All Tokens

Token ID Meaning Case Number Gender Definiteness Person Verb Form Aspect Particle Clitic Deictic Other Pragmatic Lexeme
bəštә̀ 73072 father sg m баща
bətàci 14152 swamp pl m батак
bəttəl’àsə 70158 sink 3sg aor P баталясам
bəxčà 13998 garden sg f бахча
bəž'ɛ̀ 12878 fireplace sg f баджа
bəžɛ̀ 39216 hearth sg f баджа
bəžɛ̀ci 30887 hip pl m баджак
bəžɛ̀k 30885 hip sg m баджак
bəžɤ̀nə 39231 hearth sg f def dist баджа
21757 3sg impf cop съм
bɛše 36732 3sg impf cop съм
bɛ̀ 39519 adrs бе
bɛ̀ 22131 3sg impf cop съм
bɛ̀:me̝ 56528 1pl impf cop съм
bɛ̀a 71833 3pl impf aux съм
bɛ̀a 26577 3pl impf cop съм
bɛ̀čvit'ȅ 26691 barrel pl f def бъчва
bɛ̀ga 13484 run 3sg pres I бягам
bɛ̀gə 46253 flee 3sg pres I бягам
bɛ̀h 13294 1sg impf cop съм
bɛ̀ha 42881 3pl impf aux съм
bɛ̀hme 71858 1pl impf cop съм
bɛ̀hə 36295 3pl impf cop съм
bɛ̀jek 57055 scar sg m белег
bɛ̀jme 36819 1pl impf aux съм
bɛ̀l 28070 white sg m бял
bɛ̀lgərin 34382 Bulgarian sg m българин
bɛ̀lhitȅ 26274 flea pl f def бълха
bɛ̀lim 49742 peel 1pl pres I беля
bɛ̀liɤ 33759 white sg m def adj бял
bɛ̀lo 26557 white sg n adj бял
bɛ̀lu 32974 white sg n adj бял
bɛ̀ləì 49470 white pl adj
bɛ̀lᵊi 49609 white pl adj бял
bɛ̀lᵊì 49562
bɛ̀rdzami 31297 hurry 1pl pres I бързам
bɛ̀rdzəm 31300 hurry 1pl pres I бързам
bɛ̀rkət 60669 mix 3pl pres I бъркам
bɛ̀š'e 36680 3sg impf cop съм
bɛ̀še 13390 3sg impf cop съм


Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut