Baskalci 1
241 (a) à tùka is trɤ̀nite is pàproteka kàk òdɤt tò okàpva
when they move around hereabouts among thorns and ferns, it falls off.
Tŭrnjane 1
2 (a) štò e imàlo mnògo tṛ̀n’e
Because there used to be a lot of thorns
3 (ED) ama koè ka kakvò tr̀n’e
But which – what kind of thorns?
14 (a) i tṛ̀n’e e imàlo tùk po trotoàrete nasèkɤde tie
And there were thorns there along the sidewalks, everywhere these –
15 (a) i às pòmnim kogà e bilò tṛ̀n’eto
Even I remember when there were thorns [here].
16 (ED) [laughter] ama tò ə nalì tṛ̀n’e kato ž ә
But this – isn’t that thorns like …
18 (ED) takòva dràka
… the one that’s called Jerusalem thorn?
19 (a) nè nè è nalì ìma ednò bàbin zɤ̀p ìma ednò
No, no. There’s this – caltrop, you know? this –
21 (a) takɤ̀f tekìvi nìski trɤ̀ni
This – these low-lying thorns.
23 (a) a nè e dràkata i tìja
This isn’t Jerusalem thorn.
25 (a) i sә go kṛstìle tṛn’àne
And so they called [the village] Thorn-place