All Tokens

Token ID Meaning Case Number Gender Definiteness Person Verb Form Aspect Particle Clitic Deictic Other Pragmatic Lexeme
b'e 21765 3sg impf cop съм
b'e 22823 adrs бе
b'èlim 31515 peel 1pl pres I беля
b'eše 9791 3sg impf cop съм
b'ex 62475 1sg impf cop съм
b'è 29613 adrs бе
b'èb'i 27472 baby sg n
b'èdnu 31672 poor sg n adj беден
b'èhme 25231 1pl impf cop съм
b'èki 31112 as.if adv белки
b'èl'i 21813 white pl adj бял
b'èš'i̥ 21063 3sg impf cop съм
b'èše 18395 3sg impf cop съм
b'èše̥ 8058 3sg impf aux съм
b'èši 21549 3sg impf cop съм
b'èši̥ 8636 3sg impf cop съм
b'èx 15226 1sg impf cop съм
b'èxmi 19613 1pl impf cop съм
b'è̝hme 11696 be 1pl impf cop съм
b'è̝še 11692 be 3sg aor съм
b'ùulcətə 9799 water.buffalo f def
b'ɛ̀š'e 26701 3sg impf cop съм
b'ɛ̀še 24519 3sg impf cop съм
ba 17695 adrs бе
ba 45014 [ … ] .
ba 55841 disc ба
baa 62040 3pl impf aux съм
bab 53928 grandmother sg f баба
baba 32154 grandmother sg m баба
bàbe 43873 grandmother pl f баба
bàbici 33774 stuffed.tripe pl f бабица
bàbici 64906 grandmother pl f бабица
bàbicìse 64921 grandmother pl f def prox бабица
bàbicənə 47319 old.woman sg f def dist бабица
bàbincki 66710 grandmother's pl adj бабински
babo 52670 grandmother voc sg f баба
bàbo 60891 old.woman voc sg f баба
bàča 57391 brother acc sg m бачо
bàče 57090 brother sg m бачо
bačìi 17310 pl f бачия


Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut