
Bosnek 2

43 (a) kojà e gotvìla č ìde u čèrkva a mažjète če zèma žìto
whoever did the cooking will go to church. And the men will take grain,

Kolju Marinovo 5

3 (a) kukòški žə zəkòlim ə s nəlì svìnsku bəškà šә̥ sə zgòtvi
then we’ll [also] slaughter hens. For instance pork is prepared

4 (a) pìleškutu bəškà šә̥ sə zgòtvi pu dv’è màndži s’è si pràim
its own way, and so is chicken. We all make two [meat] dishes each.

Kruševo 4

21 (a) fkɤ̀šti nìštu ni bàrəme sàmu šə izmet’èm š’e isč’ìstimè i
we don’t touch anything in the house. We’ll only sweep and clean, and

22 (a) tvà š’e nəpràim i š’ə iz pràim si ùbəvi jàden’ètə
then we’ll make – we’ll make nice dishes.

23 (RA) a kakvi jàdeneta
What sorts of dishes?

26 (a) bànici təkì ràbuti slàtko
Things like banitsa, sweet [things].

28 (a) m’èsu si gòtvime
and we cook up meat [too].

Malevo/Asg 1

16 (a) kətu jə udvìjem’ə vərìme si jə sìəm ə̟ səs rəš’ètu
After we winnowed them, we’d cook them. First we shake them through the sieve,

17 (a) pòsl’e si i tùrim vòdə f t’ènžurətə də ni vəzvərì
then we put them in water, in the pot, to boil [the first time]

18 (a) i tugàvə uplàvim s l’ʌ̀štətə i slàgəm’è jə də sə vərì
and then we rinse the lentils and put them to boil [the second time].

19 (a) nədrubìm i lùk kurmìt tùrim i òlivo i sə vərì vərì
We chop up onions and add them, also oil; and it boils and boils.

20 (a) č’i pòsle jə um’èsim pàk s màlku brəšnò
And then we thicken it with a little flour

21 (a) i tugàvə usulìm jə i [laughter] jəd’ème nədrub’è [laughter]
and after that add salt [laughter] and then eat it! With chunks of – [laughter]

Malevo/Asg 3

31 (c) če še fl’èzeš vʌ̀tr’e nàj nəprèž nəkləd’èš ògn’en še gu tùriš bəkɤ̀rən
[Back home] you ‘ll come inside, you’ll first of all light the fire and then put the kettle on

32 (c) də də vrì kàš’ə li šə bɤ̀rkəš dròp li še pràviš
to boil. You’ll maybe stir up gruel, you’ll maybe make bread chunks to dip –

33 (c) kuètu e pò l’èsnu n’ègu žə žə vɤ̀ršiš’ tàm izlìzəš’ zìməš bəkɤ̀rč’enu
whatever is easier, that’s what you’ll do. Then you go out, you take the smaller pot.

Malevo/Hsk 2

42 (a) də znàeš sɨ̀čku də pràiš i də gòtviš
[You need] to know how to do everything: to cook…

90 (b) tìjə pòveč’e znàjət sigɛ̀ mlàtte ud nàs
These young ones now know more than we do. They know …

92 (b) də gòtv’et…
… how to cook …

Mogilica 2

3 (VZh) màndžite dèto ste pràili ednò vrème stàri rodòpski màndži
the dishes that you made in the old days, old Rhodope dishes.

5 (a) š'e svərìš' ədnà tèndž'erə fəsùl' š'e gu zəbɛ̀liš' i š'e
You'll cook up a panful of beans, you'll add [some] fat, and you'll

6 (a) v gəlɛ̀mi səhàni š'e sìpeš' i bànici š'e stòriš'
pour [it all] into big pots, you'll make “banitsa”

7 (a) kənà də ti gu kàzvəm
– what [can] I tell you of this?

Mogilica 4

7 (a) pàk nɛ̀kuj pàk z’ɔ̀me tə gu svərì i rùkne komš’ii nə
and someone will take it on themselves to cook it, and invite neighbors,

11 (a) àš’ur’ ìmə vərɔ̀t enəgà sìč'ku ut sɛ̀kəkvu zberɔ̀t tə vər’ɔ̀t
They cook ashur then [too], pulling together things from everywhere to cook it up,

12 (a) i gu rəzdàvət kutrìnu sə nəbòžni kutrìnu vɛ̀rvət
and give it out. Those who are pious [that is], those who believe.


163 (a) ednì si pomàgu a ženàta ostàne dòm da ugòtvi če pa trèbe
some help others, but women stay home to cook, because it’s necessary

Stakevci 2

30 (b) ama tè mnògo go upotrebjàvat za jàdene
They use it a lot for cooking, [don’t they?]

32 (d) tòj selìnata tàm upotrebjàvu kakò mì ovdèka kerevìzɤt u tàa xranà
They use that hogweed stuff there the way we use celery seed here [to season] food.

34 (b) za jàden’e
In cooking [= in food].

35 (a) e pa upotrebjàvu ga amà
So they use it. Well –

Stalevo 2

13 (GK) kakvì jàdeneta gòtvexte ednò vrème da mi kàžèš
Tell me what sort of dishes you used to cook in the old days.

14 (a) ɛ̀ əmi s’àkəkvi domàt’ fasùl’ dumàt’ɨ è sigɛ̀ glèj
Oh, all sorts [of things]. Tomatoes, beans, tomatoes. Look, now

15 (a) gòtvim tvà sigà pup’èr’ žə up’eč’è̝m č’ə gu nədrubì
now we’re cooking. We’ll roast the peppers, then chop them up,

16 (a) č’ə gu vərì č’ə i dumàt’ə č’ə burkàn’ə pʌ̀l’nim
then cook them and [some] tomatoes and then put it up in jars.

24 (a) ìmahne kərəmànk’i̥ kət nəc’ɛ̀pim t’à kərəmànk’i kəd gi issuš’ɨ̀m
We used to have “karamanki”. When we cut them, and dry them,

25 (a) tùrim ənɤ̀ pʌ̀nca tùri svàri sùpə jèš
we put them in a bowl. Put it on, cook it up, and [you’ve got] soup. Eat!

60 (GK) i prez zìmata sàmo tovà li jad’àxte
And during the winter did you eat only that?

61 (a) à əm fəsul’ i bəlgùr’ urɨ̀s prài kàš’i kartòfi patləž’ɛ̀n’e sɨ̀čku
Ah [no]. Beans, bulghur, rice. [We] make kasha. Potatoes, eggplant, everything.

62 (GK) kogà var’àxte takìva pò speciàlni màndži ìmaxte li za n’àkoi pràznici
When did you cook these special dishes? Did you have [them] on holidays?

63 (a) ɛ̀m əmi gà ìmə pràznik pò hùbəvə žə è səs màs
Well, when there’s a holiday, [yes.]. It’ll be nicer [to eat things] with fat;

64 (a) žə è səs səs dròbene
it’ll be [nicer to eat things] with – with meat chunks.

Šumnatica 3

36 (b) jòg gu c’ɛ̀lu vərìme jòg gu təkòvət c’ɛ̀lu postàjeno
We don’t cook it all at once. We cook it, but not putting [it in the pot] all at once.

106 (b) tr’àvə də zgòtviš zə jàdene d ìiš hl’ab də zèmeš
you have to cook meals, to go and get bread,

Sŭrnica 4

60 (a) pə f kumìnə də dud’è sə svərì dud’è sə nəpràvi jɛ̀d’en’ètu
inside the fireplace to do the cooking and prepare food [to eat].

74 (a) də sə vìždə kəkò də vərìš’ də gòtviš’
… so you can see what’s cooking so as to prepare meals.

79 (a) i tàa sv’ɛ̀ti tì vərìš’ bɤ̀rkəš’ zə də svərìš’ jàd’ene də nəpràiš’
and it gives light, you cook, stir, finish cooking – you prepare the meals.

80 (MM) znàči jèdeneto sèki dèn li go
So did you [prepare] meals every day?

81 (a) àmi tuvà si tì e redòvnu kàktu segɛ̀
Well, yes! That was your regular [job, just] like it is today.

83 (a) èdenèt trɛ̀və si gòtviš’ s’èki dèn’ tàm nə kòlə nə kəndž’èlə
You had to cook the meals every day, to [the light] of hanging lamp on a post.

86 (b) à bəkràci sə kàzvəše
They were called copper pots.

87 (a) àrkumatə bəkɤ̀rənə ə zəkàč’e̥ta
[Yes,] the copper pot is suspended [here].

89 (a) v bəkɤ̀reni àrkumi gòtvihme nəpr’èš’
In the old days we’d do the cooking in those copper pots.

Vladimirovo 2

64 (a) go gòtvime si mesòto si gòtvime na gòzba sɤs
We do cooking. We cook meat, we cook [other] dishes with –

Vŭrbina 3

105 (a) vəf fəf wògən’en fəf bəžɛ̀ i s nə verùgə
[We did cooking] in the fire, in the hearth, [in pots hanging] on a chain,

106 (a) nə verùgə nə dɤ̀rvu klàdenə fəv bəžɤ̀nə tə i hàrkmə də vərìš’
on a chain [that was] put on a piece of wood in the hearth. You cook in a cauldron

107 (a) nə ub’è̝senu ud ž’el’ezà enəkvò verùgə gu zv’è̝me
hanging from this iron [thing] – we called it a chain.

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut