Stakevci 4
60 (VZh) a a drùgo kvò nòsexa ženìte enò vrème
What else did women wear in the old days?
61 (VZh) kvì drèxi nòsexa
What kind of clothes did they wear?
62 (f) o sìne kvò smo nosìli nìštu nìštu nèmaše
Oh, my son, what did we wear? We didn’t have anything at all.
63 (VZh) košùl’a če slòiš oddòle
Well, you put the shift on underneath, [don’t you?]
Stančov Han 1
29 (PSh) ami ә vìe momìte tàm kək kàk se oblìčaxə̥ predì
Well, uh. You, [when you were] girls, how did you used to dress earlier on?
30 (a) ublìčәxә ìmәše m sukmàni sukmàni nә zburòviti si sə ublìčәxmi tùkə
They put on – there were [folk] tunics. We put on [these] folk tunics for festivals.
31 (a) è s tәkòvә i sә ublìčәmi pәk ìnәči s’èki d’èn si nòs’әt
That’s what we put on. Otherwise, for every day they dressed
Tihomir 1
2 (GM) kanà se obličate segà kàži
Tell [us] now how you dress.
3 (a) ablìčahme sa a səs šalvàre
We used to dress in “shalwars” (loose Turkish trousers).
4 (GK) nadòlu na nogìte
And below? On your feet?
5 (a) na nagᵊìte terlìc’e
Woolen slippers on our feet.
9 (a) abanìevə d’ul’bèn’e d’ulb’èn abanìef
Headscarves from outside. The headscarf is from outside.
15 (a) pòsle nèma tò sakvòne ròkl’e
Nothing after that. [Just] these kinds of dresses.
17 (a) à i ròkl’e i i f’èredž’e d’ul’b’èn’e zəkəč’ul’me tò a bilò napr’èš
Dresses, and the outer garment. We put on headscarves. Earlier on there were
18 (a) səz d’ulbène drùgɤkvᵊi abanìef g zavàhme abanìef zavàhme
– different headscarves – foreign, we called them. We called them “foreign”.
91 (a) na na trehàlka n'èkva fustàn'e n'èkva kə kač'ùlk'o sèj kɤt kɤt zakač'ùli
… some kind of fancy dress – dresses, an outer garment, like these they put on,
92 (a) nèkɤ t'erlìc'e pa màlko nòs'et da se znàjet da se nə abɔ̀rkavat
some slippers – they only carry enough to be recognized, not cause confusion.
Tǔrnjane 2
40 (ED) a tùka stàrite xòra kək kək f kakvì drèxi vabèni sa nosìli
What – what kind of felt clothing did old people here wear,
41 (ED) belì ili čɤrnì
white or black?
42 (a) nè bèli nè bèli čèrni
Not white, not white. Black.