Vladimir Zhobov
Vŭrbina 2
When the investigator’s words are transcribed in brackets, it means they do not appear on the audio but are rather reconstructed to recreate the sense of the original conversation. These words appear in English translation only in Glossed View, in both English and Bulgarian in Line View, and in Bulgarian only in Cyrillic Line View
1 (VZh) [Did you sow lentils?]
2 (a) [0:01] We sow them, then they bloom, and then they become seeds.
acc f 3sg clt | sow 1pl pres P | and | then med adv | bloom 3sg pres P | acc refl clt | and | and | become 3sg pres P | seed pl n |
3 (a) [0:05] And when they’re ripe we harvest them. We pound them down with chunks of wood,
and | when inter.rel | ripen 3sg pres P | acc f 3sg clt | pluck 1pl pres I | and | pound 1pl pres I | acc f 3sg clt | with | with | wooden.club pl m |
4 (a) [0:09] we pound them with pitchforks, but on this – indoors on a porch.
with | pitchfork pl f | pound 1pl pres P | acc f 3sg clt | and | but | to | such sg n dist adj | inside adv | to | porch sg m |
5 (a) [0:15] Back then there wasn’t [anything] cement [outdoors], so [we did it] indoors,
neg | 3sg pres aux clt | disc | neg | 3sg pres aux clt | L.part exist | then dist adv | cement sg n P.part P | and | inside adv |
6 (a) [0:19] there, on boards on the porch. How can you process them [there] in the soil?
there adv | to | porch sg m def dist | to | board pl f def dist | where interr | fut | acc n 3sg clt | gather 2sg pres I | in | soil sg m def dist |
7 (a) [0:23] Lentils aren’t for eating anyway! [laughter]
lentils sg f def dist | acc refl clt | neg | eat 3sg pres I |
8 (VZh) [Did you cook up lentils often?]
9 (a) [0:26] We ate more beans that we did lentils. Lentils will keep [your energy up]
beans sg m def dist | acc refl clt | more | eat 3sg pres I | more | lentils sg f def dist | nom f 3sg | lentils sg f def dist | keep 3sg pres I |
10 (a) [0:31] only long enough to get you under the house! [laughter]
so.much rel dist | to | under | house sg f def dist | comp | go 2sg pres P |
11 (VZh) [laughter]
12 (a) [0:36] Well how [else]? That’s how it is, isn’t it?
and | disc | how interr | thus dist adv | neg | 3sg pres cop clt |
13 (VZh) [What did you feed the animals?]
14 (a) [0:39] Well, corn, grain – they eat everything! So that’s what we gave them.
and | and | corn sg m | and | rye sg n | nom 3pl | eat 3pl pres I | everything sg n adj | and | thus med adv | dat 3pl clt | give 1pl impf I |
15 (a) [0:43] What [else] will you feed them? Animals can’t live if you don’t give them
what indcl interr | fut | acc 3pl clt | feed 2sg pres I | disc | neg | live 3sg pres I | animal sg m def dist | if conj | dat m 3sg clt | neg | give 2sg pres I |
16 (a) [0:46] [food] of the sort that we eat [too].
from | rel dist | nom 1pl | eat 1pl pres I |
17 (VZh) [0:49] Which [animal do you refer to when] you say “cattle”?
to | which sg n interr adj | call 2pl pres I | cattle pl n |
18 (a) [0:51] Ah – to the ones we have – cows. We call those “cattle”.
disc | to | rel dist | have 1pl pres I | cow pl f | and | acc 3pl clt | cattle pl n | call 1pl pres I |
19 (VZh) [How do you call the young?]
20 (a) [0:55] Well, that’s a calf.
this sg n med adj | again adv | what indcl | 3sg pres cop clt | calf sg n def dist |
21 (VZh) [0:58] Umhm.
bkch |
22 (a) [0:59] When it’s born you’ll look after it, if you [decide] to keep it.
when inter.rel | acc refl clt | bear 3sg pres P | again adv | fut | acc n 3sg clt | look 2sg pres I | if conj | acc n 3sg clt | look 2sg pres I |
23 (a) [1:00] If you don’t [decide to] keep it, you look after it a month or two
when inter.rel | acc n 3sg clt | neg | look 2sg pres I | and | one sg m adj | month sg m | acc n 3sg clt | look sg imv I | two m |
24 (a) and then slaughter it. [laughter]
and | and | slaughter sg imv P | acc n 3sg clt |
25 (VZh) [And how long is a cow’s pregnancy?]
26 (a) [1:07] [inaudible] months
month ct m |
27 (VZh) [1:08] How many?
how.many interr |
28 (a) [1:08] A cow carries [her calf] nine months.
nine | month ct m | acc n 3sg clt | carry 3sg pres I | cow sg f def dist |
29 (VZh) [1:10] Umhm. And how do you call it when [the cow] gives birth?
bkch | and | how interr | acc n 3sg clt | call 2sg pres I | when conj | acc refl clt | bear 3sg pres P |
30 (b) [1:12] It has calved.
calve sg f L.part P | acc refl clt |
31 (a) [1:14] The cow calves, and a calf is born!
calve 3sg pres I | acc refl clt | cow sg f def dist | and | bear 3sg pres I | calf sg n |
32 (VZh) [1:17] Yes. So then what happens after a year [has passed]? How do you call it?
yes | later adv | what sg n interr | become 3sg pres I | at | one f sg adj | year f sg | how interr | dat n 3sg clt | say 2pl pres I |
33 (a) [1:19] [After] a year –
one sg f adj | year sg f | again adv |
34 (b) [1:20] Heifer.
heifer sg f |
35 (a) [1:21] Well, we – they call it a heifer.
again adv | dat n 3sg clt | [...] | call 3pl pres I | heifer sg f |
36 (VZh) [1:22] What?
how interr |
37 (a) [1:23] A heifer.
heifer sg f |
38 (VZh) [1:23] Yes? After that?
yes | later adv |
39 (a) [1:25] Then if it’s a male, [you say] an ox has been born. Hah.
later adv | when inter.rel | 3sg pres cop clt | male sg n adj | again adv | ox sg m | acc refl clt | 3sg pres aux clt | bear sg m L.part P | excl |
40 (a) [1:29] If it’s a female, a heifer. [We call it] an ox when it gets big –
when inter.rel | 3sg pres cop clt | female sg n adj | heifer sg f | ox sg m | 3sg pres cop clt | again adv | when inter.rel | become 3sg pres P | big sg n adj |
41 (a) [1:32] when [cough] it’s two or three years old, when [it’s old enough] to plow.
when inter.rel | two f | year pl f | then med adv | at | three | comp | plow 3pl pres I |
42 (VZh) [How did you do the plowing?]
43 (a) [1:35] With the oxen we plowed like this – what we did was not like the way
plow 1pl impf I | with | ox pl m | thus prox adv | rel med | 1pl pres cop clt | disc | neg | 3sg pres cop clt | with | [...] | such pl dist adj |
44 (a) [1:40] they plow now, with tractors and who knows what, but with a wooden plow.
like prox | now adv | plow 3pl pres I | with | tractor pl m | and | with | who.knows adv | what indcl interr | disc | with | plow pl n |
45 (a) [1:47] I did the plowing and the digging, and I plowed with the oxen
and | plow sg f L.part I | 1sg pres aux clt | and | and | dig sg f L.part I | 1sg pres aux clt | and | and | with | ox pl m def dist | 1sg pres aux clt | plow sg f L.part I |
46 (a) [1:52] like a man, because my husband had gone off to earn a living for us,
like med | man sg m | because | husband sg m def | dat 1sg clt | 3sg pres aux clt | go m I | comp | dat 1sg clt | earn 3sg pres I |
47 (a) [1:56] and to feed me. I took [him on in marriage] as an orphan. That’s how it is.
and | comp | acc 1sg clt | feed 3sg pres I | orphan sg m | 1sg pres aux clt | take sg f L.part P | and | this sg n med adj | 3sg pres cop clt |
48 (VZh) [And did you bake bread?]
49 (a) [2:00] [Every] evening, I baked bread for the municipality, a large kneading trough [full].
evening adv | by | one sg f | trough sg f | big sg f adj | to | municipality sg f def prox | 1sg pres aux clt | bake sg f L.part I | bread sg m |
50 (a) [2:04] We didn’t have an outdoor oven or anything. There was one oven here near me,
not.have 1pl impf I | neither | oven sg f | neither | nothing indcl | here adv | impf exist | by | acc 1sg | one sg f adj | oven sg f |
51 (a) [2:08] [the only one] in the the whole village [unintelligible] Just [the] one oven and
in | here adv | entire sg n def med adj | village sg n | one sg m adj | stove sg m | impf exist | and |
52 (a) [2:12] so we had to bake five times a day. We would bake from one kneading trough,
and | by | five | time pl m | for | day sg m def | bake 1pl impf I | one sg f def dist adj | one sg f def dist adj | trough sg f | bake 1pl pres P |
53 (a) [2:16] with dough rising in another, and then take it to them at the municipality.
and | other sg f adj | ferment f 3sg P | and | to | municipality sg f def dist | comp | acc 3pl clt | carry 3pl pres I |
54 (a) [2:18] I did [all] the baking of bread for them. There wasn’t a large oven like there is now.
nom 1sg | dat 3pl clt | 1sg pres aux clt | 1sg pres aux clt | bread sg m def dist | impf neg exist | oven sg f | inter.rel | 3sg pres cop clt | like prox | now adv |
55 (a) [2:21] Don’t judge by how many houses there are now – we weren’t so many then.
nom 2sg | neg hort | look sg imv I | now adv | many adv | house pl f | nom 1pl | 1pl impf cop | neg | so.many prox adv |
56 (a) [2:25] The municipal hall was here, here where people pass by, where there’s a –
and | municipality sg f def med | 3sg impf cop | here adv | rel prox | here adv | pass 3pl pres I | one sg f adj | rel prox | pres exist |
57 (a) [2:29] this little store now, that’s where it was. There wasn’t anything there [then]
here adv | like med | store sg n | and | there adv | 3sg impf cop | disc | below adv | aor neg exist |
58 (a) [2:34] there were very few houses of us, but now they've multiplied [many times over].
nom 1pl | 1pl impf cop | little adv | house pl f | but | now adv | 3pl pres aux clt | acc refl clt | multiply pl L.part P |
59 (VZh) [So only one oven wasn’t enough?]
60 (a) [2:37] I would come back bringing starter, and mix up another batch because I couldn’t do
return 1sg pres I | acc refl clt | carry 1sg pres I | hes | and | starter sg m | and | again adv | other sg m adj | knead 1sg pres P | because | neg | 1sg pres cop clt |
61 (a) [2:41] just one or two. We did five bakings per day [for them] down there,
for | one sg m adj | stove sg m | and | two m | by | five | stove pl m | 1pl pres aux clt | bake pl L.part I | down adv |
62 (a) [2:45] for them at the municipality to bring bread to [all of] us.
to | where rel dist | municipality sg f def dist | comp | dat 1pl clt | carry 3pl pres I | there adv | bread sg m def |
63 (a) [2:47] Our oven is not from another place, so don’t jump to conclusions
neg | dat 1pl clt | 3sg pres cop clt | from | elsewhere adv | outdoor.oven sg f def dist | now adv | neg hort | look sg imv I |
64 (a) [2:49] when you see many ovens here. We had just that one,
when inter.rel | pres exist | outdoor.oven pl f | here adv | one sg f adj | outdoor.oven sg f | have 1pl impf I |
65 (a) [2:52] and it would take up to thirty loaves. [It was] a small oven.
and | this sg n med adj | take 3sg impf I | to | thirty | bread ct m | outdoor.oven sg f def dist | small sg f adj |
66 (VZh) [Your] oven was small.
small sg f adj | 3sg impf cop | outdoor.oven sg f def dist |
67 (a) [3:01] Yes. The size it had been built earlier on. When I came upon it [it had already] been built.
disc | as.much rel dist | 3sg pres aux clt | build sg f P.part P | sg f L.part cop | before adv | from | what rel dist | 1sg pres aux clt | find sg f L.part P | build sg n P.part P |
68 (a) [3:05] They weren’t going to build anything new [for so few people].
disc | impf neg exist | there adv | comp | build 3pl pres I | neg | whatever sg n | nothing indcl |
69 (a) [3:08] The area is much [more] settled now.
disc | now adv | acc refl clt | 3sg pres aux clt | setlle sg n L.part P | many adv | but |