Pavelsko 4

1 (b) [0:01]      For lentils it’s the same. I’ll tell you how I went

disc lentils sg f thus med adv
3sg pres cop clt
same adv nom 1sg fut
dat 2sg clt
tell 1sg pres I how interr 1sg pres aux clt go sg f L.part I

2 (b) [0:04]      to plow lentils. So now. We got the donkey moving and –

plow 1sg pres I lentils sg f now adv gather pl L.part P 1pl pres aux clt here adv donkey sg n def med

3 (b) [0:07]      and – the cow, and I get the kids to lead [the donkey] for me

this sg n med adj
cow sg f def med
drive 1sg pres I child pl n def med
dat 1sg clt
lead 3pl pres I

4 (b) [0:11]      I tell them lead [the animal] by the bridle. And then I plow after that,

bridle sg f def med
acc 3pl clt
call 1sg pres I
dat 1sg clt
lead 3pl pres I
nom 1sg plow 1sg pres I after adv

5 (b) [0:14]      up in the mountains. When my son-in-law Nacho – let me tell you, when Nacho and I

mountain sg f def med when inter.rel sg m
Nacho sg m name
dat 2sg clt
tell 1sg pres I Nacho sg m name

6 (b) [0:18]      pull up the reins – [there’s] this boy – we pull tight as the donkey’s crossing the bridge

pull 1pl pres I this sg n med adj boy sg n def dist pull 1pl pres I
across one sg m adj bridge sg m
pass 3sg pres P donkey sg n def dist

7 (b) [0:23]      and the boy fell off the bridge. Oh Lord, what [a thing to] happen!

nom n 3sg
fall 3sg aor P
bridge sg m def below adv
God voc sg m what sg n interr become 3sg aor P

8 (b) [0:28]      [Just as] we’re going off to plow.

fut walk 1pl pres I
plow 1pl pres I

9 (VZh)       [So what happened?]

10 (b) [0:29]      The boy fell and – the bridle broke, and he fell down [off the bridge].

boy sg n def med fall 3sg aor P
acc refl clt
[ ... ]
break 3sg aor P bridle sg f def med
fall 3sg aor P down adv

11 (b) [0:33]      So there it was. They set off again and we continue to plow.

this sg n med adj
become 3sg aor P
and 3pl aor P again adv
dat refl clt
continue 1pl pres I
plow 1pl pres I

12 (b) [0:36]      We go off to plow. The cow is pregnant, it starts to precipitate (“vali”),

go 1pl pres P
plow 1pl pres I cow sg f def med
dat 1pl clt
pregnant sg f adj begin 3sg aor P
precipitate 3sg pres I

13 (b) [0:40]      [all this when] we are plowing the lentils.

plow 1pl pres I disc lentils sg f

14 (a) [0:41]      to precipitate (“leti”)

precipitate 3sg pres I

15 (b) [0:42]      – to precipitate (“vali”), yes.

precipitate 3sg pres I disc

16 (b) [0:43]      Don’t say “vali” [for [precipitation]!

fut neg
call 2sg pres I precipitate 3sg pres I

17 (b) [0:43]      and it began [laughter] – it began to precipitate (“leti”), and I –

begin 3sg aor P begin 3sg aor P
precipitate 3sg pres I
nom 1sg

18 (a) [0:47]      Rain, rain [was falling]

rain sg m rain sg m

19 (b) [0:48]      Rain and snow [together] – sleet [unintelligible]

rain sg m
snow sg m sleet sg f

20 (a) [0:49]      We call that sleet.

sleet sg f
acc n 3sg clt
call 1pl pres I

21 (VZh)       Uh huh.


22 (b) [0:50]      And so we – we – I said “Well now,” I said “Nashko, what,”

nom 1pl disc nom 1pl disc call 1sg pres I disc now adv call 1sg pres I Nashko sg m name what sg n interr

23 (b) [0:52]      I said, “are we going to do now?” I said. [There was] this rain, and my daughter [there] too.

call 1sg pres I fut do 1pl pres I now adv call 1sg pres I
this sg m adj
rain sg m
daughter sg f
dat 1sg clt
3sg impf cop

24 (b) [0:55]      I throw a bag onto my back, tie up the cow and lead it along.

put 1sg pres I one pl adj bag sg m
back sg m def tie 1sg pres I
cow sg f def med lead 1sg pres I
dat refl clt

25 (b) [0:58]      Ah, the narrow paths! I led it [back] and we stayed here, the plow sat [unused]

path pl m narrow pl adj lead 1sg aor P
dat refl clt
acc f 3sg clt
stand 1pl aor I here adv [...]
plow sg n def med stay 3sg aor P

26 (b) [1:03]      nearly twenty days. Only half of what we’d needed to plow was done,

near adv twenty day ct m halve sg n L.part P
acc refl clt
how.big inter.rel
acc n 3sg clt
1pl pres aux clt
plow pl L.part P

27 (b) [1:06]      the other half was unplowed. When we managed to get back there,

other sg n def dist adj
3sg pres cop clt
plow sg n P.part I
when inter.rel
go 1pl aor P there adv later adv again adv

28 (b) [1:10]      my cow had calved, so we went off to plow with two donkeys

cow sg f def med
dat 1sg clt
acc refl clt
calve sg f L.part P again adv
two n donkey pl n go 1pl aor P
plow 1pl pres I

29 (b) [1:13]      We had – I had – my brother’s wife had [one], so I took them out

have 1pl impf I have 1sg impf I disc
brother acc sg m woman sg f take 1sg aor P

30 (b) [1:17]      again, their donkey and mine, to go out to plow.

again adv
their sg n def med adj donkey sg n
my sg n def med adj
go 1pl pres I
plow 1pl pres I

31 (VZh)       [How do you make yogurt?]

32 (b) [1:21]      For yogurt you – we had cows, we milked them. [First] we milked the cows

thick sg n def dist milk sg n
have 1pl impf I cow pl f milk 1pl impf I
acc 3pl clt
milk 1pl impf I cow pl f def dist

33 (b) [1:25]      [Then] we boil [the milk] and leave it to cool a bit.

acc 3pl clt
boil 1pl pres P fut
acc n 3sg clt
leave 1pl pres P
acc refl clt
cool 3sg pres P little adv

34 (b) [1:28]      We’ll touch a finger to it to see if it’s [sufficiently] cooled or not.

fut touch 1pl pres I
finger sg m def how interr
acc refl clt
cool sg n L.part P
interr clt
3sg pres aux clt
interr clt
3sg pres aux clt

35 (b) [1:32]      If you put [the starter] in when it’s [too] hot, it won’t be good, it won’t –

hot sg n adj
if conj
acc n 3sg clt
put 2sg pres P
nom n 3sg
become 3sg pres P poor.quality sg n adj fut neg

36 (b) [1:34]      It curdles.

curdle 3sg pres I
acc refl clt

37 (b) [1:34]      It curdles. You put the starter in. [Then] you take it and pour it into the churn

curdle 3sg pres I
acc refl clt
add.starter 2sg pres P
acc n 3sg clt
fut take 2sg pres P in
churn sg n def med
pour 2sg pres P

38 (b) [1:38]      to mix it up, and get some butter [out of it].

acc n 3sg clt
mix 2sg pres I butter sg n fut make 2sg pres I thus med adv

39 (VZh)       [What kind of animals do you have?]

40 (b) [1:41]      Well, we have cattle.

disc have 1pl pres I cattle pl n

41 (a) [1:43]      Cattle

cattle pl n

42 (VZh)       What?

how interr

43 (b) [1:45]      We have cattle. Oxen, we call them. Yes.

cattle pl n have 1pl pres I ox pl m
acc 3pl clt
say 1pl pres I disc

44 (VZh)       Oxen.

ox pl m

45 (b) [1:47]      Not only oxen–

only adv ox sg m

46 (b) [1:48]      Both cows and oxen!

cow pl f
ox pl m

47 (b) [1:48]      We had both cows and oxen.

cow pl f
ox pl m have 1pl impf I

48 (VZh)       And how did you call them [all]?

how interr
acc 3pl clt
call 2pl impf I acc 3pl

49 (a) [1:51]      We call them “cattle”.

acc 3pl clt
call 1pl pres I cattle pl n

50 (b) [1:51]      We call them “cattle”.

call 1pl pres I
acc 3pl clt
cattle pl n

51 (VZh) [1:54]      [Are they difficult to look after?]

52 (b) [1:52]      Oh! Clearing up the garbage – you have to carry out the shit, to clean the stable,

do.housework vbl.n I garbage sg m def
carry 2sg pres I shit pl n everything sg n def dist adj
clean 2sg pres I stable sg m def

53 (b) [1:57]      to take it off with – I loaded up boxes on the donkey to take

acc m 3sg clt
drive 2sg pres I with
one pl adj box pl m donkey sg n 1sg pres aux clt load sg f L.part I
drive 1sg pres I

54 (b) [2:00]      manure out to the fields. That’s how it was. [And] children – when I go [with others] to reap

manure sg n
field sg f def med
thus med adv 3sg impf cop child pl n when conj go 1sg pres P
reap 1pl pres I

55 (b) [2:05]      I take them along. We had an old lame man – I take them

acc 3pl clt
lead 1sg pres I
hes sg m have 1pl impf I one sg m adj lame sg m adj fut
acc 3pl clt
lead 1sg pres I

56 (b) [2:09]      to the fields and spread out a rug for them and wrap them up,

field sg f def med
dat 3pl clt
spread 1pl pres P rug sg n def med
acc 3pl clt
wrap 1pl pres P

57 (b) [2:11]      and he’ll watch my back ( = the kids) [while] I reap in the moonlight.

nom m 3sg
acc 1sg clt
protect 3sg pres I nom 1sg fut reap 1sg pres I
moonlight sg f

58 (b) [2:14]      That was my lot. And you’ll go [out] in the morning to thresh

such sg n med adj 1sg pres aux clt drive sg f L.part I
again adv fut go 2sg pres P morning sg f def med
thresh 2sg pres I

59 (b) [2:17]      after it’s piled. You reap [the grain], you pile it up, and go again to thresh it.

when rel pile 2sg pres P reap 2sg pres P
acc n 3sg clt
acc n 3sg clt
pile 2sg pres I
go 2sg pres P again adv
thresh 2sg pres I

60 (b) [2:21]      You water down the threshing floor: we carry water on our shoulders to pour out.

fut pour 2sg pres P threshing.floor sg m def fut carry 1pl pres I
shoulder sg n def med water sg f
acc n 3sg clt
pour 1pl pres P

61 (b) [2:25]      And then we sit down [to tie sheaves]. We make our own cords, you know.

then med adv fut sit 1pl pres P
nom 1pl make 1pl pres I rope pl n mean 3sg pres I

62 (b) [2:29]      We pull out the longer ones of this, of what’s here

pull 1pl pres P
this sg n med adj
long sg n adj
this sg n med adj
3sg pres cop clt
here adv

63 (b) [2:32]      Of the rye

rye sg f def med

64 (b) [2:33]      and you twist it into a cord. You put it (the stalks) [together]

acc n 3sg clt
twist 2sg pres P rope sg n def med
put 2sg pres I
acc n 3sg clt
put 2sg pres I

65 (b) [2:35]      and when [the pile] fills up you tie it off.

when inter.rel
3pl pres cop clt
fill 3sg pres P tie 2sg pres I
acc n 3sg clt

66 (VZh) [2:37]      With how many cords?

67 (b) [2:37]      With a single one. A single cord.

one sg n adj
one sg n adj rope sg n

68 (VZh)       [Is the straw you make from rye bigger than that from wheat?]

69 (b) [2:39]      [Straw] from rye is bigger. That from rye is bigger.

big sg f adj
3sg pres cop clt
this sg f med adj rye sg f def med adj rye sg f def med adj
3sg pres cop clt
big sg f adj

70 (a) [2:41]      [It’s] for the livestock.

again adv
livestock sg m def

71 (b) [2:42]      For the livestock. We grind it. It gets fine when we thresh it.

again adv
livestock sg m def thus med adv grind 1pl pres I
acc f 3sg clt
become 3sg pres I tiny sg f adj when conj
acc f 3sg clt
thresh 1pl pres I

72 (b) [2:46]      Right. We take it and load it into what we call a net bag

drive 1pl pres I thresh 1pl pres I
rel med call 1pl pres I net.bag sg n load 1pl pres I

73 (a) [2:50]      and carry it into the loft, and then feed [it to] the livestock.

carry 1pl pres I
loft sg f def med
feed 1pl pres I livestock sg m def

74 (VZh)       [How do you call the smallest particles that are left (after threshing)?]

75 (b) [2:52]      Chaff. Chaff.

chaff sg f chaff sg f

76 (VZh)       What?

how interr

77 (b) [2:53]      Chaff. We call it chaff.

chaff sg f
acc f 3sg clt
call 1pl pres I chaff sg f

78 (a)       [unintelligible]

79 (b) [2:55]      Right. We gather it up into bags because it is so tiny. Yes.

nom 1pl
acc f 3sg clt
gather 1pl pres I
bag pl m because conj
3sg pres cop clt
tiny sg f adj

80 (VZh)       [And the chaff from oats?]

81 (b) [2:58]      The chaff from oats is the same as the other kind.

oats sg m def chaff sg f def med this sg f med adj
3sg pres cop clt
same sg f def dist adj what rel dist
other sg n def dist adj

82 (VZh)       [What did you used to do with it?]

83 (b) [3:01]      Well, we filled pillows [with it] in the old days, now we buy soft ones.

disc fill 1pl impf I
acc 3pl clt
pillow pl f
olden.times adv again adv now adv soft pl adj
acc 3pl clt
buy 1pl pres I

84 (VZh)       [And did you grow hemp?]

85 (b) [3:04]      [Yes] we swingle hemp. [First] I go to harvest [stalks],

fut swingle 1pl pres I hemp pl f fut go 1sg pres P
acc 3pl clt
pull 1sg pres P

86 (b) [3:06]      then you’ll put them in а soaking place to soak them.

acc 3pl clt
load 2sg pres P in
in sg n def med
acc 3pl clt
soak 2sg pres I

87 (b) [3:09]      [Then] you’ll come to swingle them. You’ll put [the result]

fut come 2sg pres P
acc 3pl clt
swingle 2sg pres I fut
acc n 3sg clt
do 2sg pres P

88 (b) [3:11]      on these long – I’ll make – we’ll wind it on distaffs,

such pl med adj long pl adj fut
acc 3pl clt
make 1sg pres I fut
acc n 3sg clt
wind 1pl pres I
distaff pl f

89 (b) [3:14]      spin it, and make [of it] what we used to call hemp rugs.

acc n 3sg clt
spin 1pl pres I
make 1pl pres I hemp.rug pl f
acc n 3sg clt
say 1pl impf I

90 (a) [3:17]      And bags.

bag pl m

91 (b) [3:18]      Yes, and bags. And the – We pounded the rest of it

bag pl m again adv [...]
other sg n def med adj
acc n 3sg clt
pound 1pl impf I

92 (b) [3:21]      and made it into bags. We make hemp rugs from it

again adv
acc n 3sg clt
make 1pl impf I
bag pl m
make 1pl pres I
this pl med adj hemp.rug pl f

93 (b) [3:24]      we would fill the insides with straw and make mattresses.

fill 1pl impf I
acc 3pl clt
straw sg f inside adv
make 1pl pres I mattress pl m

94 (VZh)       [Even] now?

now adv

95 (b) [3:27]      Yes.


96 (VZh)       [With] what?

what sg n interr

97 (b) [3:28]      You harvest it and soak it in the soaking place; it sits there a week.

pull 3sg pres P
acc refl clt
acc refl clt
soak 3sg pres I in
hes sg n def med sit 3sg pres I one sg f adj week sg f

98 (b) [3:32]      Then you go to wash it and [when] it dries we swingle it again.

dat refl clt
go 2sg pres I
acc n 3sg clt
wash 2sg pres P
dry 3sg pres P
swingle 1pl pres I
acc n 3sg clt
again adv

99 (b) [3:35]      We have – sometimes we use [what’s called] a swingle. It’s, uh, wood

nom 1pl
have 1pl pres I dat refl clt sometimes adv
swingle sg f nom 1pl hes
wood sg n

100 (a) [3:38]      on the side [unintelligible]

side sg f

101 (b) [3:39]      There's an iron piece attached at the side and you hold on to a handle

at.side adv pres exist iron sg n adj attach sg n P.part P thus med adv
dat 1sg clt
3sg pres cop clt
here adv handle sg f def med hold 2sg pres I

102 (b) [3:42]      We have [unintelligible] – prepared with it.

nom 1pl have 1pl pres I prepare pl P.part I with
acc f 3sg

103 (b) [3:45]      I was swingling [just] now, and I have a whole distaff-ful of it now.

nom 1sg 1sg pres aux clt swingle sg f L.part I nom 1sg now adv 1sg pres cop clt with
tow sg n def med now adv

104 (a) [3:48]      Uh huh.


105 (b) [3:49]      Hah.


106 (a) [3:49]      [It’s] a swingle

swingle sg f

107 (b) [3:50]      It’s called a swingle. A swingle. And we swingle with it. You beat and beat,

swingle sg f
acc refl clt
say 3sg pres I swingle sg f swingle 1pl pres I
acc n 3sg clatter 2sg pres I clatter 2sg pres I

108 (b) [3:53]      and you make them into a distaff-ful [of hemp]. Then you put it again on a board

extract 2sg pres I
acc 3pl clt
tow pl n def med again adv fut
acc n 3sg clt
put 2sg pres P
one sg f adj board sg f

109 (b) [3:56]      to pound it, so as to get the swingling-tow to come out clean.

acc n 3sg clt
pound 2sg pres I
dat m 3sg clt
come.out 3sg pres P combings sg m def
become 3sg pres P clean sg n adj

110 (b) [3:58]      Oh, we [even] have shirts from this [substance]. We weave it [for] shirts

have 1pl pres I shirt pl f make 1pl pres I
such pl med adj weave 1pl pres I shirt pl f

111 (VZh)       [How did you call this thing?]

112 (b) [4:01]      A swingle.

swingle sg f

         For lentils it’s the same. I’ll tell you how I went

         to plow lentils. So now. We got the donkey moving and –

         and – the cow, and I get the kids to lead [the donkey] for me

         I tell them lead [the animal] by the bridle. And then I plow after that,

         up in the mountains. When my son-in-law Nacho – let me tell you, when Nacho and I

         pull up the reins – [there’s] this boy – we pull tight as the donkey’s crossing the bridge

         and the boy fell off the bridge. Oh Lord, what [a thing to] happen!

         [Just as] we’re going off to plow.

         [So what happened?]

         The boy fell and – the bridle broke, and he fell down [off the bridge].

         So there it was. They set off again and we continue to plow.

         We go off to plow. The cow is pregnant, it starts to precipitate (“vali”),

         [all this when] we are plowing the lentils.

         to precipitate (“leti”)

         – to precipitate (“vali”), yes.

         Don’t say “vali” [for [precipitation]!

         and it began [laughter] – it began to precipitate (“leti”), and I –

         Rain, rain [was falling]

         Rain and snow [together] – sleet [unintelligible]

         We call that sleet.

         Uh huh.

         And so we – we – I said “Well now,” I said “Nashko, what,”

         I said, “are we going to do now?” I said. [There was] this rain, and my daughter [there] too.

         I throw a bag onto my back, tie up the cow and lead it along.

         Ah, the narrow paths! I led it [back] and we stayed here, the plow sat [unused]

         nearly twenty days. Only half of what we’d needed to plow was done,

         the other half was unplowed. When we managed to get back there,

         my cow had calved, so we went off to plow with two donkeys

         We had – I had – my brother’s wife had [one], so I took them out

         again, their donkey and mine, to go out to plow.

         [How do you make yogurt?]

         For yogurt you – we had cows, we milked them. [First] we milked the cows

         [Then] we boil [the milk] and leave it to cool a bit.

         We’ll touch a finger to it to see if it’s [sufficiently] cooled or not.

         If you put [the starter] in when it’s [too] hot, it won’t be good, it won’t –

         It curdles.

         It curdles. You put the starter in. [Then] you take it and pour it into the churn

         to mix it up, and get some butter [out of it].

         [What kind of animals do you have?]

         Well, we have cattle.



         We have cattle. Oxen, we call them. Yes.


         Not only oxen–

         Both cows and oxen!

         We had both cows and oxen.

         And how did you call them [all]?

         We call them “cattle”.

         We call them “cattle”.

         [Are they difficult to look after?]

         Oh! Clearing up the garbage – you have to carry out the shit, to clean the stable,

         to take it off with – I loaded up boxes on the donkey to take

         manure out to the fields. That’s how it was. [And] children – when I go [with others] to reap

         I take them along. We had an old lame man – I take them

         to the fields and spread out a rug for them and wrap them up,

         and he’ll watch my back ( = the kids) [while] I reap in the moonlight.

         That was my lot. And you’ll go [out] in the morning to thresh

         after it’s piled. You reap [the grain], you pile it up, and go again to thresh it.

         You water down the threshing floor: we carry water on our shoulders to pour out.

         And then we sit down [to tie sheaves]. We make our own cords, you know.

         We pull out the longer ones of this, of what’s here

         Of the rye

         and you twist it into a cord. You put it (the stalks) [together]

          and when [the pile] fills up you tie it off.

         With how many cords?

         With a single one. A single cord.

         [Is the straw you make from rye bigger than that from wheat?]

         [Straw] from rye is bigger. That from rye is bigger.

         [It’s] for the livestock.

         For the livestock. We grind it. It gets fine when we thresh it.

         Right. We take it and load it into what we call a net bag

         and carry it into the loft, and then feed [it to] the livestock.

         [How do you call the smallest particles that are left (after threshing)?]

         Chaff. Chaff.


         Chaff. We call it chaff.


         Right. We gather it up into bags because it is so tiny. Yes.

         [And the chaff from oats?]

         The chaff from oats is the same as the other kind.

         [What did you used to do with it?]

         Well, we filled pillows [with it] in the old days, now we buy soft ones.

         [And did you grow hemp?]

         [Yes] we swingle hemp. [First] I go to harvest [stalks],

         then you’ll put them in а soaking place to soak them.

         [Then] you’ll come to swingle them. You’ll put [the result]

         on these long – I’ll make – we’ll wind it on distaffs,

         spin it, and make [of it] what we used to call hemp rugs.

         And bags.

         Yes, and bags. And the – We pounded the rest of it

         and made it into bags. We make hemp rugs from it

         we would fill the insides with straw and make mattresses.

         [Even] now?


         [With] what?

         You harvest it and soak it in the soaking place; it sits there a week.

         Then you go to wash it and [when] it dries we swingle it again.

         We have – sometimes we use [what’s called] a swingle. It’s, uh, wood

          on the side [unintelligible]

         There's an iron piece attached at the side and you hold on to a handle

         We have [unintelligible] – prepared with it.

         I was swingling [just] now, and I have a whole distaff-ful of it now.

         Uh huh.


         [It’s] a swingle

         It’s called a swingle. A swingle. And we swingle with it. You beat and beat,

          and you make them into a distaff-ful [of hemp]. Then you put it again on a board

          to pound it, so as to get the swingling-tow to come out clean.

         Oh, we [even] have shirts from this [substance]. We weave it [for] shirts

         [How did you call this thing?]

         A swingle.

1 (b) [0:01]       əми л’ѐш’тə тека̀ е съ̀шту йа̀ ш’ə ти рəспра̀əм ка̀к сəм ўо̀дилə

2 (b) [0:04]       дə ўо̀рəм л’ъ̂̀штə сəга̀ зəбра̀ли смə ту̀кə мəга̀рету и

3 (b) [0:07]       и и тва̀ и кра̀вəтə и ка̀рəм деца̀тə дə ми ўо̀д’əт

4 (b) [0:11]       с углəфтъ̂̀ ги вѝкəм дə ми ўо̀д’əт и йа̀ ўо̀рəм по̀с’л’е

5 (b) [0:14]       ѐ ис плəнина̀тə əга̀ зѐт с на̀ч’у дə ти рəспра̀вəм на̀ч’у

6 (b) [0:18]       уп’ъ̂̀вəме то̀ə мо̀мченцену оп’ъ̂̀вəме и през едѝн мо̀с дə мѝн’е мəга̀рену

7 (b) [0:23]       и то̀ па̀днə пуд мо̀стə уддо̀лу ѐh бо̀ж’е кəкво̀ ста̀нə

8 (b) [0:28]       ш’е вəрвѝм дə ур’ѐм

9 (VZh)       [И какво стана?]

10 (b) [0:29]       мо̀мчету па̀днə и сə ис скъ̂̀сə углəфтъ̀ и па̀дна уддо̀лу

11 (b) [0:33]       тува̀ и ста̀на и утъ̂̀рнəə па̀к дə си прудəлж’е̂̀вəме дə урѐм

12 (b) [0:36]       ут’ѝдəме дə ур’ѐме кра̀вəтə ни ст’ѐлнə по̀чнə дə вəлѝ

13 (b) [0:40]       дə ур’ѐме тəко̀вə л’ъ̂̀штə

14 (a) [0:41]       дə лит’ѝ

15 (b) [0:42]       дə вəлѝ хъ̀

16 (b) [0:43]       н’а̀мə дə вѝкəш вəлѝ

17 (b) [0:43]       и по̀чнə [смях] по̀чнə дə л’ет’ѝ и а̀с ə крə

18 (a) [0:47]       дъ̀ж дъ̀ж

19 (b) [0:48]       дъ̀ш и сн’а̀к ла̀пəвицə [неразбрано]

20 (a) [0:49]       ла̀пəвицə гу вѝкаме

21 (VZh)       ъхъ̀

22 (b) [0:50]       и нѝе тəко̀ву нѝе тəко̀ву ѝкəм əми сега̀ вѝкəм на̀ско кəкво̀

23 (b) [0:52]       вѝкəм шə пра̀им сега̀ ѝкəм зѝ дъ̀ш’ и дəштер’ъ̂̀ мə беш’е

24 (b) [0:55]       сла̀гəм йеднѝ ч’ува̀л’ нə гəрбъ̂̀ привъ̀рзвəм нə кра̀вəтə во̀дим си

25 (b) [0:58]       ѐ пъ̀тиштə т’асни дув’ѐдəh сѝ йə стуйе̂̀ме ту̀кə ура̀ли ура̀луту стуйа̀

26 (b) [1:03]       бл’ѝзу два̀есе д’ѐнə пулувѝлу сə ко̀лко го сме пуура̀ли

27 (b) [1:06]       дру̀гуну нѐ е ура̀ту га̀ утѝдəм’е ута̀м с’ѐтн’е па̀к

28 (b) [1:10]       кра̀вəтə ми сə пə ут’ѐллə па̀к з дв’ѐ мəга̀ртъ ут’ѝдəме дə ур’ѐм

29 (b) [1:13]       сəс ə ѝмəhм’е ѝмəh тəкўо̀вə нə бра̀тə ж’ена̀ зəв’ѐдəh и

30 (b) [1:17]       па̀к с т’а̀hнуту мəга̀р’е и смо и с мо̀ту дə ўо̀д’им дə ур’ѐм

31 (VZh)       [Как се прави често мляко?]

32 (b) [1:21]       зə чə чъ̂̀стуну мл’а̀ку ду ѝмəhме кра̀ви дуйе̂̀hме ги дуйе̂̀hме кра̀вине

33 (b) [1:25]       ш’е ги свəр’ѝме ш’е гу уста̀им дə сə ист’ѝн’е ма̀лку

34 (b) [1:28]       ш’е ба̀рəме с пръ̀стə къ̀к се истѝнəлу ли е не лѝ е

35 (b) [1:32]       пəрл’ѝву ку гу сло̀жиш то е ста̀не пəра̀ти̭ку н’ѐмə

36 (b) [1:34]       сəсѝчə сə

37 (b) [1:34]       сəсѝчə сə и путква̀сиж гу ш’е з’ѐмеш’ фəв бурѝлуту дə сѝпеж

38 (b) [1:38]       дə гу бъ̂̀ркəш масло̀ ш’е иска̀рвəш тəка̀

39 (VZh)       [Какви животни имате?]

40 (b) [1:41]       əми ѝмəме гов’ъ̂̀да

41 (a) [1:43]       гов’ъ̂̀да

42 (VZh)       ка̀к

43 (b) [1:45]       гов’ъ̂̀да ѝмаме во̀луве ги ка̀зваме хъ̀

44 (VZh)       воло̀ве

45 (b) [1:47]       нѐ са̀мо во̀л

46 (b) [1:48]       и кра̀ви и во̀луве

47 (b) [1:48]       и кра̀ви и во̀луве ѝм’а̀hме

48 (VZh)       ка̀г ги вѝкахте т’а̀h

49 (a) [1:51]       ги вѝкəме гув’ъ̂̀дə

50 (b) [1:51]       вѝкəме ги гув’ъ̂̀дə

51 (VZh) [1:54]       [Трудно ли се гледат?]

52 (b) [1:52]       у̀ ш’ъ̀тəне буклу̀кə дə изнѝсəш лəйна̀тə сѝч’куну дə ч’ѝстиш’ убо̀рə

53 (b) [1:57]       дə гу ка̀рəш сəс ə ə̭днѝ сəндъ̀ци мəга̀ре сəм тува̀рилə дə ка̀рəм

54 (b) [2:00]       г’убр’ъ̂̀ нə нѝвəтə əм тəка̀ беше деца̀ кəт ѝдə дə ж’ъ̂̀нем’е

55 (b) [2:05]       ш’е ги вò̝д’əм ə ста̀р’ец им’е̂̀hме едѝн ку̀ц ш’е ги во̀д’əм

56 (b) [2:09]       нə н’ѝвəтə дə дə им пуст’ѐлим а̀л’иштету дə и ги зəвѝйеме

57 (b) [2:11]       и то̀ шə ме чу̀вə йа̀ ш’е жъ̂̀нə нə м’ѐсечи̭нкə

58 (b) [2:14]       тəкво̀ сəм ка̀рəлə и па̀к ш’ ѝдеш’ сутринтъ̂̀ дə дə вəрш’ѝйеш’

59 (b) [2:17]       куга̀ту склəд’ѐш’ ужъ̂̀неж гу ш’е гу клəд’ѐш’ д ѝдеш’ па̀г дə вəрш’ѝйеш’

60 (b) [2:21]       шə нəл’ѝвəш’ əрма̀нə ш’е но̀с’им нə рəмо̀ту во̀дə дə гу нəлѝйеме

61 (b) [2:25]       и и туга̀ ш’е нəс’а̀дəме ə нѝе си пра̀име вəж’ѐтə на̀ч’и

62 (b) [2:29]       утмъ̀кнеме ут тува̀ по̀ дъ̀лгу ут тува̀ дѐ е ту̀кə

63 (b) [2:32]       уд рəштъ̂̀

64 (b) [2:33]       и шə гу въ̀рж’еш’ вəж’ѐту и сла̀гəж гу и ту̀р’əш

65 (b) [2:35]       əга̀ сə нəпъ̀л’н’и въ̀рзувəж гу̭

66 (VZh) [2:37]       [С колко въжета?]

67 (b) [2:37]       əми с едно̀ с едно̀ въ̀ж’е

68 (VZh)       [Сламата от ръжта по едра ли е?]

69 (b) [2:39]       йѐдрə е ут та̀ə ръ̀ж’енəтə ръ̀ж’енəтə е по̀ йѐдрə

70 (a) [2:41]       па̀к на дубѝтəкə

71 (b) [2:42]       па̀к нə дубѝтә̥кə тъ̀й м’ѐлим’е йə ста̀вə сѝтнə коту йə вəрш’ѝйеме

72 (b) [2:46]       ъ̀ ка̀рəме вəрш’ѝйеме и нə кəд’ѐту вѝкəме вəрзо̀бол’е тува̀рəме

73 (a) [2:50]       и дука̀рвəме ф пл’ѐвн’əтə и hра̀ниме дубѝтəкə

74 (VZh)       [И как се казва на най-ситното което остава?]

75 (b) [2:52]       пл’əвъ̀ пл’əвъ̀

76 (VZh)       ка̀к

77 (b) [2:53]       пл’əвъ̀ йə вѝкəме пл’əвъ̀

78 (a)       [неразбрано]

79 (b) [2:55]       hа̀ нѝе йə сəбѝрəме ф ч’у̀ва̀ли о̀ти е сѝтəнкə да̀

80 (VZh)       [Какво правеха с нея?]

81 (b) [2:58]       ут ув’ѐсə пл’əвъ̂̀тə та̀ə е съ̀штəнə кво̀ну и дру̀гəнə

82 (VZh)       [Какво правехте с нея?]

83 (b) [3:01]       əми пъ̀лнеhме ги вə̀зглəвници и дру̀гуш пəк сега̀ м’ъ̂̀ки ги купо̀вəме

84 (VZh)       [А коноп оглеждахте ли?]

85 (b) [3:04]       ш’е м’ѐнем’е гъ̂̀рсници ш’е ѝдə дə ги умъ̂̀кнə

86 (b) [3:06]       ш’е ги ту̀риш фəф фəф тупѝлуту дə ги ква̀сиш’

87 (b) [3:09]       ш’е до̀йдеж дə ги м’ѐниш ш’е гу сто̀риш’

88 (b) [3:11]       нə тəкѝвə дъ̀лги ш’е ги пра̀йə ш’е гу нəвѝвəме нə фу̀рки

89 (b) [3:14]       ш’е гу пр’ед’ѐм тə пра̀виме про̀стури гу ка̀звəhме

90 (a) [3:17]       и ч’ува̀ли

91 (b) [3:18]       хъ̀ и ч’у̀ва̀ли пəг дрə дру̀гуту гу ч’у̀кəhме

92 (b) [3:21]       па̀к и гу пра̀веhме зə ч’у̀ва̀л’и и пра̀вим ут т’ѝйə про̀стури

93 (b) [3:24]       пъ̀л’неhме ги сла̀мə въ̀тре тə пра̀виме д’ïш’ѐци

94 (VZh)       сега̀

95 (b) [3:27]       да̀

96 (VZh)       какво̀

97 (b) [3:28]       мъ̂̀кне се и се ква̀си фəф ə туп’ѝлуту сед’ѝ əднъ̀ с’ѐдмицə

98 (b) [3:32]       и си од’иш дə гу измѝйеж’ дə исъ̀hн’е и м’ѐнеме го па̀к

99 (b) [3:35]       нə ѝмəме си̭ н’а̀вгə нə м’елицə нѝе ъ̀ дъ̀рву

100 (a) [3:38]       ут страна̀

101 (b) [3:39]       утстрəн’ѝ ѝмə ж’ѐл’езу фко̀пч’ену тəка̀ ми ə ту̀кə дръ̀шкəтə дəрж’ѝш’

102 (b) [3:42]       и н’ѐ имəме [неразбрано] ст’а̀гəни сəс нѐйə

103 (b) [3:45]       йе̂̀ сəм м’ъ̂̀нəлə йе̂̀ сега̀ сəм сəс пув’а̀смуту сега̀

104 (a) [3:48]       əмhəм

105 (b) [3:49]       хъ̀

106 (a) [3:49]       м’ѐлницə

107 (b) [3:50]       м’ѐницə сə ка̀звə м’ѐницə м’ѐнеме нə н’ѐгə тра̀каш тра̀каш

108 (b) [3:53]       иска̀рваж ги пувесма̀тə па̀к ш’е гу ту̀риш’ нə əднъ̂̀ дъ̂̀скə

109 (b) [3:56]       дə гу ч’у̀кəш дə му изл’ѐзе пуздеръ̀ дə ста̀не ч’ѝсту

110 (b) [3:58]       о̀ ѝмəме рѝзи пра̀вим ут тəкѝвə тка̀еме рѝзи

111 (VZh)       [Как го каза това нещо?]

112 (b) [4:01]       м’ѐлицə

Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

Text | by Dr. Radut