personal narratives

Gorna Krušica 3

21 (c) na velìgden k’e se žèna prolettà
on Easter. I was going to get married in the spring,

22 (c) a tàa čèrga ìska da se istkàe i jàs tkàa
but this rug needed to be fully woven. So I’m weaving

23 (c) na tèmnoto večertà na ednà gàzena làmbička
in the dark of night, with just one gas lantern [to see by].

25 (c) drugàro mi sedì do mène da a ìstkaam ta da se ožènim
My fiancé is sitting by me [making sure] I finish weaving so we can get married

26 (c) òti nèmam čèrga pa a se òženàm
because I don’t [yet] have the rug [that I need] to get married

30 (c) jà ama ne stignà vɤ̀lnata ne možè a stìgne
Ah, but there wasn’t enough wool. I couldn’t finish it,

32 (c) elì pa zìmašèa togàva pa narjàt mnògo vɤ̀lna
because they (the state) were taking for their quota a lot of wool.

33 (c) tàa mòjta màjka ošlà zainèla od ednì xòra
So my mother went off to some people to borrow

35 (c) vɤ̀lna sčepkàxme a nəprəìhme a rodìteli da vìdiš spokòjni
the wool. We carded it and made it up. Ah, such mellow parents.

36 (c) i e na ednò mùle prɤ̀f pàt mu tùrat samàr
And then they saddle a mule, the first time he’d carried a packsaddle.

37 (c) tùrat mu samàro zakàčat mu vɤ̀nata vjahnùam mùleto
They put on the packsaddle, load up the wool, and I ride the mule

38 (c) ot stàroto sèlo f sandànski samà
[all the way] from our old village site to Sandanski – alone!

41 (d) bès bèz da e kàrano mùl’eto
Without – without the mule having been ridden [before that].

42 (c) samà prɤ̀f pàt samàr mu slòžat i da go pùsnat tovà detè
Alone! The first time the mule is saddled! And to let this child

43 (c) da ìde na vlačàrka otìvam f sandànski izvlàčuvàm vɤ̀lnata
go [like that] to the carder. I go off to Sandanski, get the wool carded,

44 (c) kàčvam se ot trì časò na mùl’eto è slɤ̀ncetu takà
mount the mule again at three o’clock, the sun already [down to] here,

45 (c) kàčvam se stàroto sèlo takvìja smèli dèca sme bilì
and I ride all the way back to our old village. Such brave children we were!

Gorno Vŭršilo 1

28 (a) ta žàna f tèkezèto̥ tè rečàt bàbo ràjno gà go pèče
and reap in the collective farm. And they say “Granny Rayna, when did you bake it?”

29 (a) rèko gà go pèko noštèska zànesa i tùtmanik
I said, “When did I bake it? During the night!” I also bring hearthcake,

30 (a) tè rekàt ama gà go pravì mà mi kogà go pravìx
[and] they say, “But when did you make it, huh?” – “Well, when did I make it?

31 (a) segɤ̀ sas lɛ̀ba ma tè se čùdea s mèm ma
Now, with the bread!” They were amazed at me, [and said]

32 (a) vidɛ̀ li bàba ràjna kàk artìsa segɤ̀
“Did you see how Granny Rayna ended up now?

34 (a) i vòda ne mòe si donesè [laughter]
She [did all this and now] can’t bring water to herself!” [laughter]

Gradec 1

8 (a) ama às sɤm pročùta po cèloto sèlo čə̥ səm umrèla
but I’m known throughout the whole village to have died!

9 (EU) bègəj bè
No way!

10 (a) pa ednà gòdin tì da ta nèma nìgde
Well, [if] for a whole year you’re not around anywhere –

12 (a) jà ednà gòdin sɤm bilà sè na leglò
I was bedridden for an entire year.

14 (a) i mòjite decà kazvàli če ìmam ùdar
And my children supposedly said that I had a stroke

15 (a) a nò nè e bilò ùdḁr̥
But it wasn’t a stroke.

16 (a) ami tè tòo dòktor ma izède i mə zbṛkà
That doctor there did me in, he screwed up on me.

18 (a) jà sɤm si obèsila rɤkàta takà na na kràa i onà istṛ̀pnala
My arm got hung up like this on – on the edge of [this thing] and it went numb.

19 (a) i òn dojdè i fanà rɤkàta dìgaj dìgaj
and [the doctor] came and took my arm [and said] “Raise it, raise it,

21 (a) dìgaj dìgaj jà se opìka od bòlki̥
raise it, raise it!” I wet my pants from the pain

22 (a) i òn mìtko č ìdeš da i da i kùpiš ə ižèkcii
and he [said], “Mitko, you’ll go to buy her injections.”

23 (a) kvì bè ižèkcii še mi kùpite vìe
– “And what sort of injections are you [all] going to buy me?

24 (a) jà ne sɤ̀m ne mo ne mòm lekàrstva da pìem
I’m not – I – I can’t take medicine by mouth.

25 (a) kažète mi kvò tovà nè e tvòjta ràbota
Tell me what[‘s going on]!” – “That’s no business of yours!”

26 (a) pèpi mòlim ti sa às sɤm alargìčna
– "Pepi, I beg you! I am allergic!

27 (a) ne mòžem da ti pìem tìja lekàrstva
I cannot [do as] you [wish] and take these medicines

28 (a) kɤdè jà ta vìdim če ti sàkaž da gi kùpiš
that I see you want to buy!”

29 (a) ama kàe štò se glèziš ma àjde ama kàe
“Ah,” he says, “why are you acting so spoiled? Come on!”, he says,

30 (a) štò sa glèziš i mi udàri òn mène òsem inž inžèkcii
“Why so spoiled?” And he shot eight injections into me

31 (a) i jà sa paralezìra ni nì kɤt sɤm si svìla
and I became paralyzed. Not – it wasn’t – they said I was curled up

32 (a) kolènata pri ustàta i nì sɤm možèla da mṛ̀dam
with my knees next to my mouth and that I couldn’t move.

33 (a) tavà sa trì mèseca mutà
And that [went on] for three months. [I was] mute!

34 (b) jà sɤm idvàla da ta dìrim
I came to see you, to look for you.

35 (a) tè takà da si fṛlìla u mòjte ùsta tè takà sòda
Right! You should have tossed some soda into my mouth

36 (a) tè takà e bilò u mòjte ùsta
The way it was in my mouth, [I needed that].

37 (a) jà ne sɤ̀m možàla i da bɤ̀brem
I could not even talk.

38 (a) màj izìkɤ mi počernèlo tùk tavà a be tè
And I think my tongue got all black. But they –

40 (a) tìja ne sɤ̀ možàli da ma vìdat òti mìslɤt če č sɤm
They apparently couldn’t see what [was with] me because they thought I was –

42 (a) ama še ta dṛžì gòspot vìž dokoto si ìmaž dnì
But the Lord will keep you going, you see, [for as many] days as you still have

43 (a) nì jàla pìla nì pikàla nì odìla po vɤ̀n
[even if] you haven’t eaten, or drunk, or pissed, or gone outside [for the other].

44 (EU) še ostàvaš nalì
You’ll live on, won’t you?

45 (a) i da ostànež da bɤ̀deš čovèk
– live on, and be a [real] human being.

47 (a) i kogà da se sɤžìvim na vadìci̥
And when I came back to life, on Epiphany –

48 (a) kogà da sɤ̥ sɤžìvim takà jà sɤm si bilà takà de
when I came back to life, I was apparently myself, more or less,

49 (a) ama ne sɤ̀m možàla da govòrim sɤs onìja kèle
but I couldn’t talk because of these rashes,

50 (a) i sɤ̀ga mène mi e kèlata tùk do tavà peknà malkò sḷ̀nčička
So now I have rashes all the way up to here. The sun came out a bit,

51 (a) zìmam jà ednò ogledàlce takà stròšeno̥ zèm če bèše takà u džàma
I take a bit of broken mirror, because it was there by the window,

52 (a) zìmam onovà ogledàlce takà i sreštu sḷ̀nce̥tu màlko zinà
I take this mirror [pointed] towards the sun like this, and I yawned a bit.

53 (a) kogà si vidè izìka a gṛkl'àna pokraj gṛkl'àna sàmo mèure
And when I saw [it] – My tongue! My throat! And next to my throat only blisters.

54 (a) ne mòe da pregḷ̀tnem ne mòe bɤ̀brem èj ulèze si
I couldn’t swallow, I couldn’t talk. And [this guy] comes in.

55 (a) jà mu dàvam ə onovà da glèda ama mu ne kàzvam
I give him this thing so he can look, but I don’t tell him

56 (a) kvò mi e ne mòe da kàžem i sɤ̀ga jà zinà
what’s the matter with me, I can’t speak. So now I yawned

57 (a) i òn koto vidè òn kàe màlè kvò e tavà be
and when he saw he says, “Oh my! What is that?”

58 (a) jà si mìrno no jà bì mu kazàla kvò
I stayed quiet. [If I could have] I would have told him what it was.

59 (a) sɤ̀ga jà mɤ̀čim da mu kàžem da mi ku
but now I struggle to tell him that so–

60 (a) da mi napràat čorbìca ot štàvl'ak ama onì ne mòe mɤ razbèrat
that they should make me some sorrel soup, but they can’t understand me

61 (a) i jà pokàzvam pokàzvam pokàzvam pokàzvam
And I gesture, gesture, gesture, gesture,

62 (a) ama jà ne mòe da kàam nìštò
but I can’t say anything,

63 (a) ustàta mi sa vèče otròven čovèk i tovà e [cough]
my mouth is already [like that of a] poisoned person, and that’s all.

64 (a) setìa se onì nàj na nàj na sa se setìli
They sensed fina– fin– Finally they seemed to get it.

65 (a) tàa sàka kàe čorbà ot štàvl'ak i mi napràvea
“She’s asking for,” they said, “sorrel soup”, and they made me [some].

66 (a) i koto onàa čorbìca sàmo sɤm izèla takà
And when I ate only this soup –

67 (a) i sɤm a iskùsala čorbìca sàmo kìsala dvè kastrònčeta sɤm ispìla
I ate up all this sour soup, I drank up two small bowls of it –

68 (a) i tè tavà mi e i pòslem pàk àjde
that was all I [needed]. And then – “Come on,

69 (a) màlko na tavà àjde màlko ot onovà àjde màlko
have a little of this; come on, have a little of that. Have a little!”

70 (a) pa lè ne sì i jàla kojò edèš onò
But you know, when you haven’t eaten, everything you eat –

71 (a) sɤ počnà pa zàpek edìn mèsec pa zàpek stràšen
And constipation started up! A whole month, horrible constipation.

72 (b) štò ne sì jàla
Because you hadn’t eaten.

73 (a) pèd dèna ne mòe
Five days I couldn’t

74 (EU) štò ne sì jàla sìgurno
No doubt because you hadn’t eaten.

75 (a) d ìdem gà da ìdem da ròdim detè pò dobrò
go, and when I [try] to go, giving birth to a child is better

76 (a) otkòlko da sa nadùvam tḁ̀m i jà sa paralezìra vèče i nèš
than having to push like that. And I’d been paralyzed already.

77 (a) napràvix ìma dvàez dèna tàa mɤ̀kḁ ne mòe da òdim i
I went through that torment for twenty days. I can’t go, and

78 (a) ne mòe da òdim i kogà ìdem vèče prèmrem
can’t go, and when I do I almost faint. and [it goes on] like that.

79 (a) i takà takà č ìdem pri dòktor
So on and on like that, and [I decide that] I’ll go to the doctor,

80 (a) pà u gṛdɤ̀ ma zakàra pa mòja sìn otidè pri dòktor tùka
so my son takes me to town, I went to the doctor here,

81 (a) čàsnata poloklìnika i onà če ma preglèdat čɤ jà
to this private clinic, and she – they’ll examine me, because I –

82 (a) koto vèče se naduvà naduvà i kogà da se izòdim
since I’d already pushed so much and when I manage to go

83 (a) napràvo kàmik vèče premrè na stòla premrè
it’s just like a stone! I almost fainted [there] on the chair – fainted.

84 (a) i zè da m tè tùka koto izdɤ̀nem dḷbòko
and it started – here when I exhale a deep breath,

85 (a) tè ottùk i tùk ma dṛžì bodèš
the pains here and here are [like] needles.

87 (a) dojdè ednà ženà od gṛdɤ̀ da bàam na ednò detènce
And this woman came from town for me to say charms over a small child.

88 (a) i jà kàžem na onàa nevèstica mlàda i onàa nevèstica mi kazà
And I speak to that young bride, and that bride said to me –

89 (a) kàa idì pri dòktorete tèbe debèloto červò ti kàa nèšto zarazèno
she said, “Go to the doctors. Your large intestine,” she said, “is infected somehow.”

90 (a) i sopštàvat tìja za sìn mi sìn mi vednàga dojdè
And they inform my son, my son comes immediately,

91 (a) ama jà ne sɤ̀m možàla nì da sɤm mòja sìn
but I couldn’t even, not even – My son

92 (a) ma svìl takà mɤ̀či da ma ukàra u kolàta
bent me over, and had a hard time getting me into the car.


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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut