All Tokens

Token ID Meaning Case Number Gender Definiteness Person Verb Form Aspect Particle Clitic Deictic Other Pragmatic Lexeme
blàžə 10965 1sg pres I блажа
bleì 88237 bleat 3sg pres I блея
bleštùkət 73658 twinkle 3pl pres I блещукам
bleštùl’ki 34095 firefly pl f блестулка
bḷgàrija 92341 Bulgaria sg f place България
bḷgàriju 89193 Bulgaria acc sg f place България
blìzički̥te̥ 71178 close pl def adj близичък
bliznàci 92182 twin pl m близнак
bliznèta 88231 twin pl n близне
bliznìca 28030 twin sg f близница
bliznìli 88552 bear.twins pl L.part I близня
blìski 24383 close pl adj близък
blìskite 88067 close pl def adj близък
blìskiti 34708 close pl def adj близък
blìsko 53179 close adv близък
blìsku 35234 close sg n adj близък
blìsku 25023 near adv близък
blìsku 41921 near adv близък
blìsok 52624 close sg m adj близък
blìsək 35390 close sg m adj близък
blìze 74496 near adv близо
blìzički̥te 7989 near def adj близък
blìzo 27877 near adv близо
blìzu 46351 near adv близо
blìzu 61841 near adv близо
blìzu 61888 near adv близо
blìzək 45660 close sg m adj близък
blìzɛ 41467 near adv близо
blòk 65155 block sg m блок
blòk 18467 block sg m блок
blòk 29892 block sg m блок
blòkuvi 69922 large.field pl m блок
blòkuwtȅ 60591 аpartment.building pl m def блок
blòkə 26732 block sg m def блок
blòkə 31601 block sg m def блок
blŭ̀skəli 8088 suffer pl L.part. блъскам
blùzi 30873 blouse pl f блуза
blùzə 21531 blouse sg f блуза
bləgudàrni 65652 grateful pl adj благодарен
bləgudàrnə 28928 grateful sg f adj благодарен


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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut