Sveta Petka 3
86 (e) i tavà katò gu uvrɤšèm iskàraa kun’ètu iš’č’ìstim slàmətə
And after we finish threshing they drive the horses out and we clean the straw,
Tŭrnjane 1
28 (a) sìčko na rɤkà i sa vràle sa vṛšàle sa sɤs kòn’e
everything by hand. And they threshed – they would thresh with horses.
Vasiljovo 1
66 (a) takà posr’èštame vasìl à še dòde pa ivànovd’è̝n’ momčè̝ata
That’s how we observed St. Basil’s day. And then will come St John’s day. The boys
67 (a) kòito sa tùka momčè̝ata jèzdat kun’è̝te̥ prepùskad gi na ivànovd’è̝n’
who are here ride horseback. They run them at a gallop on St. John’s day.
68 (a) è̝zdat kun’è̝ i prepùskad gi še dòde zàgovenki da zagov’è̝em vè̝če
They ride horse at full gallop. Then comes Shrovetide, and we start to fast.
Vŭrbina 4
39 (d) səs kətɰ̀re i səs kòne gu vərš’ème dàž’e ìməš’e xòrə
We threshed with hinnies and horses. There were even people