music at weddings

Bosnek 1

66 (a) ìda ta go kàn’a kumò sɤs ə mùzika sos sìčko i dòjde kumò
they go to invite the godfather with music and everything. And the godfather comes –

Gorno Vŭršilo 1

50 (a) pa se napḷ̀nat pa vildžìi svìrat pa otpùsnem vìno
and the [place] fills up, then the violinists play, then we open up the wine.

Nasalevci 1

48 (a) svìrk’e svìru naròt tàm i u cṛ̀kvu se ulèzne pòp venčàva
Flutes play, [many] people there. They enter the church, the priest marries [them],

63 (a) i svìrk’e svìru tùtulu tùtulu
And the flutes are playing – tralala tralala

Skrŭt 2

41 (b) kànat kumò priz din’ò kànat selòto i pòčvat
they invite the godfather. During they day they invite the village, and they begin

42 (b) svàdbata àjde sa sàbota dòat tapanàreto večertà òro
the wedding – let’s go! On Saturday the drummers come and in the evening, a dance.

85 (b) tàm k’i k’i igràat k’i pèat k’i pràat džumbìš təvà onovà
and they’ll, they’ll dance and sing there , and have a party – this and that.

86 (b) slèt tovà k’ ìat s tàpaneto̥
And after that they’ll go [off to the sounds of] drumbeats.

94 (b) nedèl’ata òdat momàta si zakàrvat tàpane səs svàdbatḁ
On Sunday they go [get] the girl and bring her with drums – the wedding party.

144 (b) s tàpane so svìrki pa k’ ìat k’i i zakàrat uttàm
with drum and flute accompaniment. They’ll go, and they’ll bring them from there –

Trŭnčovica 1

38 (a) i pòsle se pòčvə svàdbətə ìdət səs mùzɨkətə
And then the wedding celebration begins. They go, accompanied by music,

44 (a) i ispràtət màjkətə bəštàtə səs mùzikə ispràtət jə
and send off [the bride’s] mother and father with music. They send them off and then

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut