Čokmanovo 2
1 (b) kugàtu lètneš'e dɔ̀š màlku nìje izlìzəhme nəgòre tə nəhòdəhme gɔ̀bi
When it would rain a bit, we’d go out up there and look for mushrooms.
2 (b) jəd'ɛ̀hme gi pɔ̀rž'ehme gi sə zvɛ̀hme gi sərn'èli
We’d eat them, we’d fry them, we called them “surneli” (parasol mushrooms).
3 (VZh) [Други гъби имаше ли?]
[Were there other mushrooms?]
4 (b) ìmə i drùgi gɤ̀bi kutrìtu sə jəd'ɛ̀hə nìj gi kàzvəhme č'ervenùš'ki
There are other mushrooms which people ate. We called them “blood redcaps”.
5 (b) t'ɛ̀ izlìzət fəf nuèmvri dekèmvri kugàtu sə nəpujì hùbəvu zem'ɔ̀nə
They come up in November or December, when the ground is well watered
6 (b) də stàne vlàžnə tugàf izlìzət pr'ez dekèmri m'ɛ̀sec
so it gets moist. They come up then, in the month of December.