Kolju Marinovo 3
57 (c) krèmeni uddòlu nəbìti krèməni təkà i tò vəršè
[It’s got] flintstones embedded in it underneath. Flintstones, that’s what threshes.
58 (GK) kɤ̀k sa nabìti nə kakvò t’à dikàn’ətə
How are they embedded, on what? This threshing board, …
68 (a) i sə nəbìti səs inò inì krèməni pràvea gi
And then it’s got this, these flintstones pounded into it. [Who] used to make them?
70 (a) tìjə ni dokàrvəə tìjə takɤ̀u i sə nabìvaa fəf ə
[Whoever it was,] they would bring us these things, and they’d get pounded into
71 (a) dəskɤ̀tə nə kujàto vəršèm uddòlu
the underside of the board we use for threshing.
Stoilovo 2
26 (a) krèmen’:e
29 (GK) ìmә i tè kakvì sә
Right, and what sort are they?
31 (GK) kәkvò pretstәvl’àvәt
What are they like?
32 (a) kәtu kàmen’ tò ednò tәkòvә pretstәvl’àvә
Like a stone. It’s like something of that sort.
34 (a) širòku utprèk’ i kòlkutu prәstìte dә mìnәt tәkà
Wide in front, enough for fingers to pass through, and
35 (a) tàm gu tùrime nә dikàn’ә dәrvò e dikàn’ә dәrvò nәpràeno sì
we put it there on the threshing board. It’s wood, made of wood.
38 (a) tәkòәt krèmen’:te̥ tә i nәpràjәt i nìe tùva pòčneme i vɤršè̝me
They fix it up with flintstones, and make it, and then we begin the threshing.
Tihomir 3
48 (c) i vòloveto az d’uèn’ az d’uèn’ i d’uèn’a e tàm
And the oxen. With a threshing board. A threshing board there
49 (c) sɤs krèmekᵊi naonòden da s da rɛ̀že zərnòto žìtoto
with flintstones, set up so as – to cut up the grain – the wheat.
Vŭglarovo 2
36 (a) dv’è̝ dɤ̀ski i udòlu kr’è̝mene nəkuvàni
Two boards, and underneath flintstones hammered on ...
133 (a) dikàn’ətə s t’è̝ə krè̝mene udòlu i t’à vərɨ̀ ubikàl’ə càl’ d’è̝n’
… there’s the threshing board, with these flints below. It goes around, all day long …