Žitnica 3

1 (b) [0:00]      In the fields we reap what we reap – hungry and thirsty

field sg m def reap 1pl pres I how.much interr reap 1pl pres I thirsty pl adj hungry pl adj

2 (b) [0:03]      by the time we finish the field, gather in the handfuls, to tie them into sheaves,

while conj finish 1pl pres P field sg f def
acc n 3sg clt
gather 1pl pres P handful pl f def med
tie 1pl pres P sheaf pl m def

3 (b) [0:07]      to arrange them in a proper line – that’s what we did. It was very bad when –

acc 3pl clt
pile 1pl pres P
chain sg m this sg n adj
acc refl clt
do 3sg impf I very adv
3sg pres cop clt
bad adv 3sg impf cop when conj

4 (b) [0:12]      when they started to take part of it from me for duty taxes at that time

begin 3pl aor P
dat 1sg clt
take 3pl pres I
duty.tax sg m
that sg n adj time sg n

5 (b) [0:16]      [when] we didn’t have [anything] for duty. We used to be able to work our fields,

duty.tax pres neg exist nom 1pl
dat refl clt
can 1pl pres I
field pl f def when conj

6 (b) [0:19]      but [when] there’s no one [else] to work, others, outsiders, came to work my fields,

pres neg exist which sg m interr
work 3sg pres I other pl adj foreign people pl
dat 1sg clt
work 3pl pres I field f def

7 (b) [0:22]      and I didn’t have any grain to give [them]. So what could I do?

not.have 1sg impf I
dat refl clt
grain sg n
give 1sg pres I again adv what sg n interr
make 1pl pres P

8 (b) [0:26]      I bought cotton and such things to give them, just to cool things down.

cotton sg m give 1pl pres I thing pl f only adv
only adv
acc refl clt pacify 3sg pres P

9 (b) [0:30]      Then my son started to study in Hisar,

after adv boy sg n def begin 3sg aor P
acc refl clt
study 3sg pres
Hisar sg m def place

10 (b) [0:32]      and they added thirty kilos of rye [to my duty]. I had nothing. No place to get it!

thirty kilogram ct m rye sg f
dat 1sg clt
add 3sg aor P pres neg exist pres neg exist from.where interr
acc n 3sg clt
take 3sg pres P

11 (b) [0:37]      I was hungry and thirsty, but in those years they required us to give as duty.

nom 1sg hungry sg f adj thirsty sg f adj but what sg n rel pres exist duty.tax sg m
dat 1pl clt
give 3pl impf I
that pl adj year pl f

12 (b) [0:41]      What could I do? They failed my boy, they failed my boy

what sg n interr
do 1sg pres P
dat 1sg clt
flunk 3pl aor P boy sg n def flunk 3pl aor P
dat 1sg clt
boy sg n def

13 (b) [0:44]      that was studying in Hisar, they failed him and set him back an entire year

Hisar sg m def place
acc refl clt
learn 3sg impf I
flunk 3pl aor P
acc n 3sg clt
one sg f adj year sg f more down adv

14 (b) [0:48]      even though he was studying hard – they failed him [simply] because I didn’t give them

although conj
acc refl clt
learn 3sg impf I much adv
acc n 3sg clt
flunk 3pl aor P
1sg pres aux clt give sg f L.part P

15 (b) [0:50]      thirty kilos of rye. You see what they were like in those years!

thirty kilogram ct m rye sg f see sg imv P what.kind pl adj 3pl impf cop that pl adj that pl adj year pl f

16 (b) [0:54]      Now we don’t pay any duty or anything, and we live [well]. They give us a nice pension,

now adv neither in.row adv give 1pl pres I neither nothing sg n
live 1pl pres I give 3pl pres I beautiful f adj pension sg f

17 (b) [0:57]      and we are very grateful. But back then, God knows,

grateful pl adj
1pl pres cop clt
very adv but then adv
dat 2sg clt
say 3sg pres P lord sg m

18 (b) [1:00]      I could recognize you just by the way you walked into your house.

sg m def
acc 2sg clt
recognize 1sg pres I
how interr enter 2sg pres I
this f adj house sg f

19 (b) [1:03]      So Vladumir, that’s enough. Vladumir, you’ve asked enough questions, granny’s one.

Vladimir voc sg m hort so.much adv Vladimir voc sg m hort
2sg pres aux clt
acc 1sg clt
ask sg m L.part I grandmother voc sg f

20 (b) [1:07]      If I were to take and tell you – Oh, I can’t tell you all of it.

nom 1sg if conj take 3sg pres P
tell 1sg pres P excl
can 1sg pres I
dat 2sg clt
express 1sg pres P everything sg n adj

21 (b) [1:10]      If the whole sea was ink and the whole earth a piece of newsprint [to write on],

3sg pres cop clt
sea sg n def ink sg n
3sg pres cop clt
earth sg f def newspaper sg m

22 (b) [1:13]      I still wouldn’t be able to tell you my life [story].

neg can 1sg pres
dat refl clt
describe inf P life sg m def

         In the fields we reap what we reap – hungry and thirsty

         by the time we finish the field, gather in the handfuls, to tie them into sheaves,

         to arrange them in a proper line – that’s what we did. It was very bad when –

         when they started to take part of it from me for duty taxes at that time

         [when] we didn’t have [anything] for duty. We used to be able to work our fields,

         but [when] there’s no one [else] to work, others, outsiders, came to work my fields,

         and I didn’t have any grain to give [them]. So what could I do?

         I bought cotton and such things to give them, just to cool things down.

         Then my son started to study in Hisar,

         and they added thirty kilos of rye [to my duty]. I had nothing. No place to get it!

         I was hungry and thirsty, but in those years they required us to give as duty.

         What could I do? They failed my boy, they failed my boy

         that was studying in Hisar, they failed him and set him back an entire year

         even though he was studying hard – they failed him [simply] because I didn’t give them

         thirty kilos of rye. You see what they were like in those years!

         Now we don’t pay any duty or anything, and we live [well]. They give us a nice pension,

         and we are very grateful. But back then, God knows,

         I could recognize you just by the way you walked into your house.

         So Vladumir, that’s enough. Vladumir, you’ve asked enough questions, granny’s one.

         If I were to take and tell you – Oh, I can’t tell you all of it.

         If the whole sea was ink and the whole earth a piece of newsprint [to write on],

         I still wouldn’t be able to tell you my life [story].

1 (b) [0:00]       әми пу къ̀рәд жъ̀н’еме ко̀лку жъ̀нем жъ̀днɨ гла̀ннɨ

2 (b) [0:03]       д’ѐк дукәту свъ̀ршим нɨ̀вәта дә гу сәберè̟ме рәко̀йките дә въ̀ржем сно̀пете

3 (b) [0:07]       дә ги нәстру̀пәме нә синџɨ̀р тува̀ се пра̀еше мно̀гу е ло̀шу бѐше ка̀то

4 (b) [0:12]       пә мɨ зәпо̀чнәә пә дә ми зɨ̀мәт и наре̇̀т нә унува̀ врѐме

5 (b) [0:16]       нәр’а̀т н’а̀мә нѝй сɨ мо̀еме нә нɨ̀вɨте кәту

6 (b) [0:19]       не̇̀мә ко̀й дә дә рабо̀тɨ дру̀ги чу̀жди о̀рә ми рәбо̀тәт нɨ̀вите

7 (b) [0:22]       не̇̀мәh си не̇̀мәм зъ̀рну дә да̀вәм па̀к ко̀ дә нәпра̀им

8 (b) [0:26]       купу̀вә пәму̀к да̀вәме ра̀бути са̀му и са̀му дә сѐ умирɨ̀

9 (b) [0:30]       по̀сле момче̇̀ту по̀чнә дә сә учɨ у хиса̀рәт

10 (b) [0:32]       трѝйсет килугра̀мә ръ̀ш ми дуда̀ди н’а̀мә не̇̀ⁱмә уткәдѐ дә гу зе̇̀мә

11 (b) [0:37]       а̀с гла̀ннә жъ̀ннә әмә кво̀ту ѝмә нәрѐд ни да̀вәә нә унѝйә гудɨ̀нɨ

12 (b) [0:41]       кво̀ дә нәпра̀вә тә ми скъ̀сәа мумче̇̀ту скъ̀сәа ми мумче̇̀ту

13 (b) [0:44]       ут хиса̀рә се уч’ѐше̭ и скъ̀сәhә и иднъ̀ гудɨ̀нә по̀ нәдо̀лу

14 (b) [0:48]       мәка̀р че се у̀чеше мно̀гу и скъ̀сәә̀ че не съ̀м да̀лә

15 (b) [0:50]       трѝйсе килугра̀мә ръ̀ш вɨ̀ш кәквɨ̀ бѐә унѐə унѐә гудɨ̀нɨ

16 (b) [0:54]       сега̀ нɨ̀ту нәрѐт да̀вәме нɨ̀ту нɨ̀шту и живѐем да̀вәт у̀бәвә пе̇̀нсийә

17 (b) [0:57]       бләгуда̀рни сме мно̀гу әмә туга̀вә дә ти ка̀же го̀спут

18 (b) [1:00]       пəс пу вәрве̇̀жә те пузна̀вәм кə къ̀к влѝзәш əф та̀ә къ̀штә

19 (b) [1:03]       вләдумɨ̀ре стɨ̀гә то̀лкувә вләдумɨ̀ре стɨ̀гә си ме пɨ̀тәл ба̀бо

20 (b) [1:07]       а̀с әку зе̇̀мә дә рәспра̀вәм о̀о не мо̀гә тɨ иска̀жә сɨ̀чку

21 (b) [1:10]       дә е муре̇̀ту мәстɨ̀лу дә е зем’ъ̀тә ве̇̀сник

22 (b) [1:13]       нѐ моә си опɨ̀сә живо̀тә

Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to bdlt@berkeley.edu.

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)

Text | by Dr. Radut