Vladimir Zhobov
Malevo/Asg 1
When the investigator’s words are transcribed in brackets, it means they do not appear on the audio but are rather reconstructed to recreate the sense of the original conversation. These words appear in English translation only in Glossed View, in both English and Bulgarian in Line View, and in Bulgarian only in Cyrillic Line View
1 (VZh) [How do you sow lentils?]
2 (a) [0:02] [For] sowing: we sow – You sow. [First] you plow up the field, [then] sow it [all].
hes | for | sow vbl.n I | acc refl clt | sow 1sg pres I | plow 3sg pres I | acc refl clt | sow 3sg pres P | acc refl clt | field sg f def med | sow 3sg pres P | acc refl clt |
3 (a) [0:08] And then you harrow it, and when it’s ready to harvest,
and | then adv | again adv | acc refl clt | harrow 3sg pres I | and | when conj | become 3sg pres P | for | pluck vbl.n I |
4 (a) [ 0:13] We harvest it like usual. We cut the taller [growth] with a scythe
rel dist | all adv | pluck 1pl pres I | which sg f rel med adj | 3sg pres cop clt | more | high sg f adj | and | with | scythe sg f | acc f 3sg clt | mow 3pl pres I |
5 (a) [0:18] and the lower [growth] by hand. We harvest it [all], and put it
which sg f rel med adj | 3sg pres cop clt | more | low sg f adj | with | hand pl f | pluck sg imv I | pluck sg imv I | pluck sg imv I | make 1pl pres I | acc f 3sg clt |
6 (a) [0:22] into little piles. Later we put them into bigger stacks and then
in | small.pile pl f | later adv | put 1pl pres P | in | more | big pl adj | stack pl f | and | then adv |
7 (a) [0:28] we thresh it again with horses,
again adv | acc f 3sg clt | thresh 1pl pres I | with | horse pl m |
8 (a) [0:30] with a mule, or a donkey, or whatever is available.
with | mule sg n | donkey sg n | what sg n rel med | pres exist |
9 (VZh) [Or with cattle?]
10 (a) [0:34] Ah, no. We didn’t – we didn’t do threshing with cattle.
disc | no | now adv | with | cattle pl n | neg | 1pl pres aux clt | neg | 1pl pres aux clt | thresh pl L.part I |
11 (a) [0:37] We did our threshing with a donkeys [or] with a mule,
nom 1pl | 1pl pres aux clt | thresh pl L.part I | with | donkey sg n | with | mule sg n |
12 (a) [0:39] [or] with a horse. Not with cattle, no.
horse sg m | no | with | cattle pl n | no |
13 (VZh) [What was it you didn’t thresh with?]
14 (a) [0:41] [We did] not [thresh] with cattle!
not | with | cattle pl n |
15 (VZh) [What did you do with the lentils?]
16 (a) [0:45] After we winnowed them, we’d cook them. First we shake them through the sieve,
when conj | acc f 3sg clt | winnow 1pl pres P | boil 1pl pres I | dat refl clt | acc f 3sg clt | sift 1pl pres I | acc f 3sg clt | with | sieve sg n |
17 (a) [0:50] then we put them in water, in the pot, to boil [the first time]
later adv | dat refl clt | dat f 3sg clt | put 1pl pres P | water sg f | in | pan sg f def med | comp | dat 1pl clt | boil 3sg pres P |
18 (a) [0:53] and then we rinse the lentils and put them to boil [the second time].
and | then adv | rinse 1pl pres P | with | lentils sg f def med | and | put 1pl pres I | acc f 3sg clt | comp | acc refl clt | boil 3sg pres I |
19 (a) [0:58] We chop up onions and add them, also oil; and it boils and boils.
chop 1pl pres P | and | onion sg m | onion sg m | put 1pl pres P | and | oil sg n | and | acc refl clt | boil 3sg pres I | boil 3sg pres I |
20 (a) [1:04] And then we thicken it with a little flour
and | after adv | acc f 3sg clt | knead 1pl pres P | again adv | with | little adv | flour sg n |
21 (a) [1:08] and after that add salt [laughter] and then eat it! With chunks of – [laughter]
and | then adv | salt 1pl pres P | acc f 3sg clt | and | eat 1pl pres I | chop P.part P |
22 (VZh) [How do you call “thickened milk” (yogurt)?]
23 (a) [1:11] “Thick” milk.
thick sg n adj | milk sg n |
24 (VZh) What?
how interr |
25 (a) [1:13] “Thick” milk.
thick sg n adj | milk sg n |
26 (VZh) [How do you make it?]
27 (a) [1:14] Well, like this. We boil up fresh milk,
disc | make 3sg pres I | acc refl clt | thus med adv | boil 1pl pres I | dat refl clt | milk sg n def med | fresh sg n adj |
28 (a) [1:18] set it aside to cool a bit, and then add starter
leave 1pl pres P | acc n 3sg clt | little adv | comp | cool 3sg pres P | and | after adv | acc n 3sg clt | ferment 1pl pres P |
29 (a) [1:22] – a bit of yogurt. Then we put it in a – We beat it
with | little adv | sour sg n adj | milk sg n | dat n 3sg clt | put 1pl pres P | in | hes | beat 1pl pres P | acc n 3sg clt |
30 (a) [1:28] and then wrap up the pot in which we will cause it to ferment.
and | acc n 3sg clt | wrap 1pl pres P | in | vessel sg m def med | in | which sg n rel med adj | acc n 3sg clt | ferment 1pl pres I |
31 (a) [1:32] And then it becomes “thick”.
and | then adv | dat refl clt | become 3sg pres I | thick sg n adj |
32 (VZh) [What?]
33 (a) [1:34] “Thick!” [laughter]
thick sg n adj |
34 (VZh) [Did you used to go out to do the harvesting?]
35 (a) [1:36 ] Well, we did go out to do harvesting, but now we’ve lost the habit of it [laughter]
disc | to | harvest sg f | go 1pl pres I | nom 1pl | now adv | acc refl clt | unlearn 1pl aor P | from | harvest sg f |
36 (VZh) [But in the old days did you go out?]
37 (a) [1:40] Oh [yes], we went in the old days, and carried children [with us], in cradles [laughter]
excl | one sg n adj | time sg n | go 1pl impf I | and | child pl n | carry 1pl impf I |
in | cradle sg f |
38 (a) [1:45] on our backs. And we would go, and do the reaping, and gather the sheaves.
to | back sg m | and | go 1pl impf I | and | reap 1pl impf I | gather 1pl impf I | sheaf pl m def med |
39 (a) [1:50] What [else] could we do? We also had to take care of the kids. We did everything.
what sg n interr | comp | do 1pl pres I | and | child pl n | look 1pl pres I | and | everything sg n | 1pl pres aux clt | do pl L.part I |
40 (VZh) [And when was that?]
41 (a) [1:54] During the harvest.
at | harvest sg f |
42 (VZh) [Where did you go on Easter (Sunday)?]
43 (a) [1:56] You go to church on Easter [Sunday].
to | Easter sg m | acc refl clt | go 3sg pres I | to | church sg f |
44 (VZh) Right –
thus adv |
45 (a) [ 1:59] They go around – when they go [there] they go around the church –
circle 3pl pres I | hes | when conj | go 3pl pres P | and | circle 3pl pres I | church sg f def med | there adv | around |
46 (a) [2:05] they just go around the church. Then they crack eggs there:
church sg f def med | only adv | circle 3pl pres I | there adv | knock 3pl pres I | egg pl n |
47 (a) [2:10] [everyone] who’s gone to the church gets together and they crack
and | acc refl clt | gather 3pl pres I | who pl rel med adj | 3pl pres aux clt | go pl L.part P | in | church sg f | knock 3pl pres I | acc refl clt |
48 (a) [2:15] eggs there, peel them, and eat them! [laughter] What can I –
there adv | with | egg pl n def med | peel 3pl pres I | acc 3pl clt | eat 3pl pres I | acc 3pl clt | what sg n interr | comp | dat 2sg clt |
49 (VZh) [Did you keep on fasting on that day also?]
50 (a) [2:18] Well, you fast up till then, but on Easter you eat already –
disc | to.then adv | acc refl clt | fast 3sg pres I | but | then adv | to | Easter sg m | dat refl clt | eat 3pl pres I | already adv |
51 (a) [2:23] meat, and eggs, and milk –
and | meat sg n | and | egg pl n | and | milk sg n | now adv |
52 (VZh) [And] banitsa –
banitsa pl f |
53 (a) [2:26] [Yes,] we make banitsa too. They eat everything [at that point].
and | banitsa pl f | make 1pl pres I | eat 3pl pres I | everything sg n adj |
54 (VZh) [Did you eat at tables like these (you have now)?]
55 (a) [2:29] No, we had “paraliya” tables. They were different, round and lower down.
disc | disc | low.table pl f | impf exist | other pl adj | more | low pl adj | spherical pl adj |
56 (a) [2:34] We sat at those when we were smaller,
and | there adv | dat refl clt | […] | sit 1pl impf P | as | more | little pl adj |
57 (a) [2:36] but when we grew up and married, we ate at [normal] tables.
nom 1pl | when conj | become 1pl aor P | already adv | marry pl P.part I | at | table pl f | eat 1pl pres I |
58 (a) [2:41] But earlier on we ate at the “paraliya” tables. At my father’s house
and | but | more | early adv | at | low.table pl f | eat 1pl impf I | and | at | father sg m | dat 1sg clt |
59 (a) [2:46] there were a lot of us. They had seven children there,
1pl impf cop | many adv | people pl | there adv | there adv | have 3pl impf I | nom 3pl | seven | child pl n |
60 (a) [2:52] and all of us sat at the “paraliya” tables,
all pl def med adj | when conj | sit 1pl pres P | at | low.table sg f def med |
61 (a) [2:55] some on small chairs, some hunkered down on their knees,
to | small.chair pl n | who sg m inter.rel | to | small.chair sg n | who sg m inter.rel | acc refl clt | bend sg m L.part P | to | knee sg n |
62 (a) [2:58] and that’s where we ate.
and | there adv | dat refl clt | eat 1pl impf I |
63 (VZh) At the “paraliya” tables.
at | low.table sg f def |
64 (a) [3:01] At the “paraliya” tables. And we ate out of the same bowl, we call it “gyuvech”.
at | low.table sg f def med | and | in | one sg f adj | bowl sg f | 1pl pres aux clt | eat pl L.part I | call 1pl pres I | acc n 3sg clt | stew sg m |
65 (a) [3:06] We fill the “gyuvech” with gruel, [laughter] with lentils, with beans. We dip bread in it,
fill 1pl pres P | stew sg m def dist | with | gruel sg f | with | lentils sg f | with | beans sg m | crumble 1pl pres P | acc m 3sg clt |
66 (a) [3:11] and eat it. What [else] could we do? [laughter]
and | eat 1pl pres I | what sg n interr | comp | do 1pl pres I |
67 (b) [3:13] [laughter]
68 (VZh) [How did you thresh rye?]
69 (a) [3:14] [We needed] more time for threshing. When we thresh we drive the horses around,
[...] | time sg n | thresh 1pl impf I | mostly adv | time sg n | acc refl clt | thresh 3sg pres I | drive 1pl pres I | horse pl m def dist |
70 (a) [3:20] drive them, lift [up all the sheaves]. Some people would cut the sheaves –
drive 1pl pres I | lift 1pl pres I | some pl adj | pres exist | and | cut 3pl pres I | sheaf pl m def med |
71 (b) [3:24] With an ax.
with | ax sg f |
72 (a) [3:26] – with an ax and a chopping block, to make them shorter,
with | ax sg f | at | bottom sg n | wood sg n | and | comp | acc refl clt | more | short pl adj |
73 (a) [3:30] and easier to thresh. Otherwise, we would, while threshing
more | easy sg n adj | comp | acc refl clt | thresh 3sg pres I | and | but | otherwise adv | how rel | dat refl clt | thresh 1pl pres I |
74 (a) [3:33] other things, also thresh the rye.
other pl def med adj | thing pl f | thus med adv | and | rye sg m def med | thresh 1pl pres I |
75 (VZh) [And how did you tie up the sheaves?]
76 (a) [3:35] With cords [made] from …
hes | rope pl n def dist | from |
77 (b) [3:36] from [stalks of] the sheaf [itself]
from | sheaf sg m def |
78 (a) [3:38] … the sheaves. We make them from a sheaf from the harvest, and put them
sheaf pl m def dist | dat refl clt | from | sheaf sg m def dist | from | harvest sg f def dist | acc 3pl clt | make 1pl pres P | and | put 1pl pres P | acc m 3sg clt |
79 (a) [3:42] on the ground. We reap by handfuls and put them [in a bunch with] the cord
to | earth sg f def med | reap 1pl pres I | from | hes | handful pl f def med | and | put 1pl pres I | to | rope sg n def dist |
80 (a) [3:46] and when [the bunch] gets bigger we tie [it off] and start another one,
become 3sg pres P | interr clt | more | big sg n adj | tie 1pl pres P | again adv | other sg m adj | dat refl clt | make 1pl pres P |
81 (a) [3:50] and so on until we have reaped [the whole] field.
and | thus med adv | until conj | comp | dat refl clt | reap 1pl pres P | field sg f def med |
82 (VZh) [And what did you do with the sheaves?]
83 (a) [3:53] Well, we make them so that they don’t get wet,
disc | make 1pl pres P | acc 3pl clt | again adv | comp | neg | acc refl clt | moisten 3pl pres I |
84 (a) [3:57] we make them in cruciform, like this. See, one sheaf here,
to | cruciform pl m | acc 3pl clt | make 1pl pres I | ost | thus med adv | here adv | one sg m adj | sheaf sg m |
85 (a) [4:00] another there, [yet] another here, and here up above another.
there adv | other sg m adj | here adv | and | here adv | above adv | other sg m adj |
86 (a) [4:04] We pile them like that [in bunches] of sixteen sheaves each.
thus med adv | acc 3pl clt | make 1pl pres P | by | sixteen | sheaf ct m |
87 (VZh) [And where do you put them?]
88 (a) [4:07] On the ground! On the ground, that’s where the grain is
to | earth sg f def med | to | earth sg f def med | but | again adv | thus med adv | this sg n med adj | grain sg n def med |
89 (a) [4:12] one on top of the other so that – so that the grain doesn’t get wet! [laughter]
one sg n adj | atop | other sg n adj | comp | acc refl clt | comp | neg | acc refl clt | moisten 3sg pres I | grain sg n def med |
90 (VZh) So tell me, tell me what –
hort | say sg imv P | say sg imv P | which sg n interr adj |
91 (a) [4:19] If the grain gets wet, then the [dough made from it] will get more – more soggy.
grain sg n def med | when conj | acc refl clt | moisten 3sg pres P | and | become 3sg pres I | later adv | more | [...] | more | sodden sg n adj |
92 (a) [4:24] When it – you know, when we take and grind the wheat [to make] flour
when inter.rel | acc n 3sg clt | interr | now adv | flour sg n | when conj | take 1pl pres P | and | acc 3pl clt | grind 1pl pres P | grain sg n def dist |
93 (a) [4:29] the flour [from it] comes out worse. You can’t grind –
and | that sg n dist adj | flour sg n | become 3sg pres P | more | bad sg n adj | neg | can pres imprs | comp | acc refl clt | grind 3sg pres I |
94 (a) [4:33] that is, knead it properly, such as [to make it] become good bread.
comp | acc refl clt | knead 3sg pres I | nicely adv | comp | become 3sg pres P | nice sg m adj | bread sg m |
95 (a) [4:37] Instead you get unbaked dough – a finger-length of unbaked dough [laughter]
disc | become 3sg pres I | unbaked.dough sg m | one sg m adj | finger sg m | unbaked.dough sg m | become 3sg pres I |
96 (a) [4:41] That’s what we used to call it in the old days.
one sg n adj | time sg n | thus med adv | acc 3sg clt | say 1pl impf I |
97 (VZh) [How do you spin, and how do you shear sheep?]
98 (a) [4:42] Spinning – it’s easy to spin.
spin vbl.n I | acc refl clt | spin 3sg pres I | easy adv |
99 (VZh) With a distaff.
on | distaff sg f def |
100 (a) [4:44] With a distaff. As for shearing, they hobble the sheep
on | distaff sg f def dist | and | but | for | shear vbl.n I | hobble 3pl pres I | sheep pl f def med |
101 (a) [4:49] and then we begin to shear [them].
and | then adv | begin 1pl pres I | comp | shear 1pl pres I |
102 (VZh) [Why do you hobble them?]
103 (a) [4:52] So they don’t jerk about, otherwise you’ll cut them.
comp | neg | stir 3pl pres I | because | otherwise adv | fut | acc 3pl clt | slice 1pl pres P |
104 (a) [4:55] Once the sheep is lying down then you go at it with the shears
how rel | dat refl clt | 3sg pres aux clt | lie.down sg f L.part P | sheep sg f def med | drive sg imv I | drive sg imv I | drive sg imv I | with | scissors pl.t def dist |
105 (a) [4:59] and you shear it.
and | acc refl clt | shear 3sg pres P |