setting wedding date

Dolno Ujno

303 (GK) na godèža li opredèl'at kogà če e svàdbata
is it at the engagement that they decide when the wedding will be?

304 (a) e pa na godèžo si opredèl'at
Yes, [it's] at the engagement [that] they determine that,

305 (a) i pòslem si pàk ìdat ednì u drùgi svatofštìnata
and then the future parents-in-law go back and forth to one another …

307 (a) da si opràvl'at àjde stìga vi
… to get things ready. OK, enough for you now.

Iskrica 1

27 (a) i kəto rešìme či i sə žènim večertɤ̀ dòjdaa tùkə ut sèltu
And when we decided we’d get married, those from the village came here in the evening.

28 (a) dòjdaa vəf nàs nàšte sə pudgòtvia màndžə xl’àp tugàə n’àməše fùrnə
They came to us [where] ours had prepared snacks and bread (there weren’t ovens then).

44 (a) i sètne tàm kət sə nəsròči vèke svàdbətə gud’èš pràjət
And then, when they decided on a wedding, they fix the betrothal.

Srebŭrna 1

62 (a) mm dàa m kɤ̀rpə tàm vèk’e dukòlku̥tu̥ prikàzvət še e napràj
She gives him the towel, while [the parents] discuss how [the wedding] will be

63 (a) naprèt də sə zgud’èjət sètne təkmèš prikàzvət zə svàdba
even before they are engaged. Then the negotiation – they talk about the wedding,

64 (a) kɤ̀k šə nəpràet svàdbata təkm’èžu tùj i da kəkvì dàruw’e šə kùp’ə̟t
how they’ll stage the wedding. That’s the negotiation: what gifts will they buy

80 (PSh) a kòlko vrème meždu svàdbata i
So what was the interval between the wedding – [I mean]

81 (PSh) meždu godèža i svàdbata kòlko vrème minàva
between the engagement and the wedding? How much time went by?

82 (a) zəvìsi̥ kàk se rəzberɤ̀t kàktu̥ se rəzberɤ̀t àko də rišɤ̟̀t
It depends what they agreed on – whatever they agreed [to do]. If they decided

83 (a) dvè sèdmici àko də àko àko də rišɤ̟̀t še e trì sèdmici
it would be two weeks, if – if they decided it would be three weeks,

84 (a) te inɤ̀ inɤ̀tə sèdmicə pràjət zàsefki̥ zàsefki na jergèn’u
then [during] one of these weeks they do the betrothal ritual. The one for the groom

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut