Vŭrbina 1

Commentary on the text: 

When the investigator’s words are transcribed in brackets, it means they do not appear on the audio but are rather reconstructed to recreate the sense of the original conversation. These words appear in English translation only in Glossed View, in both English and Bulgarian in Line View, and in Bulgarian only in Cyrillic Line View

1 (VZh)       And what do you do at the threshing floor?

threshing.floor sg m def
what sg n interr
do 2pl pres I

2 (a) [0:02]      At the threshing floor we make sheaves. Sheaves – and we made them

threshing.floor sg m def dist again adv
acc m 3sg clt
make 1pl pres I sheaf pl m sheaf pl m
make 1pl impf I
acc m 3sg clt
pile pl f

3 (a) [0:06]      into small piles and they dry, and then thresh it with hinnies.

dry 3sg pres P
then med adv
acc m 3sg clt
again adv with
hinny pl m
acc sg n 3sg
thresh 1pl pres I

4 (a) [0:12]      We thresh the wheat and [what] remains is straw. And down below

thresh 1pl pres I wheat sg f def dist
remain 3sg pres I straw sg f
below adv

5 (a) [0:18]      the wheat is there on the threshing floor.

grain sg n def dist remain 3sg pres I
threshing.floor sg m def

6 (VZh)       [Say that again?]

7 (a) [0:22]      OK, I will. So – when they take out [what needs to be threshed], the mules thresh it.

fut say 1sg pres I
threshing.floor sg m def when inter.rel
acc m 3sg clt
extract 3pl pres P thresh 3pl pres P
acc m 3sg clt
mule pl n def dist

8 (a) [0:26]      And then we push the straw over to one side

then med adv
acc m 3sg clt
push 1pl pres P straw sg f def dist
one sg m adj end sg m

9 (a) [0:28]      and we sweep the wheat into a pile. [Then] we have these sieves, like the ones

wheat sg f def dist sweep 1pl pres P
pile sg m
have 1pl pres I
dat refl clt
sieve pl n like med sieve sg n

10 (a) [0:32]      where you sift flour, and then we lift it up, we lift up the chaff

rel prox pour 3pl pres P flour sg n
acc n 3sg clt
raise 1pl pres P
raise 1pl pres P chaff sg f def dist

11 (a) [0:36]      and that’s how – that’s how we’ve winnowed it [all].

thus dist adv thus dist adv
acc n 3sg clt
1pl pres aux clt
winnow pl L.part I

12 (VZh)       [Did you keep sheep?]

13 (a) [0:39]      We keep sheep. We took on a shepherd [who] takes them out to pasture for us

sheep pl f def dist
acc 3pl
look 1pl pres I shepherd sg m catch 1pl impf I
dat 1pl clt
acc 3pl clt
pasture 3sg pres I

14 (a) [0:42]      and brings them back to the cellar [where] we’ve piled up oak leaves

bring 3sg pres I
acc 3pl clt
cellar sg m def dist
leaf.pile pl m pile.up 1pl aor I
oak sg n adj leaves coll

15 (a) [0:47]      [and other] leaf cuttings. We fed them that way, and the shepherd takes them to graze

prune sg n P.part P
leaf.pile pl m
feed 1pl impf I
acc 3pl clt
thus dist adv
pasture 3sg pres I
dat 1pl clt
acc 3pl clt
shepherd sg m

16 (a) [0:51]      up above Les, to all the places up in the hills around here.

above adv Les sg m place from.here adv above adv everywhere adv

17 (VZh)       [And when do you milk the sheep?]

18 (a) [0:56]      We milk them after we separate them from the lambs, and [get] milk –

when inter.rel
lamb pl n def dist remove 1pl pres P then med adv milk 1pl pres I sheep pl f def dist
milk sg n

19 (a) [1:01]      fresh [milk and yogurt] and butter – there’s everything [you need]; and we gathered

fresh sg n adj
butter sg n pres exist everything sg n adj
gather pl L.part I
1pl pres aux clt

20 (a) [1:05]      [sufficient] fat [unintelligible]. We had quite a lot of sheep.

fat pl n but
many adv sheep pl f have 1pl impf I

21 (a) [1:07]      It wasn’t [like now]. Each [of us] had "altmŭš" (60) [that is] "šejset" (60) head of sheep.

3sg impf cop
sixty head sg m sixty sheep pl f

22 (a) [1:14]      My father was a shepherd and had – we had our own [summer pasture] hut.

father sg m def dist
dat refl clt
dat 1sg clt
3sg impf cop
shepherd sg m
dat refl clt
have 3sg impf I
hut sg f
dat refl clt
have 1pl impf I

23 (a) [1:17]      We didn’t keep [the sheep] here: you can’t do it here in the village.

acc 3pl clt
1pl pres aux clt
neg here adv look pl L.part I disc here adv
can pres imprs in
village sg n def prox

24 (a) [1:22]      [You have to go] far off in the summer pasture hut, an hour’s [walk] away.

ost far adv
hut sg f one sg m adj hour sg m road sg m

25 (a) [1:26]      That’s where we kept them, in the summer hut.

there adv
acc 3pl clt
look 1pl impf I
hut sg f def dist

26 (VZh)       [And did you used to go to Komotini?

27 (a) [1:30]      [No,] we didn’t go to Komotini. [No,] we weren’t

1pl pres aux clt go pl L.part I nom 1pl
Gyumyurdzhina sg f place but nom 1pl
1pl pres aux clt pl L.part cop nom 1pl

28 (a) [1:33]      rich [enough] to [be able] to go to Komotini. [laughter]

some.kind pl adj rich pl adj
go 1pl pres P
Gyumyurdzhina sg f place

29 (a) [1:35]      [We stayed] here and earned our keep from the hut. If you slaughter [your animals]

disc here adv rel med
dat refl clt
earn 1pl aor P
hut sg f def dist
if conj
slaughter 2sg pres P

30 (a) [1:39]      and sell [the meat], you’ll have money. If you don’t slaughter and sell [your livestock]

if conj
sell 2sg pres P fut
have 2sg pres I money pl.t
if conj
slaughter 2sg pres P
sell 2sg pres I

31 (a) [1:40]      you won’t have money. Always suffering [laughter], without anything at all.

fut neg
have 2sg pres I neither money pl.t who sg m rel med adj
only adv
suffer 3sg pres I
pres neg exist nothing indcl

32 (a) [1:45]      We didn’t go to Komotini to work. Our [men] would go to –

1pl pres aux clt go pl L.part I
Gyumyurdzhina sg f place
work 1pl pres I our pl def med adj go 3pl impf I

33 (a) [1:52]      to Haskovo, to Kurdzhali, and – and to Plovdiv.

Haskovo sg n place
Kurdzhali sg m place
Plovdiv sg m place

34 (a) [1:58]      They went there by foot. It took two days walking

nom 3pl
3pl pres aux clt
go pl L.part I walking adv
two m day ct m
walk 2sg pres I

35 (a) [2:01]      to get to Plovdiv. Where were there any cars? There weren’t any!

Plovdiv sg m place
go 2sg pres P where interr where interr
3sg pres aux clt
sg f L.part cop car sg f neg
3sg pres aux clt
L.part exist

36 (VZh)       [What did the men do for a living?]

37 (a) [2:06]      Our menfolk earned enough to keep us fed. Not like now, though,

our pl def med adj man pl m
3pl pres aux clt
earn pl L.part I
acc 1pl clt
feed 3pl pres I
how interr disc not now adv

38 (a) [2:11]      they way we enjoy life now. They bring flour to you already ground,

like prox thus prox adv
go.through 1pl pres I
life sg m flour sg n def dist
dat 2sg clt
acc n 3sg clt
bring 3pl pres P grind sg n P.part P

39 (a) [2:15]      they bring wool to you as already spun yarn. This kind of life is easy!

wool sg f def dist
dat 2sg clt
bring 3pl pres P spin sg n P.part P yarn sg n disc
acc refl clt
easy adv thus prox adv live 3sg pres I

40 (a) [2:20]      But the way we lived – ! I’ve lived through "doksan" (90) years.

but how interr
1pl pres aux clt
nom 1pl live pl L.part I
1sg pres aux clt live sg f L.part I ninety year pl f

41 (a) [2:24]      I’ve passed "doksan" (90) [birthdays].

ninety 1sg pres aux clt pass sg f L.part P

42 (VZh)       [So how old are you exactly?]

43 (a) [2:27]      Ninety-two.

two f

44 (VZh)       And your sister?

sister sg f
dat 2sg clt

45 (a) [2:32]      My sister? My sister is dead.

sister sg f def med sister sg f def med die sg f L.part P my sg f def dist adj sister sg f

46 (VZh)       Do you have a brother?

brother sg m have 2sg pres I
interr clt

47 (a) [2:36]      A brother?

brother sg m

48 (VZh)       Yes.


49 (a) [2:38]      I have one brother, he lives nearby.

have 1sg pres I one sg m adj brother sg m here adv
3sg pres cop clt
near adv

50 (VZh)       How old is he?

how.many interr
3sg pres cop clt

51 (a) [2:41]      He’s not old at all, he’s around "altmŭš" (60).

nom m 3sg
3sg pres cop clt
3sg pres cop clt
some.kind sg m adj old sg m adj nom m 3sg
3sg pres cop clt

52 (a) [2:44]      "Altmŭš-jedi" (67) maybe? I don’t know how old he is.

sixty seven
interr clt
3sg pres cop clt
know 1sg pres I how.many interr

53 (VZh)       Ah. How much is "altmŭš-jedi" (67) in Bulgarian? "Šejset i sedem" (67)?

Bulgarian sg m adj how interr
3sg pres cop clt
sixty seven

54 (a) [2:48]      Hah, hah! "Šejset i sedem" (67) years old.

excl excl sixty
seven year pl f

         And what do you do at the threshing floor?

         At the threshing floor we make sheaves. Sheaves – and we made them

          into small piles and they dry, and then thresh it with hinnies.

         We thresh the wheat and [what] remains is straw. And down below

         the wheat is there on the threshing floor.

         [Say that again?]

          OK, I will. So – when they take out [what needs to be threshed], the mules thresh it.

          And then we push the straw over to one side

         and we sweep the wheat into a pile. [Then] we have these sieves, like the ones

         where you sift flour, and then we lift it up, we lift up the chaff

         and that’s how – that’s how we’ve winnowed it [all].

         [Did you keep sheep?]

          We keep sheep. We took on a shepherd [who] takes them out to pasture for us

         and brings them back to the cellar [where] we’ve piled up oak leaves

         [and other] leaf cuttings. We fed them that way, and the shepherd takes them to graze

         up above Les, to all the places up in the hills around here.

         [And when do you milk the sheep?]

         We milk them after we separate them from the lambs, and [get] milk –

          fresh [milk and yogurt] and butter – there’s everything [you need]; and we gathered

         [sufficient] fat [unintelligible]. We had quite a lot of sheep.

         It wasn’t [like now]. Each [of us] had "altmŭš" (60) [that is] "šejset" (60) head of sheep.

         My father was a shepherd and had – we had our own [summer pasture] hut.

          We didn’t keep [the sheep] here: you can’t do it here in the village.

         [You have to go] far off in the summer pasture hut, an hour’s [walk] away.

          That’s where we kept them, in the summer hut.

         [And did you used to go to Komotini?

         rich [enough] to [be able] to go to Komotini. [laughter]

         [We stayed] here and earned our keep from the hut. If you slaughter [your animals]

         and sell [the meat], you’ll have money. If you don’t slaughter and sell [your livestock]

         you won’t have money. Always suffering [laughter], without anything at all.

         We didn’t go to Komotini to work. Our [men] would go to –

          to Haskovo, to Kurdzhali, and – and to Plovdiv.

         They went there by foot. It took two days walking

         to get to Plovdiv. Where were there any cars? There weren’t any!

         [What did the men do for a living?]

         Our menfolk earned enough to keep us fed. Not like now, though,

         they way we enjoy life now. They bring flour to you already ground,

          they bring wool to you as already spun yarn. This kind of life is easy!

         But the way we lived – ! I’ve lived through "doksan" (90) years.

          I’ve passed "doksan" (90) [birthdays].

         [So how old are you exactly?]

         And your sister?

         Do you have a brother?

         A brother?


         I have one brother, he lives nearby.

         How old is he?

         He’s not old at all, he’s around "altmŭš" (60).

         "Altmŭš-jedi" (67) maybe? I don’t know how old he is.

         Ah. How much is "altmŭš-jedi" (67) in Bulgarian? "Šejset i sedem" (67)?

         Hah, hah! "Šejset i sedem" (67) years old.

1 (VZh)       а на харма̀на кво пра̀ите

2 (a) [0:02]       нә hәрма̀нән па̀к гу пра̀име сно̀пкове сно̀пув’е и и пра̀иhме гу куш’ѝнки

3 (a) [0:06]       та исъ̀hне и туга̀вә гу па̀к сәс кәтъ̴̀ре гу вәрш’е̇̀ме

4 (a) [0:12]       вәрш’е̇̀ме пш’енѝцәнә и и йɨ у уста̀нвә сла̀ма и уд нɨ̀ску

5 (a) [0:18]       жɨ̀туну уста̀нвə нә hәрма̀нә

6 (VZh)       [Раскажи пак?]

7 (a) [0:22]       ш’ә ка̀звәм нә hәрма̀нә әга̀ гу изва̀д’әт увәрhъ̀д гу му̀л’етәнә

8 (a) [0:26]       и туга̀вә гу зәтѝкәме сла̀мәнә нә әдѝн кра̀й

9 (a) [0:28]       и пш’енѝцәнә см’әте̇̀ме нә ку̀п и ѝмәме си реш’ета̀ кәту сɨ̀ту

10 (a) [0:32]       дѐсу сѝп’әт бра̀шну тә гу вдѝгнеме и вдѝгнем пл’әвъ̀нә

11 (a) [0:36]       и нѐи нѐй гу сме в’е̂̀ли

12 (VZh)       [Гледахте ли овце?]

13 (a) [0:39]       уфцѝн’е ги гл’ъ̀дәме уфч’е̂̀р’ фа̀т’әhме тә ни ги пәс’ѐ

14 (a) [0:42]       и дука̀рвә ги ф по̀дникән и лѝст’еници̭ скәла̀вәhме ут дəбѝену лѝст’е

15 (a) [0:47]       нәка̀стрену нә лѝсници и hра̀неhме ги енѐй и пәс’ѐ н ги уфч’е̂̀р’

16 (a) [0:51]       пу пу го̀р’е лѐс утту̀кә нәго̀р’е се̂̀кәд’е

17 (VZh)       [А кога се доят овцете?]

18 (a) [0:56]       әга̀ ут йѐгнетәнә удма̀hнеме туга̀ дуйѝме уфц’ѐн’е тә и мл’ѐку

19 (a) [1:01]       и и пр’ѐсну и ма̀слу ѝмә сѝчку ə збѝрәли сме

20 (a) [1:05]       мәсла̀ [неразбрано] әмә пу мно̀гу о̀фц’е им’ѐhм’е

21 (a) [1:07]       не б’ѐ пу алтмъ̴̀ш дәва̀р шейсе̇̀ уфцѝ и

22 (a) [1:14]       и буба̀йкуну си ми бе уфче̂̀р’ си им’ѐ и и кулѝбә си им’ѐhме

23 (a) [1:17]       и тә и сме н’ѐ ейту̀вә гл’ъ̀дәли то̀ ейту̀вә не мо̀ж’е фәф с’е̇̀лусу

24 (a) [1:22]       ѐй дәл’е̇̀ч’е нә кул’ѝбә әдѝн сәhа̀т’ пъ̂̀т’

25 (a) [1:26]       и та̀м ги гл’ѐдәhме ф кулѝбәнә

26 (VZh)       [А ходехте ли в Гюмюрджина?]

27 (a) [1:30]       не см’ѐ hо̀дили нѝе пу г’ум’урж’ѝне пъ̀ нѝе не см’ъ̂̀ бəлѝ нѝй

28 (a) [1:33]       нѐкви буга̀ти тә дә ѝдем нә гумурж’ѝне [смях]

29 (a) [1:35]       ѐй ту̀кә кина̀т си иска̀рәhм’ə ф кулѝбәнә и ку зәко̀л’әш’

30 (a) [1:39]       ку прудәд’е̇̀ш’ ш’ə дә ѝмәш пәрѝ ку не зәко̀л’әш’ и не пруда̀вәш’

31 (a) [1:40]       н’ѐмә дә ѝмәш’ нѝ пәрѝ ко̀йту лу па̀ти [смях] и н’ѐмә никина̀

32 (a) [1:45]       не смѐ hо̀дили пу г’ум’урж’ѝне дә ра̀бутиме на̀ште hо̀д’еhә ду

33 (a) [1:52]       ду hа̀скуву и ду къ̴̀ржәлә и и и ду пло̀диф

34 (a) [1:58]       и т’ѐ сә hо̀дил’и hо̀дум пу два̀ де̇̀н’ә дә вәрвѝш’

35 (a) [2:01]       ду пло̀див дә по̀йдеш’ де̇̀ де̇̀ е билъ̀лә кула̀ нѐ е им’е̇̀лу

36 (VZh)       [А какъв беше поминъкьт на мьжете?]

37 (a) [2:06]       на̀ште мъ̀ж’уве сә кәзәндѝсвәли дә нә hра̀н’ет әм ка̀к то̀ нѐ с’ѐе

38 (a) [2:11]       кәсу ес’е̂̀ дә ка̀рам’ə и ж’әво̀т’ брәшно̀ну тɨ гу дука̀рәт смл’ѐту

39 (a) [2:15]       въ̀лнәнә тɨ дука̀рәт испр’ъ̀денә пр’ъ̀лу то̀ се л’ъ̀сну ес’е̂̀ ж’увѐи

40 (a) [2:20]       әмә ка̀к сме нѝе ж’ѝли и тә тə сәм ж’ѝлә дукса̀н гудѝни

41 (a) [2:24]       дукса̀н сәм мѝнәлә

42 (VZh)       [На колко си точно?]

43 (a) [2:27]       деведес’е̇̀ и дв’е̇̀

44 (VZh)       а сестра̀ ти

45 (a) [2:32]       сестръ̀тә сестръ̀тә умр’ѐлә мо̀йнә сестръ̀

46 (VZh)       бра̀т ѝмаш ли

47 (a) [2:36]       бра̀т

48 (VZh)       да̀

49 (a) [2:38]       ѝмәм ъд’ѝн бра̀т ѐйту̀кә ә блѝзе

50 (VZh)       на ко̀лко е

51 (a) [2:41]       то̀ е нѐ е н’е̂̀кәф ста̀р то̀ е нә hәлтмъ̴̀ш’ и

52 (a) [2:44]       hәлтмъ̴̀ш’ йедѝ ли е нə зна̀м ко̀лко

53 (VZh)       әhә а̀ по бъ̀лгарски ка̀к е алтмъ̀ш йедѝ или шейсѐ и сѐдем

54 (a) [2:48]       хъ̀ хъ̀ шейсе̇̀ и се̇̀дем гудѝни

Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to bdlt@berkeley.edu.

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)

Text | by Dr. Radut