All Tokens

Token ID Meaning Case Number Gender Definiteness Person Verb Form Aspect Particle Clitic Deictic Other Pragmatic Lexeme
càl’ 40844 entire sg m adj цял
cànku 57485 Tsanko sg m name Цанко
cànkɤ̥tɤ 57434 Tsanko sg m def name Цанко
car 70474 [...] .
càrevici 30241 corn pl f царевица
carevičìnkite 51427 corn.stalk pl f def царевичина
carevičìnkite 14647 corn.stalk pl f def
carevìčeno 92070 corn sg n adj царевичен
čaršàv 59462 sheet sg m чаршаф
carvèno 13101 red sg n adj червен
čàs 68126 hour sg m час
čàsa 68128 hour ct m час
časà 27071 hour ct m час
čàšku 58832 glass acc sg f чашка
časovè 58296 hour pl m час
časovè 40347 hour pl m час
časò 43052 hour sg m def час
časòvnici 90421 time-piece pl m часовник
čàsti 67030 part pl f част
čàsə 46280 hour ct m час
časɤ̀ 51534 time sg m def час
časɤ̀ 62561 hour sg m def час
čatàl 87900 fork sg m чатал
čaùš 86385 guard sg m чауш
čà 56610 disc чак
čà 46178 [...] чак
čà+k 7472 even
čà+sə 7896 hour nm
čàj 14168 riverbed sg m чай
čàjə 14179 riverbed sg m def чай
čàk 51627 even adv чак
čàk 32706 [...]
čàka 61673 wait 3sg pres I чакам
čàkaj 7474 wait imv I чакам
čàkaj 53104 wait sg imv I чакам
čàkaj 71830 wait sg imv чакам
čàkame 90568 wait 1pl pres I чакам
čàkaš 54868 wait 2sg pres I чакам
čàkat 61676 wait 3pl pres I чакам
čàkəj 18537 wait sg imv I чакам


Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut