, and this rich woman made a “zelnik” (pie).
Drjanovec 2
35 (a) bɤštà i nɤ bùlkata i mòjt’ә̟ bràt’a l’àtnu wrèmi sɤbìrɤt bylỳc’t’ȅ
The girl’s father and my brothers [work together] in the summer herding animals –
36 (a) nògutu uc’è kàzvɤmi b’yl’ùk
when there’s a lot of sheep, we call it a “herd” –
38 (a) i ə sɤbìrɤd gi u kɤ̀ro nɤ n’ìvata tàm spɤ̀t
So they herd them up at the pasture in the field – they sleep there,
39 (a) tàm dujɤ̀t s mɤgàr:tȁ nòsɤt ml’àku̥tȕ tɤkòstu s’è sɤ nɤjnò
they milk them there and bring the milk back on donkeyback – they do everything together.
Eremija 5
35 (c) ofčàr kopàr gradìna sàdim kòpaj lòze što tì dòe
a shepherd! A hoer! I plant the garden, dig the vineyard, whatever comes up –
Gela 1
10 (a) ut kòlku gòdɤn pu kàrlak pud vɤ̀rhə
How many years [have you been going] about Karlak right up to the summit?
11 (a) gà se iz izrìkaše̥ s ufcète tùvə sìn be čùt
When he shouted out with the sheep, it could be heard [down] here.
14 (a) ò tò dvàes pèd gudᶤìni sàmu po vɔ̀rhə tùka bìl
Oh, for twenty-five years now, he’s been only up here on the summit
16 (a) s ufcète i tugàva pòvn'am tərčɛ̀hme gà pùsneš ufcène nasàm
with the sheep. I remember back then how we’d run when he let the sheep out for home,
17 (a) è esèj po vɔ̀rhə də minɔ̀t i tò kat sa izvᶤìkaše
and when they’d go past the summit, he’d shout out,
18 (a) i gu čùe cɛ̀lu gelà gu slùšəš če e utšɤ̀l esèj
and all of Gela could hear him. You hear that he’s gone there.
22 (PSh) sèki razlìčno tì kojà godìna si stànal čobànin
Everyone’s different. What year did you become a shepherd?
23 (b) às ud dèvəd gudᶤìnɨ səm trɤ̀gnəl
I started [doing it] when I was nine years old.
24 (a) òdil iz belumòrietu i
He went all around the Aegean region and –
25 (PSh) dèvɤdgodìšen
Nine years old!
26 (a) nə dèvɤd gudᶤìni hòdɤl vəv belumòrietu s òfci təkà pək ezgà
When he was nine he went with the sheep in the Aegean region but now ...
31 (a) pək nɛ̀e hòd'ət
Others, though [still] go out …
33 (a) s ufcène em nəlì si e nè zgà
… with the sheep. Isn’t that how it is now?
Gela 3
42 (c) i pruletɤ̀ əma sɤ pàslɤ pu kɤ̀rɤ pu baìretu
And in the spring they were [taken out to] graze in the fields, in the hills,
Gorna Krušica 2
35 (c) pri baštà mi sè kozàrka i ofčàrka
I was always [working] for my father as a goatherdess and shepherdess.
36 (c) kòzi i òfce da pasèš i dèca da vàrdiš
You [need] to pasture the goats and sheep, and to watch the kids –
Gorna Krušica 3
50 (c) è tàm na balkàno kolìbata baštà mi me ostài tàm noštèska
My father would leave me there at night, way up in the mountain hut
51 (c) da sàm pri ofcìte da i pàza
to stay with the sheep and watch over them.
Gorno Vŭršilo 1
20 (a) mi òfci magàreta svìne kukòški ofčàrka bex dodè zaprèx
Sheep, donkeys, pigs, chickens. I was a shepherdess until I quit [work].
21 (a) sè s ofcìte ìdex magàretata sa u sinà i segɤ̀ dvɛ̀ magàreta
I was always going out with the sheep. The donkeys are at my son’s. Two donkeys now.
Gorno Vŭršilo 2
42 (b) càl dvàese godìni gi pàso:me doì:me jàgneta gledà:me ranì:me gi
all– for 20 years we pastured them, we milked them, we looked after the lambs, fed them,
102 (a) utᵊ bəlkànskite nàšte òfci
from our Balkan sheep [here].
103 (MM) dà dà vìe ìmaxte òfci taka li
Yes, yes. So you kept sheep, right?
104 (a) ìməhme dà
We did, yes.
105 (MM) kòj gi čùvaše
Who took care of them?
106 (a) mi mi i jàs sɤm udìlə s tèh
Well, I was the one to go out [to pasture] with them.
108 (a) i ìmah bràt predì mène sus nègu zàednu òdehme
And I have an older brother; he and I went out together [with the sheep].
109 (a) stò i dvàjse ufcì ìməhmè i i usemdesè kuzì
We had one hundred twenty sheep and eighty goats.
Iskrica 3
7 (c) pəsè ufcèti i às kətu si vɤ̀rnə ud učìlištu kətu rɤ̀t
pastured the sheep. And when I got back from school it was my turn
8 (c) òdim də zəbìrəme̝ mərìti màjkiti nə àgneàta də sùčət tugàə təkà bèši̥
to go [help] gather up the ewes, the mothers of suckling lambs. That’s how it was then.
9 (c) ni gì čàkəə t’àh večertɤ̀ də si dòət əmi è po obət
They didn’t wait till evening for [the ewes] to come, rather it was in the afternoon,
10 (c) dvà trì čəsɤ̀ tr’àvə si dòət àgneàtə də ne uglədn’àvət mnògu
around two or three o’clock that they must come, so the lambs wouldn’t get too hungry.
11 (c) pribirèm gi səs dukàrəme gi du sèlu sàmu màjkiti kətu sùčət àgneatə
We collect them, and drive them to the village – just the mothers that are suckling lambs.
12 (c) i posle gi iskàrvəme pək tàm du pul’ànətə du du s’èlutu ni s
Then we take them back to the meadow near our village –
13 (c) kràjə živèem nə s’èloto iskàrəme i tàm pəsɤ̀t jàgəncàtə i màjkiti m
we live at the edge of the village – and the lambs graze together with their mothers.
14 (c) pəsɤ̀t dukət sə stɤ̀mni i kətu dòət drùgiti i sə pribìrəmi
They graze until it gets dark, and when the others come we [all] go home.
19 (c) nè sàmu ufcèti sìčki živòtni gi ubìčəh mnògu i pòčna:
I liked not only sheep but all animals, a lot. And I began
20 (c) də pəsɤ̀ òfci pəsɛ̀h nàšti i nə kumšìiti tàm n’àkui drùgi
to pasture sheep. I pastured ours, and the neighbor’s, and those of some others.
21 (c) də də ne sɤ̀ sàmu s nàšti dè i s pəs’àhme gi
Not just ours then. So we pastured them.
82 (c) è kətu puràsnət àgəncàtə vèče zə ufc’èti gi iskàrvəme vèči
When the lambs start to grow, we take the sheep up on their own
83 (c) nə nòšnu vrèmi də gi pəsèm àgneàtə gi udlɤ̀čim i gi udbìvəme̝
to pasture them at night. We separate the lambs from them, and wean them
86 (c) i ufcèti òde:me nòšnu vrèmi də gi pəsèm tugàə
And back then, we’d take the sheep to pasture them during the night.
87 (c) slɤ̀ncetu zàjduvə nìe gi iskàrvəme
The sun goes down, and off we go with them.
88 (KK) c’àla vèčer
All night.
89 (c) c’àlə vèčer du səbà:ləm səbà:ləm nəpečè li slɤ̀ncitu tè tr’àvə sə pribìrət
All night, up to morning. In the morning when the sun gets strong they must return
90 (c) vəf kušàrətə pàg gi izduìm i nìe l’àgəme də spìm
to the sheepfold. We milk them again, and then we lie down to sleep.
91 (c) i t’è ležɤ̀t c’àl dèn i drùgətə vèčir pàk sɤ̀štə ràbut
They lie there all day, and then the next evening the same thing
92 (c) sə puftàr’ə dè təkà si gi pəs’àhme̝ ufcèti tugàə n’àməši kət sià
happens again. That’s how we pastured them then. Not like now,
93 (c) priz denɤ̀ də gi pəsɤ̀t tugàə vèčer sàmu vèčer
when they pasture them during the day. Back then only at night.
94 (c) pičè li slɤ̀nci ufcà ni pəsèš
If the sun is strong, you don’t pasture the sheep.
99 (c) kətu im didèm du vičirtɤ̀ ni gì pùskəme də pəsɤ̀t
When we give them these pills, we don’t let them out at night to graze.
100 (c) nəprìmer dn’èskə sutrintɤ̀ dədèm xàpuviti du vičirtɤ̀ ne gì pùskəme də pəsɤ̀t
For instance if we give them the pills this morning, this evening we don’t let them out.
Rajanovci 1
51 (a) bàba mi gi e pàsla a jà sɤm odìla
My grandmother pastured them, and I went
55 (a) i tekà sɤm pàsla jàgɤnci pòsle sɤm pàsla govèdata
And so I pastured lambs. After that I pastured livestock,
Repljana 1
81 (a) pa si tàm è dèda mi səs ofcète tàm
So there was my grandfather with the sheep, [up] there
82 (a) na košàrata si na livàdutu tṛl’àk pa si ìdemo pri n’ì
at his summer pasture, at the pen in the meadow. And we’d go up to them,
96 (a) kat izlèzne dòjde džùrdžovden onì gi iskàru iz livàdete
when St. George’s day came, they take [sheep] from the meadows,
97 (a) zavàrde blàguvesti vàrde livàdete za sèno
to keep it – [from] Annunciation [onwards] keep the meadows free for hay.
98 (a) àjde kudè nèma livàde pokràj glàmete ednì napraìli tṛl’àci
But in stony spots where there are no meadows, some have made sheep pens;
99 (a) ednì pa napraìli gòre po kràištata na nə livàdete
others have made [them] up at the edges of – of the meadows.
100 (a) izlèznemo od blàgovesti tàm nò jàganci se izjagnìle òvce
We go there at Annunciation, to the lambs, the sheep having given birth,
101 (a) jàganci òvce tàm gi pasù àjde bàba i dèda
up where they’re pasturing the sheep and lambs. And Grandma and Grandpa
102 (a) pàk tàm na košàrutu jà bàba mi
are up there again the summer pen. And I – Granny said to me,
212 (a) a bè nò trèbe gi napasèš ta da mḷzèş
Well, you have to pasture them if you’re going to milk them!
Stikŭl 2
126 (a) ufcène rəzlɔ̀čət sɛ̀k si gi pəsè
they separate [their] sheep [from the common herd], and each pastures his own.
127 (a) budnɔ̀š hi zberɔ̀t ə gi pəsɔ̀t nə sərɔ̀
Sometimes they put them together and [each owner] takes turns pasturing them.
Vŭrbina 1
13 (a) ufcìn’e gi gl’ɤ̀dəme ufč’ɛ̀r’ fàt’əhme tə ni gi pəs’è
We keep sheep. We took on a shepherd [who] takes them out to pasture for us
14 (a) i dukàrvə gi f pòdnikən i lìst’enici̥ skəlàvəhme ut dəbìenu lìst’e
and brings them back to the cellar [where] we’ve piled up oak leaves
15 (a) nəkàstrenu nə lìsnici i hrànehme gi enèj i pəs’è n gi ufč’ɛ̀r’
[and other] leaf cuttings. We fed them that way, and the shepherd takes them to graze
16 (a) pu pu gòr’e lès uttùkə nəgòr’e sɛ̀kəd’e
up above Les, to all the places up in the hills around here.
22 (a) i bubàjkunu si mi be ufčɛ̀r’ si im’è i i kulìbə si im’èhme
My father was a shepherd and had – we had our own [summer pasture] hut.
23 (a) i tə i sme n’è ejtùvə gl’ɤ̀dəli tò ejtùvə ne mòž’e fəf s’è̝lusu
We didn’t keep [the sheep] here: you can’t do it here in the village.
24 (a) èj dəl’è̝č’e nə kul’ìbə ədìn səhàt’ pʌ̀t’
[You have to go] far off in the summer pasture hut, an hour’s [walk] away.
25 (a) i tàm gi gl’èdəhme f kulìbənə
That’s where we kept them, in the summer hut.
Vŭrbina 4
76 (d) prez l’ètutu sàmu duìne i ufcète i kàrəme i nə pàše
During the summer we only milk the sheep and take them to pasture;