Vladimir Zhobov
Vŭrbina 3
When the investigator’s words are transcribed in brackets, it means they do not appear on the audio but are rather reconstructed to recreate the sense of the original conversation. These words appear in English translation only in Glossed View, in both English and Bulgarian in Line View, and in Bulgarian only in Cyrillic Line View
1 (VZh) [How do you make banitsa?]
2 (a) [0:01] Well how can I not tell you this? [laughter]It’s easy!
disc | how interr | comp | dat 2sg clt | neg | say 1sg pres P | disc | this sg n med adj | easy adv |
3 (VZh) So go ahead.
hort |
4 (a) [0:05] For potato banitsa there are graters. We grate [the potatoes]. We peel them
potato sg m adj | banitsa sg m | pres exist | dat refl clt | grater pl n | and | acc m 3sg clt | grate 1pl pres P | peel 1pl pres P | acc m 3sg clt |
5 (a) [0:09] and grate them. Then [we take] a few onions and grate them onto the potatoes,
grate 1pl pres P | acc m 3sg clt | and | onion pl m | head pl f | dat m 3sg clt | [...] | grate 1pl pres I | on | potato sg m def dist |
6 (a) [0:15] then you mix it up and put it in the pan with – we make pastry sheets,
and | mix 2sg pres P | acc m 3sg clt | and | in | pan sg f def dist | acc m 3sg clt | put 2sg pres P | with | pastry.sheet pl f | dat m 3sg clt | make 1pl pres P |
7 (a) [0:19] two each above and below [the filling], and there it is.
by | two f | pastry.sheet pl f | from | high adv | and | from | low adv | and | and | what indcl interr |
8 (a) [0:23] Not like the pastry sheets you get now at the store, already rolled out.
disc | neg | like prox | now adv | pastry.sheet pl f def dist | comp | acc 3pl clt | bring 3pl pres P | roll pl P.part P |
9 (a) [0:26] That’s how we made it.
thus dist adv | acc m 3sg clt | 1pl pres aux clt | make pl L.part I |
10 (VZh) [When do you plant potatoes?]
11 (a) [0:29] Potatoes are sown in groups of three seed potatoes.
thus dist adv | acc refl clt | sow 3pl pres I | potato pl m def dist | by | by | three | potato ct m |
12 (a) [0:32] With the oxen, the others make ditches, and then we go by afterwards
with | ox pl m def dist | acc m 3sg clt | make 3pl pres P | furrow pl n | and | nom 1pl | pass 1pl pres P | after adv |
13 (a) [0:36] and drop [the seed potatoes into the ditches] at this much of a distance [from one another].
and | acc m 3sg clt | at | so.much prox adv | far adv | [...] | release 1pl pres P |
14 (a) [0:39] You tamp [the earth] down good, then come by again to hoe it, and that’s enough.
and | bury sg imv P | acc m 3sg clt | and | acc 3pl clt | and | pass sg imv P | acc m 3sg clt | hoe sg imv P | and | so.much dist adv | dat 2sg clt | 3sg pres cop clt |
15 (a) [0:43] Then you dig around, and we make ditches [for planting] again.
and | dig.around 3sg pres I | acc refl clt | and | [...] | furrow pl n | later adv | dat m 3sg clt | make 1pl pres I |
16 (a) [0:46] We hoe it once like the first time, and then again,
once adv | acc m 3sg clt | hoe 1pl pres I | like | first adv | and | later adv | again adv |
17 (a) [0:49] we hoe it again like this.
again adv | acc m 3sg clt | hoe 1pl pres I | thus dist adv |
18 (VZh) Why did you keep cats in the house in the old days?
for | what sg n interr | look 2pl impf I | hank pl f | one sg n adj | time sg n | in | house pl f def |
19 (a) [0:54] Well, for mice!
for | mouse pl f | interr |
20 (a) [0:55] For mice, but we don’t have mice.
for | mouse pl f | but | nom 1pl | not.have 1pl pres I | mouse pl f def dist |
21 (a) [0:57] And now I don’t [want to] deal with a cat in my house.
and | now adv | neg | occupy 1sg pres I | cat sg f | comp | acc 1sg clt | enter 3sg pres I |
22 (VZh) Ah.
disc |
23 (a) [0:59] It will bring fleas! [laughter]
comp | bring 3sg pres P | flea pl f |
24 (VZh) [laughter]
25 (a) [1:03] [laughter] I don’t need [that].
neg | need pres I imprs |
26 (VZh) [What kind of work did the men do?]
27 (a) [1:05] The men [would go] to Kurdzhali, to Plovdiv.
and | man pl m def | in | Kurdzhali sg m place | in | Plovdiv sg m place |
28 (b) [unintelligible]
29 (a) [1:09] [They worked] with these bundles; [the problem was] not the bundles, but that they drove them crazy.
disc | disc | with | handful pl m | one pl adj | neg | handful pl m | disc | drive.crazy 3pl impf I |
30 (b) [1:13] From the monopoly, the monopoly.
from | monopoly sg m | monopoly sg m |
31 (a) [1:14] They worked in the monopoly.
monopoly sg m def | 3pl pres aux clt | work pl L.part I |
32 (b) [1:16] The tobacco one.
tobacco sg m def adj |
33 (a) [1:16] The tobacco [monopoly].
tobacco sg m def adj |
34 (VZh) Uh huh.
bkch |
35 (b) [1:16] But [unintelligible] –
but |
36 (a) [1:16] Our husbands worked there, while we were [here]
our pl def med adj | husband pl m | 3pl pres aux clt | there adv | work pl L.part I | and | nom 1pl | 1pl pres aux clt | pl L.part cop |
37 (a) [1:21] [doing] men’s and women’s [work]. We [would] do the plowing and planting,
and | female pl adj | and | male pl adj | and | comp | plow 1pl pres I | and | comp | plant 1pl pres I |
38 (a) [1:23] we would take the mules around and load up wood
and | mule pl n def dist | again adv | comp | drive.around 1pl pres I | and | wood pl n | comp | load 1pl pres I |
39 (a) [1:26] and chop it, and everything. That’s how it was.
and | comp | cut 1pl pres I | and | everything sg n adj | 3sg pres aux clt | sg n L.part cop | thus dist adv |
40 (a) [1:29] And that’s how we’ve gotten this way – unable to get around. [laughter] What [can you do]?
rel med | nom 1pl | 1pl pres cop clt | from | this sg n med adj | such pl prox adj | become pl L.part P | immobilized indcl | how interr |
41 (VZh) [What have you gotten to be?]
42 (a) [1:34] I said we’re lame. We can’t get around. Without [use of] legs or arms.
say 1sg pres I | lame pl adj | become 1pl aor P | immobilized indcl | without | leg pl f | and | without | without | arm pl f |
43 (a) [1:38] My arms [for instance]: the mule completely ruined the tendons on one arm.
arm pl f def prox | one sg f def adj | now adv | mule sg n | to | one sg f def adj | dat 1sg clt | break 3sg aor P | tendon pl f def prox | all indcl |
44 (a) [1:42] And my legs have stopped functioning, from walking and carrying heavy loads:
leg pl f def prox | from | go vbl.n I | and | from | load vbl.n I | heavy sg n adj | take 3pl aor P | comp | neg | go 3pl pres I |
45 (a) [1:46] they don’t even allow me to go outdoors. People say, “Just sit here!”
and | neg | give 3pl pres I | dat 1sg clt | nom 3pl | comp | go 1sg pres I | neither | outside adv | call 3pl pres I | sit sg imv I | here adv |
46 (a) [1:49] You’ve already done all the walking you needed to!” [laughter]
nom 2sg | 2sg pres aux clt | walk sg f L.part P | rel dist | 3sg pres aux clt | need L.part I imprs |
47 (b) [1:52] And then she stopped being able to get around.
and | then med adv | become 3sg aor P | immoblized indcl |
48 (b) [1:53] And I became unable to get around, and now I just sit here
and | become 1sg aor P | then med adv | immobilized indcl | thus prox adv | comp | acc n 3sg clt | sit 1sg pres I |
49 (b) [1:56] and get to eat for free [without working for it]! [laughter]
and | comp | eat 1sg pres I | for | ready indcl |
50 (VZh) [How do you raise tobacco?]
51 (a) [1:59] Back then we’d get out and go pluck the tobacco seedlings here
then dist adv | take 1pl pres P | and | go 1pl pres I | and | acc m 3sg clt | pluck 1pl pres P | seedling sg f | here adv |
52 (a) [2:03] in the garden. There were [tobacco plants all the way] from here to here.
in | garden sg f def med | and | from | here adv | to | and | here adv | exist impf I |
53 (a) [2:05] We would make “hearths” (holes in the soil), then take them and plant them.
and | make 1pl pres P | hearth pl m | and | then med adv | acc m 3sg clt | pluck 1pl pres I | and | acc m 3sg clt | acc m 3sg clt | plant 1pl pres I |
54 (a) [2:08] We had four decares planted with tobacco up above our house.
and | four | decare ct m | above | house sg f def prox | here adv | plant sg m P.part I | tobacco sg m |
55 (a) [2:12] I had a daughter, I had a brother, and then I was all alone
and | have 1sg impf I | and | daughter sg f | and | have 1sg impf I | and | brother sg m | then med adv | remain 1sg aor P | and | alone sg f |
56 (a) [2:16] until I could get a bride [for my son]. After all, that’s why I had [another] child,
until | comp | take 1sg pres I | bride sg f | again adv | most | later adv | 1sg pres aux clt | bear sg f L.part P |
57 (a) [2:22] so as to get a bride because of all the trouble
for | bride sg f | comp | take 1sg pres I | and | for | trouble sg f def med |
58 (a) [2:22] that was sitting on my shoulders [laughter]. I [would] go then to thread [tobacco].
and | and | to | my pl adj | shoulders pl.t | 3sg pres aux clt | sg n L.part cop | then med adv | go 1sg pres P | and | prick 1sg pres I |
59 (a) [2:27] I’d thread it as far as I could, until I got tired and went to eat my fill,
prick 1sg pres I | where rel dist | can 1sg pres I | comp | acc refl clt | tire 1sg pres P | go 1sg pres P | acc refl clt | eat 1sg pres P |
60 (a) [2:30] and then back to thread again, heat or no heat. What can you do?
again adv | go 1sg pres P | bake 3sg pres I | neg | bake 3sg pres I | fut | comp | prick 2sg pres I | what indcl interr | fut | do 2sg pres I |
61 (a) [2:33] They won’t pay you if you don’t harness yourself [to the work] [laughter].
nom 3pl | neg | give 3pl pres I | money pl.t | comp | neg | neg | harness 2sg pres I | acc refl clt |
62 (VZh) [How do you plant it?]
63 (b) [2:38] [unintelligible] In beds, in beds!
bed pl f | bed pl f |
64 (VZh) Yes.
yes |
65 (a) [2:39] We make “hearths” (holes in the soil) and sow them in beds in the garden.
hearth pl m | acc m 3sg clt | sow 1pl pres I | bed pl f | bed pl f def dist | in | garden sg f def dist | acc 3pl clt | sow 1pl pres P |
66 (a) [2:44] Then we pull them up and transplant them. We carry them in boxes –
then med adv | thin.out 1pl pres P | and | plant 1pl pres P | and | and | then dist adv | acc 3pl clt | carry 1pl pres I | in | box pl m |
67 (a) [2:50] carry them off in boxes and transplant them using awls, special awls
in | box pl m | acc m 3sg clt | carry 1pl pres P | transplant 1pl pres I | with | one pl adj | and | awl pl n | pronged.awl sg n |
68 (a) [2:55] [on] all [of them]. We hoe them – we hoe them two times
everything sg n adj | and | then med adv | again adv | when conj | acc m 3sg clt | hoe 1pl pres P | acc m 3sg clt | twice adv | acc 3sg clt | hoe 1pl pres I |
69 (a) [2:59] and then gather them in – the first group, the second, the third and the fourth.
and | then adv | gather 1pl pres P | first sg f adj | hand sg f | second sg f adj | hand sg f | third sg f adj | hand sg f | and | fourth sg f adj | hand sg f |
70 (b) [3:04] And then you mow [the field].
then med adv | acc n 3sg clt | mow 2sg pres P |
71 (a) [3:05] Then we mow it, and then you get offshoots.
excl | then med adv | acc n 3sg clt | mow 1pl pres I | again adv | become 3sg pres P | offshoot sg m |
72 (a) [3:09] But we couldn’t gather anything of it in. And what happened this year?
and | and | acc m 3sg clt | neg | can pres imprs | gather 1pl impf P | disc | this sg f prox adj | year sg f | what indcl interr | become 3sg aor P |
73 (a) [3:12] The tobacco was [so bad] that [all the effort] we put into it was in vain.
tobacco sg m def | become 3sg aor P | already adv | excl | that conj | 1pl pres aux clt | give pl L.part I | strain sg m |
74 (a) [3:14] Out of four or five decares we got [only] eight rounds [of tobacco leaves].
from | four | from | five | decare ct m | and | acc refl clt | and | with | eight | measure ct m | 1pl pres cop clt |
75 (a) [3:19] So why did we put in all this trouble and not get any benefit out of it?
and | for | what indcl interr | dat refl clt | 1pl pres aux clt | give pl L.part I | strain sg m | and | not.have 1pl pres I | benefit sg f | no.kind sg f adj |
76 (a) [3:21] They gave us next to nothing for it.
from | acc m 3sg | bad adv | 3pl pres aux clt | give pl L.part P |
77 (VZh) [Did you get more in other years?]
78 (a) [3:27] When the tobacco was this high, [hard rains] fell and ruined it.
and | and | when interr | when rel dist | tobacco sg m def dist | 3sg impf cop | so.much prox adv | and | fall 3sg aor P | and | acc m 3sg clt | spoil 3sg aor P |
79 (a) [3:30] So then we hoed it over, started again, and [the rains] fell again,
and | then med adv | acc m 3sg clt | again adv | hoe 1pl aor P | gather 1pl aor P | acc m 3sg clt | fall 3sg aor P |
80 (a) [3:34] and then again, and then a third time, and then the offshoots grew.
and | twice adv | fall 3sg aor P | and | twice adv | thrice adv | and | then med adv | rel dist | grow 3sg aor P | offshoot sg m |
81 (a) [3:37] [In the past] we’ve had "utus" (30) rounds, "trijset" (30) rounds [of tobacco] each,
and | by | by | thirty | measure pl m | by | thirty | measure pl m | 1pl pres aux clt | have pl L.part I |
82 (a) [3:41] [in fact] we’ve made up to forty rounds each. But [this year] we managed [only] eight rounds.
by | forty | measure pl m | 1pl pres aux clt | make pl L.part I | but | but | 1pl pres aux clt | create pl L.part P | eight | measure pl m |
83 (b) [unintelligible]
84 (a) [3:47] [Just] this many. Just as many rounds as [the fingers on] these hands here: eight.
so.much prox adv | 3sg pres cop clt | so.much prox adv | 3pl pres cop clt | measure pl m def dist | how.many rel prox | so.many prox adv | hand pl f | eight |
85 (VZh) [And in the old days, how many rounds did you do each?]
86 (a) [3:53] [when it should have been] "kŭrk" (40) rounds each.
but | hes | by | by | forty | measure pl m |
87 (VZh) [What does a wooden plow look like?]
88 (a) [3:56] They put a plowshare on it, forged by Gypsies, and the plow is shaped like this.
dat n 3sg clt | put 3pl pres P | plowshare sg m | of | Egyptian pl m def dist | forge sg n P.part P | and | plow sg n def dist | shape sg n P.part P | thus P prox adv |
89 (a) [4:01] It goes through the earth, it turns it over, and turns it over [again].
and | walk 3sg pres I | through | earth sg f def dist | and | acc n 3sg clt | turn 3sg pres I | acc n 3sg clt | turn 3sg pres I | acc n 3sg clt |
90 (a) [4:05] It’s not like this thing here, like a tractor [that does] a lot. [It just does] a little.
nom n 3sg | neg | like dist | that sg m def dist adj | like dist | tractor sg m def dist | by | much adv | nom n 3sg | by | little adv |
91 (a) [4:08] We plow and plow and then tomorrow you plow [some more].
fut | plow 1pl pres I | plow 1pl pres I | and | again adv | and | tomorrow adv | fut | plow 2sg pres I |
92 (a) [4:11] You squeeze the oxen [into the yoke] – two oxen, and the plow goes between them.
fut | force.in 2sg pres P | ox pl m def dist | two m | ox ct m | and | plow sg n def dist | between | walk 3sg pres I |
93 (b) [4:16] So what [exactly] is there on a plow?
to | plow sg n def dist | what indcl interr | and | what indcl interr | pres exist |
94 (a) [4:18] It’s got everything. There’s moldboards on the plow, and iron, and the plowshare, and –
pres exist | everything sg n adj | and | ear pl n | to | plow sg n def dist | pres exist | and | iron sg n | pres exist | and | plowshare sg m | and |
95 (VZh) [How is a house built?]
96 (a) [4:26] For a house, they dig out the foundation, then build it with stone and beams
house sg f def dist | dig 3pl pres P | foundation pl m | and | build 3pl pres I | acc f 3sg clt | with | stone pl m | and | beam pl f |
97 (a) [4:31] and boards. There weren’t any that were already shaped, or bought.
and | board pl f | [...] | shape pl P.part P | buy pl P.part P | impf neg exist |
98 (b) [unintelligible]
99 (a) [4:35] Whoever had [anything] would bring it from afar, from the mountains.
from | far adv | from | mountain sg f def med | which rel med | dat refl clt | have 3sg impf I | bring 3sg impf I |
100 (a) [4:37] But if not, then [they worked] with some sort of shaped boards.
but | if conj | not | then med adv | with | shape pl P.part I | board pl f | such pl dist adj |
101 (a) [4:41] Not in – That’s how we lived.
not | hes | [...] | to | such sg n dist adj | 1pl pres aux clt | and | sit pl L.part I |
102 (c) [4:43] There wasn't – [unintelligible]
neg | 3sg pres aux clt | L.part exist |
103 (a) [4:43] In the hearth! [That’s where] the fire was. There weren’t these stoves and what-all.
in | hearth sg f | fire sg m def dist | neg | 3sg pres aux clt | L.part exist | such pl prox adj | stove pl f | who.knows adv | what indcl interr |
104 (a) [4:49] We’ve only recently seen such stoves, just a few years ago.
nom 1pl | 1pl pres aux clt | recently adv | see pl L.part P | stove pl f def prox | some sg f adj | year sg f |
105 (a) [4:54] [We did cooking] in the fire, in the hearth, [in pots hanging] on a chain,
in | in | fire sg m def dist | in | hearth sg f | and | with | to | chain sg f |
106 (a) [4:58] on a chain [that was] put on a piece of wood in the hearth. You cook in a cauldron
to | chain sg f | to | wood sg n | put sg f P.part P | in | hearth sg f def dist | and | and | cauldron sg f | comp | boil 2sg pres I |
107 (a) [5:01] hanging from this iron [thing] – we called it a chain.
to | hang sg n P.part P | from | iron pl n | disc | chain sg f | acc n 3sg clt | call 1pl pres I |