Vladimirovo 1

1 (VZh)       In the old days, when was [the day] of the village celebration in Lyuta?

celebration sg m def
Lyuta sg f place when interr 3sg impf cop
time sg n def

2 (a) [0:04]      On the fourteenth …

fourteenth sg m adj

3 (c) [0:06]      On the fourteenth.

fourteenth sg m adj

4 (a) [0:07]      of November, I think it was I don’t know.

November sg m
interr clt
3sg impf cop
know 1sg pres I

5 (b) [0:08]      That’s right, November.

thus adv November sg m

6 (VZh)       Uh huh.


7 (a) [0:10]      Ah, Nove- November, right?

interr [...]
November sg m

8 (VZh)       And how did you celebrate it? How was the celebration set up?

how interr how interr
acc refl clt
celebrate 3sg pres I this sg n adj
how interr become 3sg impf I celebration sg m def

9 (a) [0:15]      How was it celebrated?

how interr
acc refl clt
celebrate 3sg pres I when conj

10 (VZh)       Yes.


11 (a) [0:17]      It starts when – we know there will be a celebration, and we knead up bread,

begin 3sg pres P
know 1pl pres I
that conj
3sg pres cop clt
celebration sg m def knead 1pl pres I
dat refl clt
knead 1pl pres P bread sg m

12 (a) [0:22]      and slaughter – if we have something larger, either a lamb –

slaughter 1pl pres P
dat refl clt
if conj
have 1pl pres something sg n more big sg n adj or lamb sg n

13 (a) [0:26]      something, chickens or geese, whoever if – whoever kept what –

or something sg n hen pl f
interr clt
goose pl f which sg m interr
if conj
dat refl clt
which sg m interr
dat refl clt
3sg pres aux clt
raise sg m L.part I

14 (a) [0:30]      and we slaughter them. Then guests come, celebration visitors, and we cook –

acc 3pl clt
slaughter 1pl pres P
guest pl m def come 3pl pres I celebrant pl m def
3pl pres cop clt
cook 1pl pres I

15 (a) [0:36]      the visitors come and we greet them. There’s been set up for us a big –

come 3pl pres P celebrant pl m greet 1pl pres I
acc 3pl clt
arrange pl L.part P
acc 1pl clt
3pl pres aux clt
thus adv big sg f adj disc

16 (b) [0:41]      Table.

table sg f

17 (a) [0:42]      Something like a table.

like table sg f

18 (VZh)       So they come from other villages? [If you say] “celebration guests”, that means

come 3pl pres I
other pl adj village pl n disc celebrant sg m
say 3sg pres P

19 (VZh)       that they are coming from other places.

nom 3pl
3pl pres cop clt
other sg n adj place sg n come 3pl pres I

20 (a) [0:47]      Yes, from another [place]. Extended family ...

other sg n adj family pl m def

21 (VZh)       Aha.


22 (a) [0:48]      ... [or] if they are relatives by marriage.

if conj
pres exist family pl m friend pl m

23 (VZh)       And do you go to their village celebrations?

nom 2pl go 2pl pres I
interr clt
their pl def adj celebration pl m

24 (a) [0:52]      Of course we go!

go 1pl pres I

25 (VZh)       [laughter]

26 (a) [0:53]      You see, I’m from Lehchevo, but my mother is from Vladimirovo.

nom 1sg 1sg pres cop clt
Lehchevo sg n place
mother sg f
dat 1sg clt
3sg pres cop clt
Vladimirovo sg n place

27 (VZh)       Uh huh.


28 (a) [0:57]      I go from Vladimirovo [to theirs] and they come from Lehchevo [to ours].

nom 1sg come 1sg pres I
Vladimirovo sg n place
nom 3pl
then adv
come 3pl pres I
Lehchevo sg n place

29 (VZh)       Uh huh.


30 (a) [1:01]      And the same thing with other villages: we go to them and they [come here].

pres exist interr
other def pl adj village pl n go 1pl pres I
other pl adj
nom 3pl thus adv

31 (VZh)       Did different extended families have something like a family saint,

separate pl def adj family pl m have 3pl impf I
interr clt
dat refl clt
something sg n like saint sg m

32 (VZh)       such that each family group knew which was its [own] saint,

interr each sg m adj family sg m
dat refl clt
know 3sg pres I which sg m interr
dat m 3sg clt
3sg pres cop clt
saint sg m def

33 (VZh)       and that the gathering would be not the entire village but just one large extended family –

acc refl clt
gather 3sg pres I not entire sg n def adj village sg n
only adv one sg m adj big sg m adj family sg m

34 (VZh)       was there such a thing [here]?

this sg n adj impf exist
interr clt
acc n 3sg clt

35 (a) [1:17]      Well yes, there was.

impf exist

36 (VZh)       And how – what sort of area was that celebration held in?

how interr
what sg n interr place sg n
acc refl clt
do 3sg impf I this sg n adj

37 (a) [1:21]      Whoever decides he’s going to do it, decides where it will be,

which sg m interr
where interr
dat refl clt
decide 3sg pres P interr
acc m 3sg clt
do 3sg pres P

38 (a) [1:25]      and we do it.

dat refl clt
do 1pl pres P

39 (VZh)       Uh huh.


40 (b) [1:26]      Uh huh.


41 (a) [1:30]      How can I tell you? It’s, well, you say there will be [something],

what sg n interr
dat 2sg clt
say 1sg pres I when conj
say 2sg pres P
dat refl clt
3sg pres cop clt

42 (a) [1:33]      that relatives will come together, that you’ll gather together your children,

acc refl clt
gather 3pl pres P
dat refl clt
family pl m def
interr clt
one's.own pl def adj child pl n
dat refl clt
gather 2sg pres P

43 (a) [1:38]      you put it together, guests come, and it’s just like a village celebration anyway.

dat refl clt
do 2sg pres P
guest pl m all adv
dat refl clt
3sg pres cop clt
one sg n adj
3sg pres cop clt
celebration sg m

44 (VZh)       Aha! [laughter]


45 (a) [1:42]      You see?


46 (VZh)       [laughter] And when – when did people here begin to – uh –

when interr when interr begin 3pl aor P here adv people pl def
dat refl clt

47 (VZh)       Do people plant grapevines here? Do they have vineyards here?

pres exist
interr clt
vineyard sg f
put 3pl pres I
people pl def vineyard pl n have 3pl pres
interr clt
here adv

48 (a) [1:51]      Vineyards?

vineyard pl n
interr clt

49 (VZh)       Yes.


50 (a) [1:53]      There used to be a lot of vineyards!

vineyard pl n impf exist many adv

51 (VZh)       Hah!


52 (a) [1:55]      A lot of them. Everyone had a vineyard here before they began

many adv impf exist each sg m adj
dat refl clt
have 3sg impf vineyard pl n
begin 3pl pres P

53 (a) [2:00]      [to put together] those big chunks of land (= collective farms).

this sg n adj more
big pl def adj
decare pl m land sg f

54 (a) [2:05]      People had them. On less space, but people had [their own]

have 3pl impf I
dat refl clt
little adv disc
dat refl clt
have 3pl impf I people pl def

55 (a) [2:09]      albeit less. Then came the big vineyards. But whether there are vineyards now

after adv become 3pl aor P many adv vineyard pl n
now adv interr pres exist vineyard sg f

56 (a) [2:12]      I no longer know. Everything has gone to pot.

already adv
know 1sg pres I everything sg n adj
3pl pres cop clt
exterminate 3sg aor P

57 (VZh)       You know, [it’s surprising] that we rarely ask about this.

nom 1pl
this sg n adj
know 2sg pres I
that conj
rarely adv ask 1pl pres I

58 (VZh)       How is that done? How do you cultivate a vineyard?

how interr
acc refl clt
this sg n adj how interr
acc refl clt
look 3sg pres I
one sg n adj grapevine sg n

59 (VZh)       What do you need to do for it?

what sg n interr must pres I imprs
acc n 3sg clt
do 2sg pres I

60 (a) [2:23]      A vineyard?

grapevine sg n def
interr clt

61 (VZh)       Yes.


62 (a) [2:24]      Well, for a vineyard you have to hoe it, and tie it up,

grapevine sg n def must pres I imprs
acc n 3sg clt
dig 2sg pres I
acc n 3sg clt
tie 2sg pres I

63 (a) [2:27]      and spray it with copper sulfite, and –

acc n 3sg clt
spray 2sg pres I with
blue sg m adj stone sg m

64 (VZh)       Uh huh.


65 (a) [2:30]      You spray it, you tie it [to supports] –

spray 2sg pres I tie 2sg pres I

66 (VZh)       Which is most difficult of all [these tasks]?

which sg n interr adj
3sg pres cop clt
most difficult sg n adj
everything sg n adj

67 (a) [2:35]      Well, what’s hard is that it requires a lot of hoeing and tying, and pruning –

difficult sg n adj because must pres imprs much adv hoe vbl.n I
tie vbl.n I
prune vbl.n I

68 (VZh)       And what do you do with the shoots [you’ve] pruned?

shoot pl m def what sg n interr
acc 3pl clt
do 2pl pres I

69 (a) [2:42]      Well, these shoots – in the springtime, we – we toss them out.

this pl adj
interr clt
shoot pl m def spring sg f [...]
throw 1pl pres I nom 1pl

70 (VZh)       Uh huh.


71 (a) [2:48]      We only leave a few, and we’ll go and tie those onto stakes we’ve put up

only adv this sg n adj
dat refl clt
leave 1pl pres P
stake pl m def
dat refl clt
put 1pl pres I stake pl m
go 1pl pres I tie 1pl pres P

72 (a) [2:56]      That’s the grapevine, and it [yields] grapes and there you are:

[ ... ]
this sg n adj grapevine sg f def
nom f 3sg
dat refl clt
grape sg n
disc thus adv

73 (a) [2:59]      We pick them, then we eat [them], drink wine, and that’s it.

gather 1pl pres I after adv eat 1pl pres I drink 1pl pres I wine sg n
disc thus adv

74 (VZh)       [laughter]

75 (b)       [laughter]

76 (VZh)       And did children want to drink it before –

child pl n def want 3pl impf I
interr clt
drink 3pl pres I this sg n adj before

77 (VZh)       before it ...


78 (a) [3:08]      Ah. But we leave [it] –

leave 1pl pres P

79 (VZh)       … begins to ferment?

begin 3sg pres P
bubble 3sg pres I there adv

80 (b) [3:09]      Yes.


81 (VZh)       How did they call that –

how interr
dat n 3sg clt
how interr
dat n 3sg clt
call 3pl impf I
this sg n adj

82 (a) [3:11]      We call that “sweet wine” (new wine).

sweet sg n adj wine sg n
dat n 2sg clt
call 1pl pres I

83 (VZh)       "Sweet wine".

sweet sg n adj wine sg n

84 (a) [3:13]      Must.

must sg m

85 (VZh)       Uh huh.


86 (b) [3:14]      Tell about when …

say sg imv P when inter.rel

87 (VZh)       Hm.


88 (b) [3:15]      … someone hurts themselves, when something happens to someone,

someone sg m
acc refl clt
kill 3sg pres P something sg n when inter.rel something sg n
acc refl clt
happen 3sg pres P with
someone acc sg m

89 (b) [3:18]      how you grab a saint, and what you do to –

how interr
dat refl clt
catch 2pl pres I saint sg m
what sg n interr do 2pl pres I

90 (VZh)       Hm?


91 (b) [3:21]      When someone gets hurt, when something –

when inter.rel someone sg m
acc refl clt
kill 3sg pres P something sg n when inter.rel

92 (c) [3:23]      The day! The day! The day!

day sg m day sg m day sg m

93 (b) [3:23]      [Yes,] tell about the grabbing of the day.

catch vbl.n I
day sg m tell sg imv P

94 (a) [3:26]      Well, about the day. And the other, and –

day sg m def
other sg n adj

95 (c) [3:29]      There’s more coffee, may I pour you some?

pres exist coffee sg n
dat 2sg clt
pour 1sg pres P
interr clt

96 (GK)       He doesn’t drink coffee.

nom m 3sg
drink 3sg pres I coffee sg n

97 (VZh)       Yes - yes, yes. We’re listening!

yes yes yes listen 1pl pres I acc 2sg clt

98 (b) [3:35]      Didn’t you grab the day for…

2sg pres aux clt
interr clt
catch sg f L.part I day sg m

99 (VZh)       [unintelligible]

100 (b) [3:37]      … Pepi, or for Tsani?

Pepi sg m name or
Tsani sg m name

101 (c) [3:38]      [It’s done with] a three-legged stool.

three-legged sg n adj stool sg n

102 (a) [3:39]      You see, we “caught” a saint’s day for them – either St. George’s day,

catch pl L.part I
1pl pres aux clt
dat 3pl clt
day sg m or
St. George's.day sg m

103 (a) [3:45]      or the Savior’s day, or St. Elias’s day, or some other days,

Savior's.day sg m or
saint sg m adj Elias sg m name or
other pl adj day pl m

104 (a) [3:50]      however many there are. You have to pick at least three holidays [for candidates].

how.many inter.rel holiday pl m pres exist can pres imprs
acc m 3sg clt
name 2sg pres P most little adv
three holiday pl m

105 (a) [3:56]      And people – [the way] we “catch” for them is – there are these stools

person pl m def
thus adv
dat 3pl clt
catch 1pl pres P
pres exist
stool pl n

106 (a) [4:01]      with three legs; if you’re old …

three leg ct m
if conj
2pl pres cop clt
old pl adj

107 (VZh)       Aha.


108 (a) [4:04]      … if you’ve seen them – we turn the stool over [so that] the legs –

if conj
2pl pres aux clt
see pl L.part P
this pl adj
reverse 1pl pres P stool sg n def
leg pl m def

109 (a) [4:08]      all three legs are pointed upwards, and we put – they put little candles [on each leg]

three def leg ct m
3pl pres cop clt
up adv
put 1pl pres I put 3pl pres I candle pl f

110 (a) [4:11]      and light them. And whichever candle the child grabs for, that’s the one

acc 3pl clt
light 1pl pres P
child sg n def which sg n inter.rel adj catch 3sg pres P this sg n adj
this sg m adj

111 (a) [4:16]      that we name as his saint’s day. Today St. George’s day, tomorrow –

acc m 3sg clt
name 1pl pres P today adv St. George's.day sg m tomorrow adv

112 (b) [4:20]      Easter.

Easter sg m

113 (a) [4:21]      Ascension, Easter,

Savior's.day sg m Easter sg m

114 (b) [4:23]      St. Dimitri’s day.

St.Dimitri's.day sg m

115 (VZh)       Uh huh.


116 (a) [4:24]      And on that day we make him a round bread, or something, and –

thus adv
this sg m adj day sg m
dat m 3sg clt
make 1pl pres I pita sg f something sg n

117 (VZh)       When do you do this “catching of the saint”, when a child

when interr
acc refl clt
catch 3sg pres I thus adv saint sg m when interr child sg n def

118 (VZh)       has been sick or something?

something sg n
3sg pres aux clt
sg n L.part cop ill sg n adj
interr clt

119 (a) [4:36]      If things aren’t going well for the child,

if conj
dat n 3sg clt
3sg pres cop clt
good adv child sg n def

120 (a) [4:37]      or if it’s doing poorly, if something is [not right]

all adv thus adv
3sg pres cop clt
weak sg n adj something sg n

121 (a) [4:40]      and you can’t [do] what’s needed, that’s what they do.

acc 2sg clt
must pres I imprs this sg n adj thus adv do 3pl pres I

         In the old days, when was [the day] of the village celebration in Lyuta?

         On the fourteenth …

         On the fourteenth.

         of November, I think it was I don’t know.

         That’s right, November.

         Uh huh.

         Ah, Nove- November, right?

         And how did you celebrate it? How was the celebration set up?

         How was it celebrated?


         It starts when – we know there will be a celebration, and we knead up bread,

         and slaughter – if we have something larger, either a lamb –

         something, chickens or geese, whoever if – whoever kept what –

         and we slaughter them. Then guests come, celebration visitors, and we cook –

         the visitors come and we greet them. There’s been set up for us a big –


         Something like a table.

         So they come from other villages? [If you say] “celebration guests”, that means

         that they are coming from other places.

         Yes, from another [place]. Extended family ...


         ... [or] if they are relatives by marriage.

         And do you go to their village celebrations?

         Of course we go!


         You see, I’m from Lehchevo, but my mother is from Vladimirovo.

         Uh huh.

         I go from Vladimirovo [to theirs] and they come from Lehchevo [to ours].

         Uh huh.

         And the same thing with other villages: we go to them and they [come here].

         Did different extended families have something like a family saint,

         such that each family group knew which was its [own] saint,

         and that the gathering would be not the entire village but just one large extended family –

         was there such a thing [here]?

         Well yes, there was.

         And how – what sort of area was that celebration held in?

         Whoever decides he’s going to do it, decides where it will be,

         and we do it.

         Uh huh.

         Uh huh.

         How can I tell you? It’s, well, you say there will be [something],

         that relatives will come together, that you’ll gather together your children,

         you put it together, guests come, and it’s just like a village celebration anyway.

         Aha! [laughter]

         You see?

         [laughter] And when – when did people here begin to – uh –

         Do people plant grapevines here? Do they have vineyards here?



         There used to be a lot of vineyards!


         A lot of them. Everyone had a vineyard here before they began

         [to put together] those big chunks of land (= collective farms).

         People had them. On less space, but people had [their own]

         albeit less. Then came the big vineyards. But whether there are vineyards now

         I no longer know. Everything has gone to pot.

         You know, [it’s surprising] that we rarely ask about this.

         How is that done? How do you cultivate a vineyard?

         What do you need to do for it?

         A vineyard?


         Well, for a vineyard you have to hoe it, and tie it up,

         and spray it with copper sulfite, and –

         Uh huh.

         You spray it, you tie it [to supports] –

         Which is most difficult of all [these tasks]?

         Well, what’s hard is that it requires a lot of hoeing and tying, and pruning –

         And what do you do with the shoots [you’ve] pruned?

         Well, these shoots – in the springtime, we – we toss them out.

         Uh huh.

         We only leave a few, and we’ll go and tie those onto stakes we’ve put up

         That’s the grapevine, and it [yields] grapes and there you are:

         We pick them, then we eat [them], drink wine, and that’s it.



         And did children want to drink it before –

         before it ...

         Ah. But we leave [it] –

         … begins to ferment?


         How did they call that –

         We call that “sweet wine” (new wine).

         "Sweet wine".


         Uh huh.

         Tell about when …


         … someone hurts themselves, when something happens to someone,

         how you grab a saint, and what you do to –


         When someone gets hurt, when something –

         The day! The day! The day!

         [Yes,] tell about the grabbing of the day.

         Well, about the day. And the other, and –

         There’s more coffee, may I pour you some?

         He doesn’t drink coffee.

         Yes - yes, yes. We’re listening!

         Didn’t you grab the day for…


         … Pepi, or for Tsani?

         [It’s done with] a three-legged stool.

         You see, we “caught” a saint’s day for them – either St. George’s day,

         or the Savior’s day, or St. Elias’s day, or some other days,

         however many there are. You have to pick at least three holidays [for candidates].

         And people – [the way] we “catch” for them is – there are these stools

         with three legs; if you’re old …


         … if you’ve seen them – we turn the stool over [so that] the legs –

         all three legs are pointed upwards, and we put – they put little candles [on each leg]

         and light them. And whichever candle the child grabs for, that’s the one

         that we name as his saint’s day. Today St. George’s day, tomorrow –


         Ascension, Easter,

         St. Dimitri’s day.

         Uh huh.

         And on that day we make him a round bread, or something, and –

         When do you do this “catching of the saint”, when a child

         has been sick or something?

         If things aren’t going well for the child,

          or if it’s doing poorly, if something is [not right]

         and you can’t [do] what’s needed, that’s what they do.

1 (VZh)       сəбо̀рə нə нə л’у̀тə кога̀ бѐше на врѐмето

2 (a) [0:04]       на четирина̀ести

3 (c) [0:06]       на четирина̀ести

4 (a) [0:07]       ноѐмври ли бѐше не зна̀м

5 (b) [0:08]       така̀ ноѐмври

6 (VZh)       ъхъ̀

7 (a) [0:10]       а̀ налѝ ноѐм ноѐмри

8 (VZh)       и ка̀к ка̀к се празну̀вə това̀ ка ка̀к ста̀ваше сəбо̀рə

9 (a) [0:15]       къ̀к сə празну̀ва кото

10 (VZh)       əмhəм

11 (a) [0:17]       по̀ по̀чне дѐ да зна̀аме че а збо̀ра мѐсиме си омѐсиме лѐп

12 (a) [0:22]       ə зако̀л’аме си ако ѝмаме нѐшто по̀ голѐмо алѝ а̀гънце

13 (a) [0:26]       алѝ нѐшто коко̀шки ли гъ̀ски ко̀й ако си ко̀й си е чува̀л

14 (a) [0:30]       и и ги зако̀л’еме и го̀ските ѝдат зборйа̀нете се го̀твиме

15 (a) [0:36]       до̀йдът зборйа̀не срѐштаме ги нарѐдиле не са така̀ голѐма тако̀о

16 (b) [0:41]       трəпѐза

17 (a) [0:42]       ку̭ту трəпѐзə

18 (VZh)       ѝдват и од дру̀ги села̀ това̀ збор’а̀нин ше речѐ

19 (VZh)       тѐ сə од дру̀го м’а̀сто ѝдват

20 (a) [0:47]       ѐ уд дру̀гу ро̀довете

21 (VZh)       əхə

22 (a) [0:48]       ако ѝма ро̀дове прийа̀теле

23 (VZh)       а вѝе хо̀дите ли на тѐхните сəбо̀ри

24 (a) [0:52]       ме о̀диме

25 (VZh)       [смях]

26 (a) [0:53]       еми йа̀ съм од лехчѐво па ма̀к’а ми е од влəдимѝрову

27 (VZh)       əхə

28 (a) [0:57]       йа̀ ѝдвам од влəдимѝрову па онѝ па дова̀ждат у лехчѐво

29 (VZh)       əhə

30 (a) [1:01]       па ѝма нелѝ по дру̀гите села̀ о̀диме на дру̀ги па тѐ тека̀

31 (VZh)       а оддѐлните ро̀дове ѝмаха ли си нѐшто като светѐц

32 (VZh)       налѝ сѐки ро̀д да си зна̀е ко̀й му е светѐца

33 (VZh)       и да са сабѝра нѐ цѐлото сѐло а са̀мо едѝн голѐм ро̀т

34 (VZh)       това̀ ѝмаше ли го

35 (a) [1:17]       ѐ па ѝмаше

36 (VZh)       и ка̀к на какво̀ м’а̀сто се пра̀веше това̀

37 (a) [1:21]       ѐ па ко̀й к къдѐ си решѝ далѝ го напра̀ви

38 (a) [1:25]       и си напра̀вимə

39 (VZh)       əмхəм

40 (b) [1:26]       əмhəм

41 (a) [1:30]       кво̀ да ти ка̀ам кото ре речѐш да ə да си е

42 (a) [1:33]       дə сə збѐрът си ро̀довете ле сво̀йте деца̀ си збѐреш

43 (a) [1:38]       си напра̀иш па го̀ск’е сѐ си е едно̀ че а збо̀р

44 (VZh)       əhә̀ [смях]

45 (a) [1:42]       йа̀

46 (VZh)       [смях] а кога̀ кога̀ запо̀чнаха ту̀ка хо̀рата да си сла̀ ə

47 (VZh)       ѝма ли лоз’а̀ да сла̀гат ə ə хо̀рата ло̀зета ѝмат ли ту̀ка

48 (a) [1:51]       лозйа̀ ли

49 (VZh)       да̀

50 (a) [1:53]       лозйа̀ ѝмаше мно̀го̀

51 (VZh)       а̀

52 (a) [1:55]       мно̀го ѝмаше сѐки си ѝмаше лозйа̀ и прес предѝ да по̀чнəт

53 (a) [2:00]       това̀ по̀ ə ə голѐмите ə ро дѐкаре земйа̀

54 (a) [2:05]       ѝмаа си по ма̀ по̀ ма̀лко дѐ ама си ѝмаа о̀рата

55 (a) [2:09]       пу ма̀ и по̀слем стана̀а мно̀го лозйа̀ ама сеа̀ далѝ ѝма лозйа̀

56 (a) [2:12]       вѐче не зна̀м сѝчко сə истрѐби

57 (VZh)       нѝе за това̀ зн зна̀еш че рѐтко пѝтаме зə

58 (VZh)       ка̀к се това̀ ка̀к се глѐда на едно̀ ло̀зе

59 (VZh)       кво̀ трѐбва да го пра̀иш

60 (a) [2:23]       ə ло̀зйето ли

61 (VZh)       да̀

62 (a) [2:24]       еми ə ло̀зйето трѐбва го ко̀паш да го връ̀звъш

63 (a) [2:27]       дъ гу пръ̀скъш със сѝн ка̀мик ше

64 (VZh)       ъхə̀

65 (a) [2:30]       пръ̀скаш връ̀звəш

66 (VZh)       коѐ е на̀й тру̀дно от сѝчко

67 (a) [2:35]       абе тру̀дно шо̀ трѐва мно̀го ко̀пан’е и връ̀зван’е и ə ə филѝзене

68 (VZh)       филѝзите кво̀ ги пра̀ите

69 (a) [2:42]       ами тѝйа ли филѝзите про̀лет прə кə фръ̀ фръ̀гъме нѝе

70 (VZh)       əхə

71 (a) [2:48]       са̀мо това̀ си оста̀име на колцѝте си ту̀раме ко̀лци ше о̀дим вр̥̀жеме

72 (a) [2:56]       м това̀ лоза̀та и она̀ си гро̀зг’е и тѐ тека̀

73 (a) [2:59]       бѐреме по̀слем едѐме пѝеме вѝно и тѐ тека̀

74 (VZh)       [смях]

75 (b)       [смях]

76 (VZh)       а а деца̀та ѝскаха ли ə да пѝйат това̀ предѝ да

77 (VZh)       предѝ да

78 (a) [3:08]       əhə а̀ ше оста̀име

79 (VZh)       по̀чне да кипѝ та̀м

80 (b) [3:09]       да̀

81 (VZh)       ка̀к му ви ка̀к му вѝкаха на това̀ нə

82 (a) [3:11]       бла̀го вѝно му вѝкаме

83 (VZh)       бла̀го вѝно

84 (a) [3:13]       шу̀р

85 (VZh)       ъхъ̀

86 (b) [3:14]       йа̀ кажѝ кога̀

87 (VZh)       хм

88 (b) [3:15]       нѐкой се убѝе нѐшто кога̀ нѐшто се слу̀чи със нѐкого

89 (b) [3:18]       ка̀к си фа̀штате светѐц и кво̀ пра̀вите за чек

90 (VZh)       ə̀ə

91 (b) [3:21]       кога̀ нѐкой се убѝе нѐшто кога̀

92 (c) [3:23]       дѐн дѐн дѐн

93 (b) [3:23]       фа̀штене на дѐн раскажѝ

94 (a) [3:26]       а̀бе и на дѐне и а и дру̀гу а

95 (c) [3:29]       и ѝма кафѐнце да ти сѝпем ли

96 (GK)       то̀й не пѝе кафѐ

97 (VZh)       да̀ да̀ да̀ слу̀шаме те̭

98 (b) [3:35]       не сѝ ли фашта̀ла дѐн на

99 (VZh)       [неразбрано]

100 (b) [3:37]       пѐпи елѝ на ца̀ни

101 (c) [3:38]       трикра̀ко столѐ

102 (a) [3:39]       въж а а ловѝли сме нги дѐн елѝ на гѐрг’овден

103 (a) [3:45]       елѝ на ə спа̀совден елѝ на светѝ илѝйа елѝ на дру̀ги дѐне

104 (a) [3:50]       ко̀лко пра̀зници ѝма мо̀о го наречѐш на̀й ма̀лко на трѝ пра̀зници

105 (a) [3:56]       и л’у̀дете и зə и тека̀ нги ло̀виме ə ѝма ст столѐта

106 (a) [4:01]       с трѝ кра̀ка ако сте ста̀ри

107 (VZh)       əhə

108 (a) [4:04]       ако сте видѐле на тѝйа ст обр̥̀неме столѐто и крака̀та

109 (a) [4:08]       трѝте кра̀ка са наго̀ре и ту̀раме ту̀рат свештѝци

110 (a) [4:11]       и ги запа̀лиме и детѐто койо̀ фа̀не тава̀ на то̀о

111 (a) [4:16]       и го наречѐме днѐска гѐрг’овден зара̀н

112 (b) [4:20]       велѝгден

113 (a) [4:21]       спа̀совден велѝгден

114 (b) [4:23]       димѝтровден

115 (VZh)       əмхəм

116 (a) [4:24]       ѝ така̀ и на то̀о дѐн му пра̀виме пѝтка нѐшто и

117 (VZh)       а кога̀ се ə ло̀ви така̀ светѐц кога̀ детѐто

118 (VZh)       нѐшто е било̀ бо̀лно ли ə

119 (a) [4:36]       ако му нѐ е добрѐ детѐто

120 (a) [4:37]       или сѐ така̀ е сла̀бичко нѐшто

121 (a) [4:40]       не тѐ и трѐбва това̀ така̀ пра̀ат

Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to bdlt@berkeley.edu.

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)

Text | by Dr. Radut