Vladimir Zhobov
Village Image:

one sg n adj | time sg n | dat refl clt | knead 1pl impf I | nom 1pl | bread sg m def |
how interr | acc m 3sg clt | bake 1sg pres I | interr clt |
disc | disc | oven.tender pl m def | neg | 2sg pres aux clt | interr clt | see sg m L.part P | ost | bake 3pl pres I |
and | nom 1pl | thus adv | bake 1pl impf I | ost | thus adv | knead 1pl pres I | acc m 3sg clt | in | kneading.trough pl.t def |
after adv | fut | acc m 3sg clt | knead 1pl pres P | in | small.loaf pl n | put 1pl pres I | to | one f sg adj | board sg f adj |
comp | rise 3sg pres P | there adv | and | shovel sg f def | throw 1pl pres I | in | oven sg f def |
stove sg f | acc n 3sg clt | call 1pl impf I | nom 1pl | neg | oven sg f | but | stove sg f def |
and | after adv | again adv | make 1pl impf I | dat refl clt | one pl adj | small.loaf pl f | dat n 3sg clt | call 1pl pres I | nom 1pl |
small.loaf pl f | at.one.time adv | for | fast adv | comp | become 3sg pres P | while conj | burn 3sg pres I | stove sg f def |
and | when conj | throw 1pl pres P | bread sg m def | in | that sg m adj | end sg m |
from | this sg m adj | region m sg | acc refl clt | bake 3pl pres P | flatten pl P.part P | such pl adj | to | thin adv |
from | bread sg n def | dat refl clt | flatten 1pl pres P | small.loaf pl f |
yes |
small.loaf pl f | small.loaf pl f |
yes |
while conj | acc refl clt | bake 3sg pres P | bread sg m def | nom 1pl | acc 3pl clt | while conj | throw 1pl pres P | bread sg m def |
nom 1pl | acc 3pl clt | extract 1pl pres P | and | eat 1pl pres I | bread sg m def | acc refl clt | bake 3sg pres I | after adv |
nom m 3sg | acc refl clt | bake 3sg pres I | more adv | hour pl m | there adv | and | extract 1pl pres I |
later adv | comp | eat 1pl pres I | this sg n adj | 3sg impf cop |
kneading.trough pl.t def | kneading.trough pl.t def | knead 1pl impf I |
and | ost | big pl adj | kneading.trough pl.t | put 1pl pres P | flour sg n def | put 1pl pres I | salt sg f | water sg f | there adv |
stir 1pl pres I | stir 1pl pres I | evening sg f | knead 1pl pres P | comp | ferment 3sg pres I |
morning sg f | arise 1pl pres P | again adv | put 1pl pres P | flour sg n | again adv | knead 1pl pres I | again adv | fut | ferment 3sg pres I |
after adv | fut | acc m 3sg clt | make 2sg pres I | in | small.loaf pl n |
and | disc | this sg n adj | 3sg pres cop clt | one sg n adj | time sg n | 3sg impf cop | with | leavening sg m | impf neg exist | yeast sg f |
with | leavening sg m | dat refl clt | mix 1pl pres P | there adv | and | when conj | knead 1pl pres I | bread sg m def |
leave 1pl pres P | dat refl clt | such.size sg n adj | bun sg n | from | bread sg m def | dough sg n |
fut | wait 3sg pres I | and | for | other sg f def adj | week sg f | again adv | comp | knead 1pl pres I | bread sg m |
gather 1pl pres P | acc refl clt | from | neighborhood sg f def | how.many rel | people pl | pres exist |
especially adv | when rel | pres exist | sacrifice sg m | to | St.George’s.day |
gather 1pl pres P | acc refl clt | five | six | people pl | light 1pl pres P | oven sg f def |
there adv | stove sg f def | and | sweep 1pl pres P | acc f 3sg clt | throw 1pl pres P | pan pl f def | inside adv |
comp | acc refl clt | bake 3pl pres P | lamb pl n def | evening sg f | extract 1pl pres P | acc 3pl clt | ready pl adj |
carry 1pl pres I | in | church sg f | priest sg m def | acc 3pl clt | bless 3sg pres P |
disc | how interr | acc n 3sg clt | know 2sg pres I | disc | interr | acc n 3sg clt | turn 1pl pres P |
redden 3sg pres P | acc refl clt | above adv | become 3sg pres P | nicely adv | bake sg n P.part I |
after adv | acc n 3sg clt | turn 1pl pres P | put 1pl pres P | rice sg m def |
Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to bdlt@berkeley.edu.
Recommended Model for Citations
Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)