Village Image:

strike 3pl pres P | church.bell pl f def | go 1pl pres P | to | church sg f | return 1pl pres P | acc refl clt | from | there adv |
hort | to | drum pl m def | drum 3pl pres I | fut | go 1pl pres P | to | round. dance sg n def | to | river sg f def |
and | sg n | and | sg n | thus adv | acc refl clt | 3sg pres aux clt | do sg n L.part I | one sg n adj | time sg n |
arrange 1pl impf I | egg pl n def | again adv | 1pl pres aux clt | entire sg m adj | fast sg m | fast pl L.part P |
and | 1pl pres aux clt | go pl L.part I | comp | dig 1pl pres I | comp | make 1pl pres P | road sg m def | there adv | comp | work 1pl pres I |
toward | Razlog sg n adj | toward | Godlevo sg n adj | road sg m def | and | dig 1pl pres I | gravel sg m | there adv |
and | go 1pl pres I | with | mint sg f | with | sauerkraut sg m | potato pl n | dig 1pl pres I | there adv | entire sg m adj | day sg m |
work 1pl pres I | all adv | with | lenten sg n adj | food sg n | later adv | already adv | when conj | come 3sg pres P | again adv | Easter sg m |
already adv | again adv | acc refl clt | dye 3pl pres I | red pl adj | egg pl n | again adv | acc refl clt | 1pl pres P |
who sg m interr | dat refl clt | something sg n | slaughter 3sg pres P | go 1pl impf I | by | guest pl m |
to | godfather pl m def | fut | go 2sg pres P | to | guest pl m | fut | go 3pl pres P | godmother sg f def | to | godfather pl m def |
there adv | already adv | acc refl clt | lamb sg n | slaughter 3sg pres P | eat 3sg pres I | acc refl clt | drink 3sg pres I | acc refl clt |
again adv | acc refl clt | sg n | dance 3sg pres I | ost | thus adv | 3sg impf cop |
Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
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Recommended Model for Citations
Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)